Deceive me, Marry me

v3 Chapter 12: showdown

Gongsun's gaze was fixed, and the hands hanging on both sides of his body shook his fist subconsciously, but soon calmed down: "The humble job didn't understand the meaning of the mother, and the humble job never went to the palace where Xiaowen lived!"

"Do you think I lied to you?" Queen Meng raised her eyebrows and sneered, "Although I am only Meng's pawn, it has something to do with their future. In particular, Her Majesty's pet Sister Shu, my aunt spent a lot of effort Only then did His Majesty reluctantly promise me to enter the Wangchun Palace! Once I have a three-length, two-short, even if there is a group of nieces waiting at home, Her Majesty will not agree to toss it again. It is important news, Meng may not tell me, let alone care about my thoughts, but they hope that the guards of the Spring Palace are very attentive! "

The queen raised her arm and pointed towards the gate of the palace. "The leader you saw the day before when you came to be a guard is my third brother, namely Zheng Guogong's son, and riding general Meng Boqin. He was born as a guard. Several years ago, my third brother was assassinated. He blocked my third brother with two stabs, fell dysentery, and did not stand the climate of the northern Xinjiang.

"It's just that even if dysentery is in the body, Wu Yi discounts a bit, but his eyesight doesn't fall behind the city government!"

"You are a close attendant to Mizhen. He never looked up from the Spring Palace, and he stared at you very closely."

"So you think that the guards on duty with you are usually rare in martial arts. Are the guards in Wangchun Palace so useless?"

"That was deliberately arranged to paralyze you!"

"The real masters are staring at you privately, just wondering if you would run around while doing a guard for me, or do something that is not good for Meng!"

Queen Meng said here in a breath, and her expression was a bit bitter, "I really didn't expect it ... I really want to help you avoid trouble, who knows, but it hurts you!"

"Since the mother-in-law has determined that the humble job is the so-called little prince, why not give it to Zheng Guogong for disposal?" Gongsun Xi listened silently, and the heart was killed several times in the middle, and there was the urge to slay the queen and fled. This will inevitably drag down Rong Sleeping Crane, and Wangchun Palace, as the queen's palace of all dynasties, is not as close to the corner of the imperial city as Leng Palace.

This place is inside the authentic deep palace, and there are many palaces blocking it in all directions.

Even if Gongsun Xihai was born, he is proficient in assassination and lurking. If he killed the queen, he would not be able to escape from here.

He turned his mind on for a moment, and decided to wait and see what happened, and he tempted, "Why do you have to force a lowly job to admit such a ridiculous thing?"

"... You are my life-saving benefactor." Queen Meng whispered a bitter sigh, and whispered a long time before whispering, "And I will never do anything to revenge!"

Gongsun Xi said with no expression: "On the day of the humble job, he was jumped into the lake to save people by the command of the county king, and the county king was worried about the Lord of Kangzhao County."

He rescued the queen only by the way. After all, Sheng Weiqiao had already been rescued by Gongsun Yingjiang, and Gongsun Yingjiang had no accidents during the entire rescue process. He easily dragged the apex of his boss to Tingzhou. He jumped into the lake horizontally and vertically, and Rong Sleeping Crane did not show any dislike for Queen Meng, so he dragged the Queen to Tingzhou.

Speaking of that day, he and Gongsun Yingjiang jumped into the lake following the quickest response, but the sailors on the dragon boats also followed. In the end, it was Meng's sister-in-law, the queen of the palace, and the people on the ship blocked the concubine and Zhaoyi from daring to rescue them. Where can the sailor over there dare to watch drowned before them?

Even without him, there were always others who saved the queen.

Because of having seen too many revenge on Grace, of course, Gongsun Xi did not take the queen's "repayment" to heart at all.

Even Queen Meng suggested that he come to Wangchun Palace to serve as a guard. He did not doubt that the Queen had no plans, but he also wanted to enter Miyagi, so he nodded while rubbing the river.

Gongsun Xi really does not feel that he has any kindness to the queen.

"I know." Queen Meng heard this, but didn't mean to be embarrassed, but nodded calmly. "You and I have never known each other, and I am not familiar with the King of Mizhen County. The son of King Gaomi, the Meng family from whom I came from, is still a political enemy. It would be strange if you and Mizhen rescued me specifically. "

She paused, faintly, "But in the final analysis, you pulled me ashore. So I will remember this kind of kindness after all."

Gongsun Xiyi couldn't predict her thoughts, and after thinking for a while, she cautiously said: "Then the mother now calls the humble job ... what exactly do you want to do?"

"You don't have to act lightly anymore." Queen Meng exhaled. "The alert in this palace is not as loose as you think! You don't want to think about it, if this palace is really negligent, you can walk around without knowing it." Can the nobles in Miyagi still fall asleep? As the saying goes, learning to martial arts and selling to the emperor's house, although the folk may not have superiors, but the best talented people in the world are probably in the DPRK. I know you Unusually comparable, but it's not me who hit you. You haven't been able to remain flawless under Meng's supervision. "

Seeing that Gongsun Xi was silent, she pinched her forehead with some tiredness. "The last time you ran to worship at the palace where Xiao Wenshi lived, I fool you, saying that I sent you to do that Yes, the reason is that I haven't slept well lately. I always dream of crying children in the palace over there ... I just want to send you to worship and ask for peace of mind. "

"The reason why I was looking for you instead of Meng's guard was because of the death of that little prince. My aunt, my uncle's grandmother, didn't take care of it. I was afraid that Meng's guard would go. Violent. "

"If someone asks you later, you can remember your confession and don't say anything."

When the queen said so, she quietly peeked at Gongsunxi's expression from her fingers to confirm his identity.

However, Gongsun Xi has always been expressionless, and only said lightly: "The mother has a good intention, and she has a sense of inferiority."

"What are you going to do next?" Queen Meng sighed in her heart, and said, "Although Meng's side has been fooled by me for a while, but this is just the right return of King Mizhen County. Now it is surrounded by the chapel. The enthusiastic quarrel of Gongsun's gang is so hot that Meng has no time to pay attention to this little thing for you ... I guess there is also Gaomi King, he should convince Zheng Guogong to believe that the little prince is gone? "

"Otherwise Zheng Guogong and they ... you should know that although there is no child under his knees, neither the King of Gaomi nor the Meng family would want the little prince strangled by the nursing mother to survive. After all, you and either party It ’s not intimacy. "

The queen waved her hand to interrupt the explanation that Gongsun Xi was about to export, "I know you have a good relationship with Mizhen, but Mizhen is only the son of Gaomi King, not Gaomi King. Gaomi King has been camping for many years. A sudden nephew! "

She hesitated, and still asked, "Yes, Mi Zhen should not know your background? Otherwise, how could you always use you as a waiter?"

"..." Gongsun Xi was silent for a while, and then she cried and laughed, and said, "Madam, you really misunderstood, the humble job is definitely not the so-called little prince!"

What he said was dazzling. Although Queen Meng didn't believe it at all, she didn't want to force him any more. She pursed her lips and said, "If you don't want to say it, just forget it. It's important to say something. Bar: Originally, after Mizhen returned from Nampo-gun this time, I wanted you to go back to the county king's house. He has prepared a seat for the guard of the county king's house. But you refused ... "

Gongsun Xi thought she was going to send herself away, and said, "If the mother doesn't like humble jobs, the humble jobs will go to pack things."

"It was okay for you to go back to the King's Mansion in Mizhen County. After all, I discussed with the King of Mizhen County earlier." But the queen shook her head. "But Meng has already doubted you now. If you leave this way, you are only afraid of Meng Even if you do n’t have time to pay attention, I ’ll be busy, and I will find you again sooner or later! ”

She said, "So, I suggest you don't go back for the time being and stay."

Gongsun Xi glanced at the queen in surprise and reminded: "Mother-in-law, since Meng has already suspected the humble job, and before that humble job, he refused to go to the palace of the King of Mizhen County as a guard leader. Is there any fraud in the history? For example, to recognize her majesty by her identity? Although she is not a little prince at all!

"... I thought about it just now, and it was really difficult for me to suppress Meng's suspicion based on the speech I made up at the time." Queen Meng groaned for a while, and said, "But you must not leave now. Yes, even the explanation is difficult to explain after leaving. Maybe you have been following the King of Zhenzhen, staying in a good home like Shengjia, so you do n’t know how to deal with such things like Ning: Ning Kill by mistake, don't let go! "

She said with a sneer, "After all, in my opinion, my eldest eldest son and the son-in-law born to King Guangling are suitable to be raised under my knees and established as the East Palace! In addition, all candidates are **** ! "

After calming down as a pawn, Queen Meng continued, "I know Mi Zhen is very capable and pays great attention to you. But he is too young to have enough weight in front of King Gaomi. So once Meng's I do n’t think Mizhen can protect you 100%. Even if he can ... you want to see him bow down to the King Gaomi to make all sorts of concessions and sacrifices to protect you? "

Gongsun Xi was speechless and silent.

The queen sorted out her thoughts and continued: "So maybe we can play a show: You and Mi Zhen are as old as you are, and you look good, but you can only be his descendants by coincidence; I am Meng's niece. However, my biological father loved and destroyed his wife, and he has never been good. Now the family needs it, and sent me into the palace as a queen. I thought about the humiliation and indifference I had suffered in the past, and tried to get revenge; Making pawns for the family is intended to break free from the family's control. It is therefore justifiable to give birth to the formation of their own self-reliant forces. "

"But the people around me, except for those who had served in the side hall of Xinshou Palace before, and Chunlai who was coming to me, were almost all Meng's people, which I could not reach."

"It's rare to have someone who has nothing to do with Meng's life by planting it in Wangchun Palace to serve as a guard ... I want to pry at the corner of King Zhenjun."

"And your words ... Climb up, why not?"

Queen Meng said her plan in a sigh of breath, and said seriously, "What do you think of this rhetoric? Of course, you have to make it clear to Mizhen, so as not to avenge you under misunderstanding. He is very popular with Sister Shu recently. To be against you, I honestly have no confidence in keeping you. "

Gongsunxi was silent for a while, then looked at the queen with a strange look: "Madam, since you have identified me as the so-called little prince, and you still protect me like this, you are not afraid that Meng's success will be lost in the future, and even you will be no good End? "

"Then what can I do?" Queen Meng heard it and said calmly, "who told me when life and death were at a critical moment, always save me outsiders? And to say something bad, after Meng won, I also It may not end well. "

Meng's insistence on getting a child to be a sister-in-law to Emperor Xuan Jing. The picture is not a generation of assistant ministers, but an idea of ​​usurping the throne!

The foundation of Queen Meng's status and honor is based on her being the master of the Six Palaces of the world of the mother of the Damu Dynasty!

If Meng's plan is successful, the Da Mu Dynasty will be a thing of the past. By then, what will she be?

Coupled with the dissatisfaction with the experience of Zheng Guogong before entering the palace, Queen Meng couldn't say anything about her future.

She just couldn't resist now, there was no other way.

Otherwise, as she told Sheng Weiqiao: If she can withdraw from Meng's, and not be affected by Meng's downfall, she would like to have Meng's luck!

Therefore, for concealing the important news and repaying the kindness of Gongsun Xi ... Queen Meng had no guilt or guilty conscience.

With so few people in the world who are good to her and willing to lend a helping hand when she is in trouble, how can she fail?

Gongsun Xi was not very clear about the queen's experience, and was unable to determine her thoughts. He stared at her with a strange look and weighed the pros and cons before she said: "Humble work obeys the mother's life."

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