Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 356

After Wu Yi entered the Crystal Palace, the door of the Crystal Palace slammed shut, and the internal lake gradually penetrated into the ground. It was no different from land. Wu Yi seemed to be trapped in a transparent palace.

From inside to outside, you can see fish playing with shrimp, water and grass floating, a peaceful scene.

Wu Yi waited for a moment. Seeing that Ji Ying still didn\'t mean to speak, his eyebrows became more and more tangled, and his patience gradually dissipated.

"Taoist friends invited me here. Aren\'t you going to say anything?" he seemed to be trapped in the Crystal Palace, but not to mention the Baize beast map presented by Baize. He couldn\'t hide inside the beads, and Ji Ying couldn\'t break the beads\' shelter. Therefore, Wu Yi was calm and had no sense of tension.

When Ji Ying heard Wu Yi\'s words, the corners of her mouth rose. Finally, she took the lead in opening her mouth. She put the snow pot in her hand beside her and said plainly, "didn\'t your maid talk to you? Taoist friend forgot to take something back."

"I don\'t know what it is, why I don\'t know?" Wu Yi joked.

Ji Ying shouted back, "don\'t come out soon."

A woman in a big red silk skirt walked out, graceful and graceful. She bowed to Wu Yi. Her eyes were as beautiful as silk. She was the main dancer of the previous sky demon dance, fire dance.

Wu Yi was completely expressionless and said, "you should know that I\'m not interested in this. In this case, I\'m sorry to leave." he bowed his hands and walked out.

"Do Taoist friends think Huowu is humble? Although she wanders around the land of fame and wealth, Huowu is also a pure and clean body. Taoist friends really have no intention."

Wu Yi turns a deaf ear and continues to walk outside the door, reaching out to push the door.

"Taoist friends are true friars." Ji Ying exclaimed, and stopped talking about sending fire dance to Wu Yi. She knew that she had to point out her true intention, otherwise Wu Yi would really leave. She said: "in fact, there is another thing to invite Taoist friends today."

Wu Yi continued to push the door and opened it half way. The lake water from the outside poured into the house. Wu Yi was surrounded by dansha. The lake water was close and flowing away.

"If it works, I can\'t say I will become the first female dragon king of the dragon family." Ji Ying said faintly, but it was as shocking as a stone.

Wu Yi\'s eyes suddenly flashed a fine light, and his actions then stagnated for a moment. He always talked about the other party\'s benefits in order to finally reach a plan that is more beneficial to him. Where did he tell others his bottom line at the beginning, isn\'t he in trouble?

Wu Yi turned around, looked at Ji Ying and asked, "what\'s good for me?"

Ji Ying seemed to have expected the result. She pointed out the information she had collected one by one and said, "you were originally a child of a family. Because of the dust of the king, you got into the Taoist school. Because of your unique talent, your cultivation was far better than that of your peers. Later, you looked into the inner door from the same airway in Liucheng. It is reasonable to say that the ladder of heaven passed directly. Even if you can\'t get a professor from immortal Yuanying, it\'s OK to learn from the three major monks of Jindan." she sighed, Seems to be regretting for Wu Yi.

Wu Yi knew that she was going to lower the price. Without its interference, he said faintly, "you know a lot."

"But you were finally recruited as a disciple by zhitianxuan. Although zhitianxuan\'s cultivation is advanced, the immortal road has been destroyed. After you started, you were only asked to copy some historical books and didn\'t give you Taoist magic power."

"Daoyou\'s intelligence work is good."

"Now, zhitianxuan has turned to practice Shinto, and the Taoist friends have lost their support in the sect door. In addition, due to the teacher\'s respect, the relationship between xuanshangzhen and Zhishi is not mu, and the Taoist friends have become unstable in the sect door."

"Taoist friends seem to have a deep understanding of my Qi sect. So you can see that although I am not mu with Zhi, I can be a teacher and apprentice, can\'t I?"

It is well known that one master and one apprentice fight with one aristocratic family, but under the maintenance of various system patterns, they fight without breaking. Instead, they make people feel competitive and eventually promote each other. Unlike some sects, they finally split their sects and greatly lose their strength.

"My Taoist friends don\'t seem to be people who want to depend on others." Ji Ying smiled brightly and said, "it seems to be similar to me."

Wu Yi looked up to the sky and laughed. He shrunk a cold light from the bottom of his eyes and said, "Taoist friends overestimate me. I only practice Taoism to return home in royal clothes and grow a long face in front of my father and brother."

"If you want to get a preliminary position in the sect, you must be promoted to the top ten disciples. After 50 years, Taoist friends may not be willing to wait so long.

Even if you wait for the battle among the top ten disciples, when the truth falls, if your opponent holds the master\'s Xuanqi or even Taoist Qi, you can deal with it. "

"So, Taoist friends are going to send Taoist weapons to the next party."

Wu Yi joked, but unexpectedly, Ji Ying looked positive and replied, "if you have this ability, what if you take the Taoist instrument that appears this time?"

If there is a real imperial envoy in the cave sky, it is not inferior to the ordinary cave sky, and there are old monsters like Baize for many years. I\'m afraid the idle immortal cave sky is not his opponent.

This is a treasure that can suppress the good fortune of one place and one faction. After knowing the news, Wu Yi told Wu Yi with his hands. If it is true or false, Wu Yi will have a question mark in his heart. Even if Ji Ying can\'t get it by herself, why did he choose Wu Yi who hasn\'t seen her for a long time.

Seeing Wu Yi\'s face full of suspicion, Ji Ying was not annoyed and asked, "do you know the map of the world?"

"The map of the four seas, the most precious treasure of the dragon family, is that you plan to give it to me." Wu Yi sneered.

"Although Taoist wares are precious, there are still hundreds of them with the abundance of products from all over the world and the accumulation of tens of thousands of years. At that time, even if it\'s a gift to Taoist friends," Ji Ying said proudly.

The way of choice. If she gives up, she will think of a bigger choice. What does Ji Ying want? Wu Yi\'s knowledge of the sea soon after Qingming seems to be in chaos again. It\'s really not a simple thing to deal with Ji Ying, the Dragon woman who controls the aquarium intelligence system.

If this is done, I will be the first female dragon king of the dragon family. Suddenly, Ji Ying\'s recent words resounded in Wu Yi\'s knowledge of the sea. Wu Yi asked, "you want me to win the four seas map for you."

"No, you just need to pave the way for me." Ji Ying\'s eyes are bright and confident. Wu Yi is also moved by the desire for control revealed in her words.

"Taoist friends might as well speak more clearly."

"This pindan conference takes moving mountains as the assessment. It is moving mountains in the four seas map."

"The four seas map is always in the charge of the Dragon King. How do you get it?"

"This doesn\'t bother Taoist friends."

Wu Yi frowned and said, "it seems that my so-called Taoist instrument is just the moon in the water."