Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 355

Originally, Ji Ying also arranged some other song and dance activities, but the fire dance tried. The presence, including Ji Xun, only felt a great loss of face and asked to leave. There was no choice but to carry out the last thing in advance, that is, to talk about the pindan conference.

"According to my father\'s decree, this pindan meeting and competition to move the island need to preserve the local context of the island connection without damaging anything. Go down and get ready for life." because of the fire dance, Ji Ying knew that everyone was eager to leave. Ji Ying didn\'t say much. After a brief introduction, she allowed you to leave.

It\'s not a popular picture of the four seas. People\'s faces are different. Wu Yi\'s face is as plain as water, but he thinks about it in his heart. Even he, who doesn\'t know much about foreign affairs, knows this statement. It can be seen that the rumor has spread far. Which hand is behind it. Maybe it\'s all secret. He can see a trace only at the beginning of the pindan conference.

A banquet ended halfway down the mountain, causing people to speculate. Those friars who were fascinated by the magic of fire dance and were embarrassed kept silent. Female friars disdained to say it. Wu Yi would not be bored enough to publicize this. Wouldn\'t he be causing trouble for himself.

A weird party, and finally several versions came out.

Among them, there may be only one winner, that is Ji Ying. With the charm of fire dance, at least she can see who can\'t attract and who is worth attracting.

At the foot of the mountain, a girl came to Wu Yi and said that Princess Xinyi had an invitation, which attracted the people around her to look at her. If she was later, Wu Yi might leave the imperial envoy flying boat.

Wu Yi has a guess about the idea of Princess Xinyi, but she is not sure. Princess Xinyi sent her men to say this in front of everyone. Is this going to pull Wu Yi into her chariot?

Wu Yi stood still and said, "there are still important things in the sect, and I\'m sorry I can\'t invite you."

The woman seemed to have anticipated Wu Yi\'s answer, and laughed, "don\'t be suspicious." Your Highness says that you have something else on it, please get it back.

Wu Yi joked. Naturally, he didn\'t believe this statement. The friar never forgets everything. He should feel everything. If he lost something, he wouldn\'t know what the hell Ji Ying was doing.

However, it\'s enough to prevaricate others. Wu Yi thought for a moment and said, "that\'s good." then he returned to the top of the mountain with nvji.

Jixun behind him shouted, "brother Tao, I\'ll wait for you on the flying boat." Wu Yi turned and nodded, indicating that he already knew.

Back to the calm mirror like Lake, the wind blows the lotus leaves, the lotus blossoms are in full bloom, the mud is not dyed, and the clean ripples are not demons. It is beautiful.

The girl sent Wu Yi here and said, "the princess is waiting for you under the lake." then she stepped back slowly.

Wu Yi looks down at the lake. He should be protected by the Dharma array. He can\'t see the situation clearly. He sits on the lotus leaf at the front and doesn\'t pay too much attention. Now he feels it\'s not simple.

Seeing the lake, or being fascinated by the Dharma array arranged here, Wu Yi thought about how to escape if he was trapped. Wu Yi stood where he was for half an hour.

"Why, don\'t you dare to go down?" a seductive voice came. Wu Yi knew it was the fire dance that performed the heaven demon dance before.

Wu Yi closed his eyes, deduced the operation of the array, and said faintly, "why, haven\'t you learned a lesson?"

Huo Wu made a pitiful appearance and said wrongly, "young master, you are so cruel that you have hooked the soul of others, but now you don\'t want others."

Although the first half of the sentence is pun, at least one layer of meaning is true, while the second half of the sentence is all nonsense. Wu Yi is too lazy to argue with her. Although she is under the control of Ji Ying, if she was in the wilderness, Wu Yi would have killed her long ago.

"Heartless man." Huowu can become the chief dancer of the Dragon Palace, and her charm is still perfect. Even if she closes her eyes, Wu Yi can\'t help but think of Huowu with her lips and charming. Wu Yi\'s mind can easily calm it together, which can\'t affect Wu Yi\'s knowledge of the sea.

Huowu ignores Wu Yi when she sees her. She hums and walks up to the lotus leaves. The lotus leaves pose a strange array, the array lines flicker, and a waterway appears in front of Wu Yi.

"Aren\'t you in yet? The princess is waiting for you." Huowu sees that Wu Yi in the rear is still motionless and asks. This array changes all the time. You don\'t enter at this time. You can enter only after you break it yourself.

Wu Yi remained silent.


Wu Yi is the only one left on the lake.

One hour, two hours, until the evening, the sun was hazy. Wu Yi just opened his eyes and emitted a light. The lake Dharma array has been seen through by Wu Yi.

Turning the deduction in his mind into practice, Wu Yi moved the lotus leaf and tried it once. However, the second time, Wu Yi saw the waterway exposed on the water surface, showed a smile and walked down.

After Wu Yi entered, the waterway gradually disappeared with the evolution of the array. What Wu Yi didn\'t know was that what disappeared was not only the waterway at the bottom of the lake, but also the lotus leaves and blooming lotus on the lake.

Wu Yi\'s painstaking deduction for several hours seems to have become useless.

Wu Yi crossed the short waterway and came to the bottom of the lake. The abundance of inspiration here is no less than that of Shige.

It should be noted that the historical records can also absorb the aura and keep the mysterious meaning. Although the Shige is a place for collecting books, if it is richer than the aura, it may not be inferior to the so-called blessed places in the cave.

Wu Yi holds the running water and dives down. There is a crystal palace below. It is made of crystal. It is extremely beautiful. The pearl is the decoration and the Lingbei is the step. The weak sunlight shines down. It is gorgeous and colorful.

Before Wu Yi came to the Crystal Palace, there were several strange symbols on the plaque, which Wu Yi couldn\'t recognize. It was like a dragon. It should be the words of the dragon family, but observing its mysterious meaning was nothing more than the territory of someone of the dragon family.

"Boom -" the door of the Crystal Palace suddenly opened, and a girl stood every other meter. Wu Yi passed by. At that time, they bowed to Wu Yi, making Wu Yi look like the master.

What on earth is Ji Ying thinking? Wu Yi\'s mind reappears this idea. It seems that the situation is not quite the same as what he thought.

When Wu Yi sees Ji Ying, she sits high on a chair made of Wanzai xuanbing, playing with a small snow colored pot in her hand.

The mouth of the snow pot is thin and narrow. The runes on it flow like snow. It is carved with the pattern of dragon. A pair of eyes are bright and bright. The dragon\'s power is contained without hair. To Wu Yi\'s surprise, the smell of glass dragon is very similar to that of Ji Ying.

Ji Ying, is it the body of the dragon?