Deceive me, Marry me

v3 Chapter 11: Worship

On this day, Queen Meng left Sheng Weiqiao to release when the gate of the palace was about to fall, and parted a joke: "I almost forgot! Mi Zhen is counted, but my nephew, you are his fiancee, that is me My wife-in-law, you are calling me 'Qing Lang', it's so bad! Hurry up and call 'Auntie' to listen! "

Sheng Weiqiao cursed with a smile: "I won't shout! Only two months older than me, Mi Zhen is older than you, and 'Auntie', and not afraid to shout you old?"

The queen said: "It's okay, this palace is only sixteen. What are you afraid of old? Hurry and shout!"

"Just don't shout!" Sheng Weiqiao laughed at her with a grin, "After all, it's no good shouting now!"

"Look at your snobbish look!" Queen Meng pretended to be angry, "I asked someone to make a gold-encrusted purse and put stones in it. After you get married, please come to the palace to greet you and give you benefits! When you hold Shizier, you think it's a gold and silver bitch, and when you go back happily, you open it and watch, hum! "

Sheng Weiqiao laughed: "This man is really stupid. They are all purses with gold and jade inlays. Isn't this benefit a purse? If the stones fall down, it won't become the purse?"

This is about laughing and laughing.

Queen Meng couldn't hold her and pointed at the gate: "Let's go, let's go, your grievous surrender ... Otherwise, you can only stay after the palace door is locked, I don't care, but the brother of the crane outside has to wait Anxious!"

"What!" Sheng Weiqiao saw that she had taken out the joke she had just listened to and teased herself, and she was anxious, stomping her feet, humming, "You are the queen queen, you must be dignified and hold on! It is Nakamiya to bully me like this Does it look like that ?! "

Queen Meng's solemnity: "The people of this palace have always been the mother of the world, and they are obvious to all! The Lord of Kangzhao County, do you think that you can stigmatize this palace by relying on your own words?"

"... you guys!" Sheng Weiqiao couldn't help crying. "Forget it, it's not too early ... I'm leaving now, I'll see you in two days!"

Watching her back disappear on the palace road, the smile of the queen's mouth faded gradually, and she turned back to the palace and closed the door.

This time the queen didn't enter the main hall, but instead went to the warm court next to her. When Chunlai came in, she said, "The scented agarwood drink that the maiden has always loved to drink, just made it over there in the kitchenette. Is it here now?"

When she asked for it, she was ready to ask the little housemaid to do it.

"Wait a minute later!" Queen Meng waved her hand, glanced at the waiters outside Chunlai, and whispered when they all exited with interest, "You go outside the corner door and say something to the guard ... "

She frowned, hesitating for a while, before she said, "Let Shengxi come to Nongge this evening to see the palace!"

When Chunlai heard the words, she was shocked: "Mother! This ...?"

"Where did you want to go?" Queen Meng busily said, "This palace is listening to what Kang Zhao said today. I want to ask him if there is a serious matter ... Is this palace a kind of person?"

Chunlai trembled: "But Shengxi is not a housekeeper. These three and more midnight ... Sister Shu's eyes and eyes are numerous, just in case? Madam, if you believe in slavery, let slavery talk?"

"This palace asks you, who is Shengxi?" Queen Meng squeezed her brows, patience. Zi coaxed, "Although he is now our guard at Wangchun Palace, in the final analysis, it came from the King of Zhenzhen. Isn't it right? So even if this palace was caught by Sister Shu's while meeting with him, we took the responsibility and placed the responsibility on him, and said that his intention of diving into Wangchun Palace at midnight was bad! So Meng must stare The King of Mizhen County kept on, and the Sisters of Shu were thinking about following Mizhen to their knees, how could they not help him? So they were afraid to help, they were too late to help cover up! "

This may sound reasonable, but Chunlai is still worried: "Mother, what do you want to say is important? If it is not really one hundred thousand rush, can you say it again?"

She was anxious and wise, "Minger is a big day, we can also find an excuse to call the guard Shengxi into the palace to speak! Although it is more eye-catching during the day, but because of the master of Kangzhao County, I came to see you today When the time comes, I will tell you that the county owner brought something and told him to give Shengxi guards. Because the county master was too late to leave today, we did n’t have time to transfer them, just to let Shengxi guards come by themselves during the day ... Wouldn't this not harm the mother's reputation? "

Queen Meng wanted to summon Gongsun Xi overnight, but she was also impulsive. At this moment, she was persuaded to do so.

Then nodded: "Then you do it tomorrow ... Remember not to let anyone else know!"

Chunlai secretly sighed and bowed his knees, "Slave obeys!"

... In a flash, the next day, around noon, Chunlai really brought Gongsun Xi to the side hall: "Yesterday, the host of Kangzhao County went to the palace to see the queen's wife, and I brought you something and a few words, because the main The mother-in-law talked about the palace door falling down and then resigned. The mother-in-law was short and did not call you. "

Gongsun Xi said with no expression: "There are mother-in-law and spring girl."

Chunlai heard the words and looked at him side by side. Gongsun Xi's face was not as beautiful as Rong Yehe, nor was she exquisitely male and female. It was not Meng Guiyu. The neat and fair-looking neighbour, this seemingly innocuous but saucy look, was originally the easiest to get favoritism and easy to make people trust.

But because of his long years of silence, the gloom between his eyebrows has shrouded the whole person in a deadly or even gloomy temperament. After ordinary people see it, even if they don't think about it, they will subconsciously avoid it. Drive him.

This man was wearing the uniform of the guards of the Wangchun Palace at the moment. He was wearing a black coat with fine scales, a leather belt around the waist, a diagonal sword, and a soap towel over his head. This dress was supposed to be majestic and serious, but he was stiffly worn out of the **** and cold.

"Isn't my mother like such a person?" Chunlai muttered in her heart. "It shouldn't be ... Even if she was unhappy when she was in the Meng family, she didn't have the opportunity to be flattered when she entered the palace, but she met Mi Zhen The king of the county, a really handsome man, how did he look at him? "

Chunlai Ban speculates that it is self-consolation, "It is estimated that what the master of Kangzhao County conveyed to the King of Mizhen County yesterday was the important thing, so the mother-in-law must tell him separately."

Even so, the queen, who has been a widow until the age of 28 and has been a widow until now, suddenly wants to call on a young unmarried guard to be a confidant maid.

Chunlai's mood was so heavy that he led Gongsun Xi into the side hall. This side hall is divided into two interiors and exteriors. The layout of the exterior is similar to that of ordinary people's halls, but there is a phoenix that represents the identity of the queen. Decorations such as a pair of tall bottles with a height of one person are used for hospitality and general calls; if you turn the screen, you can see a small door on the back wall, and when you enter, it is inside.

The place here is not large, but it is the size of the inner room of a common boudoir. It is equipped with a sleeping table, a dressing table, and toilets. A narrow soft bed is placed next to the window. Holding a jade pot spring bottle, two newly folded wax plums were inserted into the bottle, which stained the entire room with a touch of cold fragrance.

When Gongsun Xi stepped into the outside, he did not see Queen Meng, and thought that the Queen had not yet come.

After not wanting Chunlai to point to the screen, she said lightly, "Go in yourself, your mother-in-law will talk to you alone."

Seeing Gongsun's clear look, she hooked her mouth with no smile. "It should be entrusted by the host of Kangzhao County ... you know when you go in."

"There is a place for my mother to rest." But Gongsun heard this, but did not move, but looked at her, "I dare not step in alone."

This is not necessarily how much he respects the palace rules, not how much he respects Queen Meng, but because he was used to the tricks of planting and framing when he was on the island, and he was worried that it was Meng or the queen who set a trap for himself As soon as you go in, you will be charged with a bunch of crimes to make it difficult for a sleeping crane ... After all, who knows what's in there?

What if it's a miserly lady or something?

Chunlai didn't think about it that much, and thought he was in a good manner. He felt better about him, and said, "You don't have to worry, this is what the mother ordered, because what you say is very important, so I'll keep it out for you. "

But seeing Gongsun Xi still moved, he had to say, "Forget it, I'll bring it in, and then come out."

So he took him in, and at a glance, Queen Meng was sitting on the narrow couch under the window with her forehead. Although there was a window, there was no door to the outside. To enter, you had to go to the side of the hall.

Gongsun Xi just put a little dim sum on it, because Meng's managed to make Meng Bizhen become the queen, it is impossible to frame Meng Bizhen in order to frame him a little guard.

After Chunlai quietly retreated, he bowed and saluted in accordance with the rules: "I don't know what the Queen's maiden called to the humble office, what do you tell me?"

Queen Meng adjusted her sitting posture when they came in. She supported her chin at this moment, stared at him with a complex look for a while, and said, "No courtesy."

After Gongsun straightened and raised her eyebrows, she stood silent for a while, then asked quietly, "What should I call you?"

Gongsun is unsure, so: "What's the meaning of Niangniang?"

"Is the guard of Wangchun Palace Shengxi?" Queen Meng continued quietly, "or ... the little prince who was living outside, your mother Wen Xiaoshi gave you a baby name Xier?"

Gongsun's pupils suddenly contracted. After a while, he said faintly, "Mother-in-law, you do n’t understand the humble job. You come from a humble beginning and you say something like a little prince, even a little boy has never done it."

"I know you don't have to admit it!" Queen Meng squeezed her forehead anxiously, saying, "The reason why I called you over is to remind you one thing: the other day, you were in Xiaowen's night. Worship at the palace where I lived ... this is already known to Meng's side! "

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