Death Notice

Chapter 702

Weiss is not wrong. Qin Lun can't kill so many dwarves and Minotaurs alone. This is another underground team that is responsible for chasing the defected elves.

Now Qin Lun is no longer the former Qin Lun. When "he" wakes up, the memory belonging to Qin Lun does not disappear, just for what Qin Lun did before, "he" is bored and tired.

Under the control of this kind of emotion, "he" found a person hiding nearby in the battle of the niutouguai hall. It was the only shadow thief among the drow warriors.

After the battle, the drow thief unexpectedly didn't choose to escape in time. It knows the nature of the mistress of wendini. Although the defeat of this battle is not their fault, if it dare to go back like this, the cold old witch will skin it and expose it to the public, and then blame them for the defeat.

Therefore, at the risk of being discovered by dwarves and apostles, the drow thieves continued to monitor the dwarven based adventure team.

However, the drow thief is very cunning. Instead of tracking behind the team, he anticipates the team's direction in advance and then goes around to monitor their direction. This is a blind spot for everyone to explore. No one expected that there would be a thief in front of the team watching them.

Besides, at that time, the apostle, the thief, the monkey, escorted the dark elves back to the earth, and Qin Lun disappeared. The exploration team had a defect in reconnaissance, and it was even more difficult to detect the drow thief.

Unfortunately, it's always under his control. Other people can't find the stealthily brilliant thief, who has several kinds of pupil skills, but he can easily see in his eyes.

Drow's actions aroused his interest, and then a bold plan appeared in his mind. So, in full view of the public, Qin Lun disappeared!

In fact, "he" didn't leave too far, but in the same way as the drow robbers do, two people one left one right hanging in front of the team not far.

When the exploration team reached the deep underground ditch and found the myityeng mine cave, the drow robber finally decided to leave. The drow robber didn't know that the cave was connected to the silver hall inside the ridge of the world, but he could tell from the cheering of the dwarves that this was the destination of the dwarves.

Now that he knows the dwarf's final destination, there's no need to follow him. He needs to report back to wendini as soon as possible. The drow thief knew that wendini's master mother was willing to report, and his discovery should be able to avoid punishment after the defeat.

When the robber found wendini, he found that the drow priest who had not sent far had joined another dungeon team, and he planned to come back to avenge the Minotaur and the dwarf.

The team is flanked by the emblem by the city of obalanar, and Lorraine has a signpost arrow. After seeing this charcoal painting, the dwarfs are surprised and happy, but also with heavy doubts.

The sign didn't indicate where Lorraine was going, but pointed backwards to the outpost camp next to the maze. This shows that Lorraine left this sign, not to pursue the enemy, but to guide the dwarves into the dark area and guide them to the outpost camp.

The dwarfs are happy that Lorraine will leave this sign, which indicates that he did not know that the camp was attacked, maybe he went back to the surface. It's a surprise that they haven't informed Lorraine about the mine cave in miyin hall. He left the camp without permission.

At the same time, the dwarves also had another doubt, because they were chasing the drow elves all the way, and found that they were heading towards the dwarven base on the earth's surface, the same way as Lorraine.

All of a sudden, not only the dwarfs are very tangled, so that Weiss and others also feel extremely difficult.

Lorraine is not dead, there is Zhuo behind, the dwarves will not give up pursuit. Weiss and others are embarrassed. Their task has been completed. They don't want to fight with the drow elves, and they can't leave the dwarves and go back to gillim alone.

In the end, after consultation, the apostles decided to act with the dwarves. There are about ten dwarfs left here. Most of them are middle and high-level soldiers, plus six apostles. It's not that they can't compete with drow.

Besides, Lorraine and drow are going to the cave camp on the earth's surface. The longer they drag, the closer they are to the earth's surface. No matter how bad the situation is, Weiss and others can leave the dwarves and escape back to the surface alone, anyway, there is not a few days to go.

Even so, Weiss still felt a little uneasy. He always felt that he had neglected something, but the clue seemed to be separated by a layer of fog, which was hard to see and touch.

Time passed quietly. When the fourth night came, the four members of Weiss team woke up from their dreams and looked at the prompt message on the team channel.

"Commander, those drow catch up with monkey and those two dark elves, our mission failed!" Shield Wei Newton stands up abruptly, the knuckle of fist is pinched creak.

For a long time, because of Weiss's steady character, their team has not lost players for a long time, and their feelings are very good. Unexpectedly, this time, an important member was lost in a task that was extremely close to completion.

Dunwei said that the mission failed, not referring to the front task of the secret bank hall, but the "dawn of olanbar". The basis of that mission was the return of two elves, raven and cosina, to the surface world.They are a little far away from the monkeys and can't use the team channel to contact them. However, the loss of team members will be prompted by the stars, and the failure of the task will also be prompted. From these two tips, there is no doubt that the monkeys have encountered an enemy attack.

While the dwarven exploration team has cleared the biological nest once on this road, there are few enemies left that can make monkeys have no resistance.

Monkey is a second-order apostle thief. He may lack combat power, but his ability to escape is definitely better than his higher-order apostle Weiss. To be able to move faster than him and see through his stealth, it's only the drow warrior and the drow priest with divination.

"Chase, I want to see who is playing the devil in the dark!" Weiss's brow was blue and sinewy, and he bit his teeth and said, "besides Romon, look at hill and Rand! "

The fall of the monkey finally made Weiss have to suspect the missing Qin Lun. Now he thought of the clue that had been ignored all the time. If Qin Lun had told Lorraine the news about the mine cave in miyingting in advance, then Lorraine would have chosen to return to the surface camp without knowing it.