Death Notice

Chapter 703

As time went on, people's unease grew deeper and deeper. However, when they arrived at the mushroom forest, another unexpected situation made the apostles stupefied again.

Among the soul marks of all the apostles, the pre task of the epic plot - to explore the mineral way of myityin hall, has been achieved!

This means that Gilliam and Lorraine, one of them, have reached the surface camp safely. Gilliam is naturally impossible, so only when Lorraine reaches the cave camp on the earth's surface alive will this prompt appear.

"Did Qin Lun take Luolin back? And avoid the drow's pursuit? " Weiss looked at Hill sharply, and the prompt message in the soul mark made his suspicion of hill and Rand a little less.

If Qin Lun returns to the camp with Lorraine, and in order to avoid the drow elves, he is not the same as the monkey, then the suspicion of Qin Lun's team's co enemy is gone. Even so, he could not let go of the other side's act of using monkeys as bait and throwing them to drow elves.

"If I told you that Qin Lun didn't tell me what he would do, you must not believe it!" Hill looked at Weiss calmly.

"You are not a temporary group. This explanation is unbelievable." Weiss's face relaxed a little and said with deep doubts, "but if he wanted to avoid the drow, he could have had a better choice, and the risk of returning alone with Lorraine is also great, which obviously doesn't make sense!"

Hill heart wry smile, if the current Qin Lun still as the original one, then naturally it doesn't make sense. But he couldn't tell Weiss that Qin Lun was not the same as before.

What's more, judging from a series of Qin Lun's behaviors, hill has gradually understood the whole context. What Qinlun wants to do, hill and Rand have a general idea. Maybe that guy took all their reactions into account at the beginning of the plan.

"Hill, are you sure Qin Lun will do that?" When Weiss left, Rand looked eerily at the shepherd.

"This is the most reliable explanation. Qin Lun made this plan after his personality changed." Hill said thoughtfully, "he found the myityinting mine in front of us, but he didn't go into the hole to explore, and he went straight back to find Lorraine and cheated him away.

In this way, when Lorraine returns to the surface, our task will be completed. And he himself stayed, did not know how to contact the drow elves, will be the rest of the Minotaur and dwarven camp slaughtered

"Why did he do it?" Rand asked uneasily. In fact, Qin Lun's plan had been vaguely guessed in fireworks. However, some of them were reluctant to believe it.

"It's not obvious that the new Qin Lun has transferred his goal from the task itself to the Weiss team." Hill sighed and said, "don't forget that we have another mission," the dawn of obalanar. ". It's a competitive task. The fighting among the apostles will produce a bloody cube. "

Hill's eyes had a hint of inexplicability. "I was just guessing, but when Lorraine got to the surface safely, I was sure. After the dwarven exploration mission, we and Weiss team are no longer joint teams, but can fight as a competitive team

"But we also have the limitation of cooperation contract!" When Rand said that, he sighed first. "It's not a problem. Qin Lun can let the drow spirit do it for him, and then collect the bloody cube himself."

If the rival apostle team is killed by the other team's characters, it also has a certain chance to drop the bloody cube. In the competitive mission, the drop probability is very good.

In particular, "the dawn of aubarand", which is a phased task, requires the apostles to constantly go deep into the dark area and continuously transport the dark elves eager to return to the surface world. The death of Raven and cosina did not completely eliminate the task from the task list.

"Yes, the thief monkey of Weiss team is probably Qin Lun's experiment. Now that he is dead, it proves that Qin Lun's plan works. " "The only thing we can't be sure of now is what kind of attitude Qin Lun will take towards the two of us," Hill said with a solemn face

"Hill, I don't quite understand one thing. Even though Qin Lun was interested in the Weiss team, when he contacted the drow spirit, he didn't know that Gilliam, illistine and others would stay in the mine to find him... " Rand frowned and asked, "why does he think drow has the ability to kill the whole expedition?"

Hill was silent for a while, and then said, "this is the terrible thing about Qin Lun. He once taught himself psychology and had a very thorough grasp of people's hearts. Even we can see his feelings clearly. How could he not know. He knew that Alistair would stay to find him, and that when Alistair stayed, Idria would not leave.

It was for him that Martha followed up the dark areas, and naturally he would stay. As for the dwarfs Do you think that Gilliam's character would allow his friends who helped the dwarfs to stay alone in the cave?

Even if the dwarf didn't stay, he would give some of his hands to elistin. In this way, the exploration team, which was already near the labyrinth fortress and had some people assigned, would leave some people in the myityinting mine cave. The exploration team has been divided twice in a row, and the drow spirit will win at least 89% of the game, enough to fight. ""So what are we going to do? Tell Weiss all about them? " Rand sighed knowingly.

"Will Weiss believe us? If we confess all this, will Weiss and others believe that we don't know for the time being, the biggest possibility is to put us under house arrest as a bargaining chip to coerce Qin Lun! " Hill said with a wry smile, "Qin Lun knows our two personalities. He knows that even if we guessed his plan, we would not say it, otherwise it would be a very obvious loophole."

"You forgot to say he was testing us!" Rand said angrily, holding his breath. "He hasn't quit the trio until now, apparently expecting us to help him plot Weiss. If we don't help him, it means that Qin Lun, who has changed his personality, will no longer be his companion, and he will not hesitate to let the drow elves kill us together. "

"You can think of that!" Hill picked his eyebrows a little by accident.

"I'm not an idiot, even if I'm not as smart as you two." Rand gave the shepherd a rude look. "Wes and we were meant to meet by chance. There was nothing to do with each other's calculations. He knew this, but he didn't tell us the plan in advance. Naturally, he intended to test the two of us. "

"It's just our assumption. Maybe he didn't let us go at all!" Hill looked up and said with a wry smile, "the former Qin Lun has disappeared, and now he just woke up and came up with this kind of account termination plan, which makes me really hard to evaluate."

"Then you say, what are we going to do next?" Said Rand, distressed.

"Before I say that, you tell me that Qin Lun asked us to help before he disappeared. What do we do? Or not? " Hill showed a smile that made Rand want to beat him.

"Qin Lun just said that when he came back, he would help him remember. It has nothing to do with Qin Lun now?" And Rand said with a pause.

"Of course, if we want to find a way to make Qin Lun come back as soon as possible, we must have more contact with him now." "Even if there is a way to help Qin Lun solve this personality problem, he will owe us a big favor," Hill said

"This Even Qin Lun can't help himself. What can we do? " Rand asked, dumbfounded.

"It doesn't have to be. When Qin Lun was in this situation before, he didn't even remember himself. He had no place to start. If someone records everything about Qin Lun now, maybe there will be a way! "

Hill shrugged his shoulders and jokingly said, "but according to the current situation, Qin Lun is very dangerous. If he accompanies the king like a tiger, it depends on whether you want to do it or not if you can get us into the pit."

"Since the five of us are going to set up a team in the future, we can't leave our partner alone when he is in trouble, at least Try it! " Rand thought for a moment and finally looked up.

"That's easy. If we don't want to get involved in it, we can completely move away from the team now. To know that the exploration task has been completed, we only need to hide in the dark area for a few days, and then we can return to the broken star sky when the stay time is consumed completely. "

Hill said slowly, "if we want to get to know Qin Lun, we can only continue to play with him Before igniting the fire, put out the source of the fire! "

"I'm the best at putting out the fire!" Rand looked at the calm shepherd with a big grin.


Once again into the mushroom forest filled with pink mist, Weiss's eyelids began to beat sharply, and his uneasiness had reached its peak. The previous time here, they exterminated a tribe of rat people. This time, when he came to the mushroom forest, he had another sense of danger.

"Stop!" Looking at the dwarf in front of him, Weiss raised his hand and stopped several of his companions.

"Chief, what's the matter?" Dunwei looked back at Weiss doubtfully.

When they got to the mushroom forest, all the apostles and dwarfs were relaxed. They were less than half a day away from the ground camp.

"Nothing, keep going!" Weiss looked at the dwarves, who were gradually separated from the apostles, and shook his head hesitantly, as if to shake off the inexplicable feeling. The team is so close to the ground that he really doesn't want to save money.

Weiss's move was seen hundreds of meters away by a man hiding behind the mushroom forest. "He" disdains to pull the corners of the mouth, the person with stable character, even if the plan is not successful, often arranges a preliminary plan, this kind of person is very difficult to calculate.

However, when the variables are not enough to destroy the plan and they are close to success, they will have a dilemma.

Weiss's advantages and disadvantages are especially obvious in the silver moon celebration. It was because of his steadiness that the Weiss team was not trapped in the supreme palace, but also because of his steadiness, so the plan developed with inertia, leading to the final failure of the santalin society.

This time, his calculation is not only rigorous, but also more hidden, and completely aimed at Weiss' psychological blind spot. As expected, the other party, because of its steadiness, kept the plan developing in accordance with the inertia, and even failed to realize that at this time, as long as it simply hid, it could avoid the crisis of mass destruction.It's only half a day from the earth's surface. Is it safe? On the contrary, when Weiss and others are most relaxed, that is, when they are most dangerous!