Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 353

Two days later.

Panlonghai, Xinyi island.

On the shallow reef, there are flying palaces and cloud palaces, with mysterious cars and chariots. Compared with Wu Yi\'s flying boats, they are just middle and upper. Some cloud palaces are as big as a small town and magnificent. I don\'t know which children borrowed their elders\' cars.

Hundreds of female girls either stand near the shoal, or stand according to the mountain trend, or wait on both sides of the mountain road, spread different flowers and colored ribbons one after another, a prosperous scene.

As the master, Princess Xinyi stands on the top of the mountain, with strong wind blowing and hunting in her clothes. She is as elegant as a fairy in the turbid world, which is very different from other girls.

Ji Ying looked down at the many monks under her. They all came because of themselves. Yun from the album only felt great pride and said in her heart: who says women are not as good as men? I must let my father know that I am better than my brothers.

"Princess, can we start?" when Ji Ying\'s mind was myriad, a voice came from behind, but her close maid came to ask.

Ji Ying looked back, pressed down the surging mood in her heart and asked, "are the guests here?"

"Generally speaking, GUI Youren and other people of the turtle family suddenly sent a letter from the flying fish, saying that it was difficult for the third prince Sheng to invite, but it was difficult to get away."

Ji Ying\'s beautiful eyebrows wrinkled and said, "third brother, isn\'t he guarding the coastal waters of Southern Xinjiang?"

The maid reminded, "the third prince returned a few days ago. It is said that he has made outstanding contributions to thousands of miles."

"Oh, no wonder you dare to rob my guests." Ji Ying was unhappy and said, "just don\'t come if you don\'t come."

On Xinyi Island, at the top of the mountain is a lake, hundreds of feet around. There is a gap, which falls down, forming a small waterfall.

Countless lotus leaves are planted in the lake. They are as big as a mat, level with the water surface, and have fine roots. They can float everywhere when they encounter water. People sit on them. There are all kinds of melons, fruits and wine on the lotus leaves, which are fragrant and charming. Some familiar monks have talked about food.

Not counting the maidservants serving, there are dozens of guests, representing the top group of the new generation of Jindan friars. Most of them come from big families and have first-class strength. They are Ji Ying\'s guests.

Ji Ying stepped on the water, her clothes were floating, leaving a string of fragrance. She came to the chairman, which was actually a relatively large lotus leaf, showing an equal status.

Among the dozens of people present, Wu Yi got the painting and shadow images given to him by nvji. Although he had never dealt with the vast majority of people, he was also basically clear about their identity. There were not only daomen and aquarium, but also witches and land monsters.

Ji Ying has a wide range of friends and deserves her reputation.

Wu Yi looked at Jixun, who was also one of the few people he knew, and said, "Jixun, what\'s the agenda for this banquet?"

In other words, Ji Xun didn\'t know that Wu Yi had come here if it weren\'t for the war before Wu Yi, let alone come to meet him.

Jixun was surprised to hear Wu Yi\'s words and said, "Taoist brother, don\'t you know?"

Wu Yi said, "when I met the friend of lingxu gate on the road, Yunchen said he was invited to a fun place. As for more, I don\'t know."

Ji Xun looked back at Wu Yi with admiration and said, "Princess Xinyi has always been loved by the Dragon King. This time, I\'m taking advantage of Princess Xinyi to announce the matters of the pindan conference."

Wu Yi showed clear eyes and continued to ask, "in your opinion, how will the Dragon King make a decision?"

Ji Xun said: "in the past, the pill tasting meeting either took thousands of copper beads with dansha, or moved mountains with dansha. It is clear and clear that the strong wins. It can\'t be fake. This round of pill tasting meeting should also be about this."

Ji Xun had a good grasp of his words. He seemed to say a lot, but he didn\'t reveal anything important.

Wu Yi raised his eyebrows and stopped playing riddles with Ji Xun. He said bluntly, "I heard that the Dragon King intends to test the four seas map. What do you think of how much sea water people can take? It\'s kind of credible."

The four seas map is the cardinal of the four seas. With a little shaking, you can borrow the power of the four seas. It has great power that is difficult to measure. After understanding the theory of heaven and earth air transport artifact, Wu Yi is convinced that this four seas map is one of the heaven and earth air transport artifact in the boundless world, and it is also an important reason why the dragon family has become a dry scale beetle in the world.

Ji Xun looked around and seemed surprised that Wu Yi said so in public. He stood up and said helplessly: "the Dragon King arranged that even my ancestors of crucian carp might not be able to hear the wind. Even if I said I would take the four seas map as the test topic, would you believe it?"

"Then who sent out the widely rumored statement?"

"Who knows, maybe someone wants to see the Legendary map of the four seas, the most precious treasure of the dragon family. If I have the opportunity, I also want to see the face of the sky." Ji Xun replied casually.

Wu Yi gave a sound, and he didn\'t know where to go.

At the beginning of the banquet, Ji Ying clapped her hands. All the songs and dances necessary for the banquet appeared. At first, dozens of majestic aquarium children, with hair tattoos, holding more than a dozen colored flags, carrying waist drums around their waist, beat violently, and issued bursts of yelling in their mouth. The sound was like a mountain collapse. The calm mountain top and lakes were surging around by the dry people, and the waves were everywhere.

However, the people present were not ordinary people. When the fierce water waves rushed around them, they were all transformed by an invisible force. If they were splashed on their faces later, they would inevitably attract a burst of ridicule from the people around them.

After making a noise about the water waves, more than ten people piled up into a giant. The patterns engraved on their bodies just turned into a strange and mysterious face, like the appearance of ancient strange animals. If they see it for a long time, they will inevitably be dazzled and seem to be swallowed by strange animals.

The rest of the aquarium children surrounded the "monster" and haunted the whale waves. They were full of changes. The light of the flag was blazing. It seemed that there were countless war spirits contained in it. One flag was one army.

This is the story of the aquarium\'s opening up the sea and seeking a place to live in the open sea before the performance for thousands of years. At that time, under the seabed, there were reckless and wasteful giants with unfathomable strength, occupying the seabed spirit vein with the most abundant aura.

Generally speaking, it has been thousands of years since the aquarium became the master of the sea area, but many wild giants that survived at the beginning of the birth of the vast world have not been eliminated. The power Yuanyang palace established by the descendants of zhifeizhishang also sought a glimmer of vitality in the cracks of the aquarium by sweeping away the wild giants.

The drums became more and more intense, and the roar of the "monster" became louder and louder. The flag sent out endless red awns, as if emerging from the sea of corpses and blood.

Finally, all the children of the aquarium pointed to the sky with flags. Suddenly, thunder sounded in the sunny sky, silver snakes danced, and strong winds rose everywhere, as if the sky had changed.

A thunderbolt fell and hit the "monster". The "monster" took advantage of the situation to separate, which means that the aquarium has won.