Death Notice

Chapter 704

The apostles have been carrying out high-risk missions for many years, and their vigilance is comparable to that of soldiers in the front line of the battlefield.

Weiss had a sense of uneasiness, as did the other apostles in the group, and Lorita, the female priest with the highest perception, was the most obvious. The strongest attribute of Dunwei is physique, the strongest attribute of mage is spirit, Weiss pays equal attention to strength and sensitivity, and as a priest, perception is the first attribute.

As the team went deep into the mushroom forest, Lolita looked around warily, and she felt the potential threat from all sides. The reason why I haven't said it all the time is that these threats don't feel very strong. It's like a group of little mice running around.

It's disgusting and scary from time to time, but it's not life-threatening.

"There's nothing to worry about. The regimental commander has released a number of bats with a reconnaissance radius of more than five kilometers. There are only about ten medium-sized creatures around here. They should be underground creatures foraging in mushroom forest. " When he saw Lolita's careful look, he couldn't help comforting her.

If the reconnaissance radius is about five kilometers, then the reconnaissance area will be 780 square kilometers, covering almost half of the mushroom forest land. They have never been disappointed by the light bat's ability to detect ultrasound, and Lorita's shadow has faded a little.

They have learned from raven, the dark elves, that there are about one or two drow priests, ten or so drow warriors of various professions in every dungeon team that pursues them, plus some slave arms such as lizard man, spider spirit, and zedi bear man. The total number will not exceed 50.

If drow elves want to ambush them, they can't form a large ambush circle only by such a number. As for the real team that can surround the whole mushroom forest land, the number should be at least thousands.

The city of oberrand is too far away from here, and it is too close to the earth's surface. It is impossible for the underground city to send so many troops to kill them.

What Lolita and others don't know is that wendini, the drow priest, the mistress of the seventh family in the city of oberrand, is sitting under a giant mushroom only about 50 steps away from them.

His face was a little old, and there was still a beautiful fairy between his eyebrows. He put a piece of elk fur on his body, covered his head together, and sat under the giant mushroom with a magic wand in his hand. If you don't look carefully, you will only think of her as a Jurassic animal that eats mushroom skin under the tree.

"Is that the soft bat? It seems that the surface elves didn't cheat us! "

Wendini raised her head slightly, and her smoked eyes flashed a cold light. Her eyes moved with a slight ripple in the air. Drow's vision is very good, the environment of dark area basically has no effect on them.

The speed of the light bat also dropped slightly in the mushroom forest with many obstacles, which was completely seen by the drow priest.

Weiss and other people's blind trust in the bat is also an important factor for them to enter the trap. With Qin Lun's careful thinking, how could he ignore the reconnaissance ability of the light tone bat.

For others, the ability to bypass obstacles and use ultrasound to sketch the image of an object is almost impossible. However, for Qin Lun, who has the clairvoyance pupil technique and the reconnaissance ability itself is a breakthrough, he knows better how to crack the reconnaissance skill of object imaging.

He doesn't need to hide from the bat, he just needs to hide from the person who gets the bat's reconnaissance image.

The object imaging ability of the light bat is primary and secondary. Like Qin Lun's perspective pupil technique, it will give all the images back to the owner exactly. Whether there are dangerous individuals needs to be identified by the owner himself.

There is a weakness in the image formed by ultrasound and perception line. Although it can bypass obstacles and break the stealth effect to a certain extent, the same pattern of black-and-white sketch is fuzzy. Generally speaking, the resolution is not enough. We can only roughly recognize what this is.

If someone makes a corresponding camouflage for this point, for example, wendini is sitting under the tree in deerskin, and the soft bat is not close to the reconnaissance, it will be regarded as a kind of herbivore. The drow warriors who climb on the giant mushroom and stick to the mushroom column will be regarded as big beetles or monkeys.

It's normal that there are so ten animals in a jungle. Weiss, who is in charge of the bat, doesn't pay attention to these things. Even if they are all enemies, the quantity is not enough to cause a threat. What he really wants to see is a mass of unidentified objects, which may be the drow's pursuit force.

"It's all in the ring, almost now!"

Looking at the dwarves and the apostles who had completely entered the circle, wendini rose slowly from under the tree and stamped the ground with his staff. A dark magic wave penetrated the mushroom forest ground like a dark brown carpet of moss vegetation, rippling below the ground.

Only a few feet deep in the dark ground, a pair of yellow vertical pupils slowly open, the evil and bloodthirsty breath like mercury rapidly spread out.

The ultrasonic wave of light bat can see through as well as Qin Lun's gaze halo, but it can't form the "thermal imaging" of gaze halo according to the biological breath and spiritual fluctuation, so it is easy to be deceived.Qin Lun's ambush circle for Weisi and others is not on the ground, but underground. He asked two drow priests, wendini and Kirchner, to bury the lizard cavalry alive under the ground. Although it was only a few feet deep, it was enough to hide the light bat.

The lizard people, or the lizard they sit down with, are all cold-blooded animals. They can lie in the dead and Hibernate without oxygen. Moreover, the thick cuticle scales of lizards and lizards can resist the absorption of bryophytes for a short time, which makes this plan fully feasible.

As a matter of fact, the drow is familiar with the tactics of ambush. Different from the surface creatures, many arms in the underground city can be buried deep underground. Even if they don't eat or drink for weeks, they won't endanger their lives.

Therefore, when Qin Lun proposed this plan, the two Zhuoer priests agreed without any consideration, which was originally the guard trick of the underground city army.

Lolita, who was walking in the middle of the group, suddenly felt a thrill and a sense of creepiness came to her heart.

"Hua" has not yet waited for her to respond, a pair of dark green scale claws came out of the ground under her feet, tightly clasped the vicar's ankle, and forcibly pulled her downward.

"Underground!" Newton, the shield guard on the left side of Lolita, reacts very quickly. When he snapped to remind his companion, the shield in his right hand hit the ground like a heavy hammer.

"Poof!" The tip of the triangle cone of the tower shield is deeply inserted into the soil, and the ground is filled with a raging roar like a wounded beast.

However, after all, Dunwei was in a hurry. In addition, the soil two feet deep removed most of the impact force. The owner of the two claws did not get fatal injury, but burst out a force through the pain, and pulled Lolita down.

"Ah!" The priest's legs were deep in the soil, and she could not help but change color on her face and scream.

Whether it's the characters in the story of Phelan world or the apostles in the broken starry sky, they all know that the priest is the most irreplaceable character in a team. The priest may not be the team soul, or the offensive core, but at least no other role can replace it.

Therefore, no matter how anxious the dwarfs are to return, they are very careful to protect the female priest in the middle of the line. The first target of drow is Lolita. Killing Lolita means that the exploration team has no recovery ability. No matter how strong others are, they will be slowly killed.

The lizard attacked the army with good luck. The lizard who caught Lolita was just the leader of this lizard cavalry. Her strength property suppressed the vicar steadily, making her unable to break free with her own strength.

"Lolita!" Weiss, who was in front of the line, turned quickly to save the vicar.

However, the ground in front of him exploded a cloud of dust from left to right. Two big lizards came up with flail and a grim smile.

And behind him, there was a groan, and two giant lizards with snake's letter were shaking out of the ground. This is the mount of two lizards. When they are not mounted by lizards, they can still cooperate with the owner to attack.

"Go away!" Weiss's eyes were red, his whole body was wriggling, his pale bones were breaking the epidermis, quickly covered in the body, and became a complete set of seamless bone nails.

Weiss's steps turned, whirlwind like dance, elbow of the serrated bone blade like a full moon machete, toward the front of the two lizards cut.

Starting with Lolita's capture, it's as if a silent horn is blowing at this moment.

Every member of the expedition, both the dwarves and the apostles, was suddenly attacked. Lizard people and their lizard mounts erupted from close quarters, as if they were surrounded by countless enemies.

The whole exploration team was split and surrounded by lizard cavalry in an instant, and the defensive formation disappeared. Unexpectedly, it fell into a desperate situation in a very short time.

Although the lizard leader who grabbed Lolita's ankle was underground and could no longer attack the vicar, there were the most lizards in this core area, with a total of five, and their mount lizard was ten enemies.

Among them, three lizards and their giant lizards stopped Dunwei Newton. Maybe they are still not the opponents of Dunwei, but at least they hold back Newton's female priests. The remaining two lizards rushed to Lolita without hesitation, even giving up their protection.

For these ugly lizards, the order of the drow priest is absolute. Since they were asked to kill the human woman at the first moment of the raid, there was no room for compromise. Once there is a show of timidity, even if the final victory, these lizard cavalry will be executed.