Deceive me, Marry me

v3 Chapter 13: The little prince never grew up ...

Queen Meng persuaded Gongsun Xi, but Gongsunxi could not convince Rong Sleeping Crane.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the guard to rest, the master and servant met at the King's Mansion in Mizhen County. At this time, the year was closing. Many homesick shops were closed, but the King's Mansion was in full swing. To prepare for the wedding in March next year.

Previously, Rong Sleeping Crane said that the county king's palace should be repaired according to the preferences of the future county princess, and this is exactly what it is doing now. The garden in particular is almost copied from the garden of Shengfu. Although it is limited by the size of Chang'an and the size of gold, and the county's Wangfu has its own regulations, it cannot be as large as Shengfu's garden. However, Shengweiqiao's most visited places in Shengfu's garden are all built according to gourd paintings. Already.

At this moment, the master and servant are talking in a place that looks like Cui Mo Shuixie, which has already been repaired: "Although the queen is kind, but after all, it is limited to the age and experience, and the consideration is one-sided. If you are the young prince born by Xiao Wenshi in the past Even if you want to recognize your Majesty, how can you go to look at the palace? Not to mention that you are handed over to Meng's eyelids to do things. And the matter of the little prince, Gaomi King has already settled with Zheng Guogong and will not mention it again. Now. "

Rong Yehe said faintly, "The little prince has never grown up at all ... This is because Zheng Guogong has a bad relationship with the queen and did not talk to the queen, so she has such a misunderstanding. So do n’t bother, you should come back immediately It ’s almost the end of the year. After I get married in March of the following year, I will leave Chang'an and go to the army. Many things will be difficult to do without you. "

Gongsun Xi was silent for a while, then said, "Boss, can I wait for your wedding and come back?"

"Everyone in the palace can be contacted." Rong Yehe took the tea bowl and blew it down, lowered his head, and looked at him calmly. "I will also explain to you what the queen guessed about the so-called little prince. , Will not be as troublesome as she thinks ... but you still insist on staying in Wangchun Palace, why? "

"..." Gongsun Xi was silent again. After a while, he still didn't speak, but Rong Sleeping Crane sighed, some helplessly said: "Forget it, you must stay there until my big wedding, then stay Come on! "

He raised his hand and squeezed his eyebrows, "Nothing more, you go back and be on business ... be careful!"

After Gongsun Xi left, Gongsun should come up, half curious and half puzzled: "Axi has always loved sticking to you. Before, he was good at advocating and was sent away by you for a while. What ’s the matter? Are you reluctant to leave Wangchun Palace now? "

"You go back and give another generous gift to the Shu family, ask the Shu family to go to the palace and tell the concubines, and help look at Axi." Rong Sleeping Crane did not answer this question, only said, "If the Shu family asked, you would He said that because the empress summoned her to Wangchun Palace to speak, I was not very relieved, so that Axi would be there for eyes and eyes. "

When Gongsun Yingdun bowed his head and went down to do this, he privately said to Xu Lianshan, "Are you going to have a strange heart?"

"The county king treats him like his brother, who else treats him like the county king?" Xu Lianshan sneered and said, "He will betray the county king if he is sick?"

He also said, "You do n’t know who the king of the county is? Other things can be divided, but betrayal. For so many years, who has the king of kings forgotten? If Axi insists on staying in Wangchun Palace, he wants to vote for another master. It's strange to kill him, and will he help him entrust the two maids of the Shu family? "

Gongsun Yingdun was right to think about it, but still felt strange: "But what did he stay in Wangchun Palace?"

"Do you care about him?" Xu Lianshan was not very interested in Gongsun Xi's affairs, but reminded Gongsun Yingdun, "Go and do what the county king wants you to do, after all, the county king's wedding is in the coming March. The county king's house is now busy like anything, next may be rushing around the clock! The county king is entangled in all things at this moment, you serve the king of the king, other things can't be too much help, how can it be? Do n’t help and stare? ”

"I really want to go to Chunbo Lake Marine Master!" Gongsun Yingdun muttered, "but isn't it uncle Xiao that I shouldn't let me go?"

Xu Lianshan sneered: "I was born in a blessing and I do n’t know how to bless it! The king of the county clearly remembered the kindness of the owner. I want you to stay with me for advice and promotion. You also don't want to think about it. Before you get this kind of treatment, you are welcome One, that is the master who grew up with the county king and helped each other to block the knife more than once! You also want to go to Chunbo Lake, and you do n’t want to think about your ability, you can do it in the water. What? Have you been able to hold back those arrogant soldiers or have you played Chong Xinbo? "

"... I'm going to Shu's house." Gongsun Yingdun wanted to refute, but thought about his so-called plan in Toshima, and thought he was in control, who knew it was a complete defeat ... stood up in a sullen moment, " You also take it easy, last time Yiliu didn't preach a message, saying that it was the Zhao family or something, and you were very dissatisfied with the uncle's family affairs? "

"I still need you to mention this?" Xu Lianshan said slowly. "That is to say that for the king's great cause, I still have to lie in hiding. Otherwise, I would have taken someone to touch Zhao's house and put it on at night. Fire, and then kiss the beautiful and beautiful people of the Zhao family.

Gongsun Yingdun sneered: "The Zhao family is the uncle's uncle's uncle's foreign family. The beauty you say is not the uncle's pro-kind or the uncle's cousin. Even if the uncle may not see them, you can say this unbridled, It was passed out, and you said that you looked down on your uncle! If you do n’t have any thought, you do n’t need to mention it? ”

"You are so clueless, what does it mean to tell you what ?!" At this moment, within Zhao Fu, the second wife, the second wife, is also crying and counting her daughter Zhao Taozhuang. "The blind can see that Rong Qingshou is Hanging you and using you, why are you so obsessed ?! "

She took a deep breath, "You actually want to help him plot the Lord of Kangzhao County !!! You know that Mizhen has been back so long, even if your aunt courts him in every possible way, it's all a 'prince'. The princess promised to help him hire and marry Kang Zhao, and immediately screamed 'mother-in-law'! "

"He is so temperament that it is clear that the one on the throne at the moment is not fond of rivers and mountains!"

"You dare to move Kang Zhao!"

"Do you believe it? Rong Qing on the front foot counted Kang Zhao, and Mi Zhen on the back foot could kill you ?!"

"Why are you so confused ?!"

Chang's heartbreakingly said, seeing her daughter but indifferent, really anxious to open her mind to wash it, and pour out all the fascinating soups that Rong Qingyuan poured out. "Generally, it's our girls, your aunt won't Having said that, it is Tao Yan and Tao Yan, which is not born with a sense of ingenuity! I do not want you to be as clever and alert as your sister, just to be awake?

"Isn't this what you are thinking about?" Zhao Taozhuang, who had been silent, heard this, and said suddenly, "Don't you just hope so? Otherwise, why are you still keeping your second cousin in the palace? The palace is over there The cousin's life has never been managed for so many years. Last year, the second cousin returned seriously from Bishui-gun, and his aunt and uncle ignored it. Even the big cousin and the big cousin were indifferent. Cousin's. "

"That being the case, my family is against me being with my second cousin, but why should I keep him?"

She sneered slightly, "I think about it, I'm afraid it's because the second cousin still has use value? For example, his uncle to the host of Kangzhao County?"

Wu Shi looked at her daughter in shock: "You ... what are you talking about ?!"

"Grandmother wants to marry her three sisters to Mizhen's cousin, but Mizhen's cousin likes the owner of Kangzhao County, and they have already ordered a relative, and they will have a big wedding next year." Zhao Taozhuang said coldly, " My grandmother might have a way to stop this family relationship, but it's hard not to be hated by the cousin of Mizhen after being prevented. In that case, even if the master of Kangzhao County cannot marry a cousin of Mizhen, the cousin will definitely not marry the three sisters! "

There was a little contempt in her eyes, "But if the person who counts the marriage of Mizhen's cousin is the second cousin ... All the anger of Mizhen's cousin and Sheng's family will all go towards the second cousin! And the Zhao family "Because raising my second cousin these years, and because of me, I can still play as an unsuspecting, pure victim, without being rejected and hated by my cousin, isn't it?"

The girl sneered, "Don't you dare to say that the family doesn't have this idea now? So you have to persuade me to draw a line with my second cousin to do what? If the line is really clear, what will happen to the Zhao family in the future? "


Chi's body trembled, and for the first time in his life, he fought with his daughter: "Junk !!!! Our parents are anxious for your future, you ... you doubt our intentions here ?!"

Zhao Taozhuang's tears ran down, but she didn't care about this slap in the face of Jiu Shi, but fell down on her knees and whimpered out, "Mother! I know you really hurt me! So please help my second cousin." OK? He has nothing left, and even the injury is not good at this moment. If he was taken by his grandmother to bear the anger of cousin Mizhen, what can he do besides his death? "

"Your grandmother never told me this kind of thing !!!" Ji's face yelled at her with a strong face, "Not to mention that what you are saying now are thoughts that have been instilled into you, not necessarily true! Even if it is true, Zhao Jiajin Yiyu has supported him for so many years. After he was abandoned to you, he was seriously injured. He still picked him up, extended medicine for him, and arranged for his waiters to be careful! "

"Is there a little bit sorry for the Zhao family ?!"

"But is he worthy of you ?!"

"I really want your grandmother to have such a plan to count him so that I can express this bad feeling !!!"

Watching her daughter burst into tears and look at her hoe, she felt cold in her heart. She stood for a moment and grinned: "Forget it, I teach girls no way, there is nothing to say at this moment ... I Just ask you one thing: If your grandmother really calculated Rong Qingshen so seriously, and afterwards asked her to confess sin, would you tell him the truth in order to avenge Rong Qingzhang ?! "

Zhao Taozhuang begged with tears and begged: "Mother, the strong twisted melon is not sweet. Since Mizhen's cousin fancyed the host of Kangzhao County, their marriage period is fixed, why should they ..."

"..." Hearing the words, he wiped his face hard, and he didn't listen any more, but only called his confidant to come in. "Send the lady to Zhuangzi to rest and raise her, and she said she was ill."

Ignoring the hissing and struggling daughter behind her, she went back to her room after leaving the house and asked for some fresh water to clean up. She was completely clean and could not see her disability at all, so she went to see Mrs. Qin: "I don't know my wife What kind of sin has this done? The Communist Party is just such a girl, but she still wants to face an outsider! Now that I ’m approaching the age, I have no other way but to send her to Zhuangzi first, lest she make a fool of her. News. "

Mrs. Qin frowned, asked a few words about Zhao Taozhuang, and her face was hard to look at: "This child ... why is he so dead-headed?"

However, the old lady didn't spend much time on Zhao Taozhuang at this moment. When she saw that the Clan had decided to send the daughter to Zhuangzi, she said no more, but said, "But what Tao Zhuang said makes sense. It ’s not a secret in Changan City to be drunk and to live up to Tao Zhuang. We are still drunk in the house until now, and it really makes people doubt ... so, I ’ll wait for someone to see my name For Zhuangzi ’s property, let him be drunk, and let him move out in two days. After all, his surname is Zhao, and he ca n’t share the same property as my son ’s son-in-law. From now on, it's up to him. "

If these words were heard before, the old lady would only think that the old lady had tolerated Rong Qing drunk to the limit, and ordered the guests.

But after listening to Zhao Taozhuang's plea, she couldn't help thinking: "Does Mo Fei Niang intend to let Rong Qing drunk leave Zhao's house and start with the host of Kangzhao County to make the relationship clearer?"

This is very likely, because Rong Qingzhui was under Zhao's house, and he was seriously injured.

In this case, Rong Qingzhe can still hang on to Sheng Weiqiao, saying that the Zhao family did not know and did not help, who believed?

Only what he did after leaving Zhao's house did the Zhao family have the hope of pushing two six five.

"However, the owner of Kangzhao County is rich and wealthy. At this moment, she has a lot of relatives in Chang'an. The mother gave Rong Qingzu a few Zhuangzis. How could he get the host of Kangzhao County?"

But since Mrs. Qin has done so, it shows that she has a certain certainty ... Where is this certainty?

The outsider's doubts are unknown.

The discussions caused by Sheng Weiqiao's amazing dowry and the million-dollar gift from the palace of Gaomi have not yet completely subsided. The news that Zhao Taozhuang fell ill and passed the disease to his family and went to rest outside Zhuangzi in the year did little to cause any. People's attention.

Rong Qing drunk. Although he didn't make a noise and left Zhao's house very low-key, he passed the city storm all at once, saying that the little prince was completely down, it was difficult for his father's family to return, and even his foreign family was here. Are untenable.

Even if Mrs. Qin allocated him some property from his private property, it was enough for him to live without food and clothing, but this was only compared with ordinary people.

Compared to Gaomi's palace and Zhao's palace, Rong Qing's situation at this moment was a miserable view from the top and bottom.

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