Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 354

After the flag was encouraged, a dry aquarium boy bowed down and everyone applauded ceremoniously. Although the performance was really good, there was a little sense of killing and cruelty, just a smile for the audience.

It is said that the flag held at the Dragon King\'s birthday banquet encouraged thousands of troops to fight. That is the real scene and visual carnival.

The silk and bamboo start, the orchestral strings sound, the two teams of women\'s clothes flutter, barefoot step on the waves, cross and walk, charming appearance one by one, light gauze covers the body, the navel can be seen, and private places can be seen when dancing.

However, I don\'t know who designed the dance. It\'s extremely ingenious. Whenever the dancers are about to be exposed, another person suddenly blocks the eyes of the people present. Therefore, although the dance is a erotic dance, I\'m afraid there is no one who really sees the beauty.

"Heaven Devil Dance." Wu Yi recognized the name of this dance and couldn\'t help but get the Tao. The Taoist sect resolutely resisted this dance. However, some Taoist sects kept Meiji in private and closed the door themselves. No one could know it. As long as it wasn\'t too much, the religious sect would turn a blind eye.

Ji Xun gave Wu Yi a thumbs up and said, "brother Dao, you have a good eye. It is said that the person who is the main dancer this time is the fire dance girl, the chief dancer of the Dragon Palace. You can finally feast your eyes."

Looking at Ji Xun\'s happy eyes, Wu Yi is also curious about the main dancer who has not yet appeared.

Suddenly, all the women rotate together, like flying butterflies, slender jade fingers, Yingying soft waist and Yingying jade feet. It seems that they are all combined together, which makes people dazzled and dazzled.

Thousands of ribbons flew out and covered everyone\'s eyes. When the ribbons were flying and falling, a woman stepped on the ribbon and appeared in the hot eyes of everyone.

This woman seems to be the fire dance, Wu Yi said.

She wore a big red silk skirt with a low neckline, revealing a plump chest, with a face like hibiscus, eyebrows like willows and skin like snow. A black hair was tied into a high bun, the South China Sea Pearl all over the head shone a dazzling light in the sun, the bright red lips rose slightly, and the flirtatious Danfeng eye threw a wink at everyone present.

Wu Yi thought: what a beautiful woman.

The sound of silk and bamboo has become chaotic, just like watching people\'s fluctuating minds. There is the beauty of stillness and chaos. The fire dance steps are disorderly and do not become a dance step, but it inadvertently stirs a crowd of heartstrings in the name of heavenly demon erotic dance.

Xi Shi is extremely beautiful. Even if she frowns, people will feel pity and don\'t feel tired. Imitating others is said to be a joke through the ages. This fire dance is also general.

Wu Yi looked at it for a while. His eyes were clear. He just had to temper his heart. He picked up the wine cup in his hand and drank it down.

Suddenly, Wu Yi noticed a gust of fragrance blowing his face and looked down. It turned out that fire dance appeared in front of him.

"Childe, why don\'t you ask your maid to pour wine for you?" Huo Wu picked up the wine pot and sent out soft waxy words, which is really hard to push away.

Wu Yi said with a smile, "thank you for your kindness, girl. It\'s just --" as Wu Yi said, the rhyme of the avenue of tranquility flashed by. There was no fire dance in front of him. He was carrying a wine pot. Before, it was just magic. Of course, more accurately, it was flattering.

Looking around, not everyone is as unaffected by flattery as Wu Yi. Just like Ji Xun around Wu Yi, he is pouring wine and drinking heavily at the same time?

While drinking, he said, "I\'m ashamed of the beauty of Huowu girl." he said so, and still drank in a big way.

Looking around, except for a few female nuns, almost all of them looked like debauchery.

Wu Yi can see that she rejects the dance when she glimpses the face of Yun Chen.

Shi Yunchen sensed Wu Yi\'s eyes. Looking back, he saw that Wu Yi could not be affected by the flattering art of fire dance. He couldn\'t help but pull Wu Yi three points higher in his heart. However, when he saw that Wu Yi still looked at the fire dance, he couldn\'t help humming softly.

Friar Wu Yi, who cultivates flattering skills, has met many people, not only kundao, but also some men who pay attention to appearance. Of course, some men practice flattering skills for the sake of Huang Chi\'s way and practicing Yin and evil.

But so far, Wu Yi has only suffered losses under one person. That is, Hua Jingyi, who appeared at the scene during the battle of the top ten disciples, almost broke Wu Yi\'s Taoist heart. However, Wu Yi\'s cultivation at that time was just the beginning of foundation building. If he saw Hua Jingyi again, Wu Yi might not be as miserable as he was at the beginning.

Fire dance is like a drunken imperial concubine. Her body fluctuates and trembles. Her loose clothes droop and may fall down at any time. People can\'t help but want to know what kind of natural creature is wrapped inside.

The body revolved. With hazy eyes, Huowu looked around and saw a drunken appearance. A proud smile appeared at the corners of her mouth. Ji Ying hired her with a lot of money to test which of these people were stable and supportive, but unexpectedly, they were all incompetent people.

Until, Huowu saw Wu Yi sitting on the lotus leaf and enjoying himself with Qingming eyes.

There are men who are not intoxicated by my dancing. Huowu was surprised. Except for a man with strong cultivation like the Dragon King, which man didn\'t shine when he saw her.

"Let\'s see how long you can bear it?" a coquettish flame pattern appeared on Huowu\'s forehead, the willow leaf hanging tip eyebrows bent, the Danfeng eyes narrowed slightly, and the smile at the corner of her mouth was even more subtle.

Wu Yi is enjoying the dance. A red flame suddenly rises in front of him. There is no blazing meaning at all. On the contrary, it is extremely gentle. It is as soft as a woman\'s skin. People can\'t help touching it. Of course, Wu Yi just looks at it.

Under Wu Yi\'s gaze, the flame has changed a little, becoming more and more like a person and fire dance. Moreover, this "Fire Dance" changed from the flame removes armor in front of Wu Yi.

If it\'s a real person, Wu Yi might as well play with her. Since it\'s a creation, what\'s the difference between it and magic.

The white eye in Wu Yi\'s eyes disappeared and became extremely deep, and a strong suction was emitted from it. The flame had little resistance, so it was absorbed into the pupil by Wu Yi\'s nether magic eye.

"Ah -" the soul of fire dance was in pain and exclaimed. The seemingly disordered and rhythmic footsteps really made a mistake and woke up a group of people who were addicted to flattery.

Ji Xun puffed out the wine he had just poured into his stomach. His clothes were dirty and his eyes were stunned. He didn\'t seem to believe what had happened to him. Wu Yi couldn\'t help laughing.

Mei Shu is invisible. No one in the audience knows that Wu Yi broke Huowu\'s Mei Shu. Ji Ying\'s eyebrows and eyes flashed a little puzzled. Let\'s not mention it for the moment. After preparing to ask Huowu, Huowu asked to leave, so she granted her request.

However, when Huowu left, his eyes inadvertently passed Wu Yi, and he didn\'t dare to stay on Wu Yi for long, for fear of meeting Wu Yi\'s deep eyes again.