Death Notice

Chapter 701

Because of Qin Lun's disappearance, the members of the exploration team didn't rest after killing the drow elves. When we got back to the original tunnel, we couldn't hold on any longer. Even when the apostles closed their eyes, they fell into a deep sleep.

When you wake up, it's another half day. After eating in a hurry, elisting will send them back to the other side of the deep trench, and she and gillim, idriya and martasha will continue to stay in the hole, monitoring the grey dwarf while looking for Qin Lun's trace.

Perhaps the dwarves and the apostles were happy that they had achieved their mission goals, and the pace of their return was particularly brisk. But when they came back to the maze fortress, the happy mood disappeared.

After the previous battle, the Minotaur told the dwarves the mechanism door leading to the fortress hall, so that they didn't have to go too far when they passed through the plain.

When the dwarfs came to the labyrinth hall again through the straight road, they were immediately shocked by the scene. The hall that had been cleaned was now covered with the remains and blood of the Minotaur. This time, even those young Minotaurs were not spared.

At a glance, Hill saw the Minotaur who had pointed Qin Lun to the exploration team. He knelt on the ground, his neck was empty, his hands were specially folded on his thigh, holding his own small head.

The big watery eyes were still, staring at the dwarves coming in from the back door.

"Moradin is up. What's going on here?" A dwarf ax thrower raised his head and pointed at the top of the hall in shock. "Look up..."

In the last battle, the molten dragon from the joint efforts of Romon and Rand collided with the spatiotemporal divinity of one of the drow priests, resulting in a large hole in the top of the hall.

Now there are only two adult Minotaurs hanging on the edge of the big hole. Their limbs and heads are chained into a "big" shape, and their chest and abdomen are cut open. The white ribs open to both sides, and take the clavicle as the axis, opening up obliquely, just like a pair of bone wings with peculiar shape.

The two heads of cattle are facing each other. Their heads have been carefully processed. The skin and flesh on their faces have been shaved off, and their upper and lower jaws have been opened.

Their skulls, parietal angles, and even canine teeth have been carefully cleaned, without a trace of dirt sticking. The pale cattle skull is slightly drooping, and the empty holes in the eyes make everyone just look at it, and then they can't help but feel a burst of palpitations and turn their eyes away.

"This is..." Looking at the remains of the two Minotaurs imitating angels, Rand's pupils shrank and looked at hill.

"There is no doubt that this is his work." Hill sighed. "It seems that he's ahead of us every time. Now I just hope..."

"And our men?" Just before Hill had finished speaking, the dwarfs in shock suddenly recalled something and started screaming.

If the Minotaurs are in danger, then the dwarves will come to support them. These two races are the chaos neutral camp and the orderly good camp, but they are really similar in character.

Most of them are straightforward, uninhibited, informal and committed. Once they regard others as friends, they must devote themselves to it. The dwarfs have rescued the Minotaur before, which is a kindness. However, the Minotaur agreed that the dwarfs should camp at the edge of the nest, which is also a heart to heart relationship.

If the Minotaur is attacked, the dwarfs will never sit back and ignore it, unless they are also dead.

However, the strange place is also here. There is no body of a dwarf in the hall.

Realizing this, the dwarves of the exploration team were so worried that they could no longer calm down. After curdling the Minotaur's body, they ran with the apostles to the outpost camp outside the labyrinth fortress.

"Is it a sacrificial ceremony when the body of the Minotaur is made in that way?" Asked Lolita, the female apostle of the Weiss team, in a low voice.

"Do you mean the drow has come back?" Weiss eyebrows a wrinkle, in the underground city to use the ritual race may not be many, the biggest possibility is the drow spirit.

"But only three of the drow elves escaped at last. Except for the priest who used the portal to escape, the other two were wounded. It's hard to imagine that they could kill these Minotaurs without disturbing the dwarves." Duncan Newton retorted cautiously.

"It is possible for you to think outside the circle of your mind." Weiss shook his head lightly. "Those drow elves really can't kill the rest of the Minotaurs, but who knows that there was only such a team to chase the drow who defected from the dark elves?"

The others were shocked and woke up one after another. Raven, the dark elf, did say that drow who escaped from the city of obalanar was not the only one. If the defector had been diverted on the way, the pursuer would not have been the only one.

"Commander, do you think this matter has anything to do with Qin Lun who disappeared?" Asked Romon, the black robed mage, touching his chin.

"I can't think of the reason why he wants to do it!" Weiss blinked his eyes, pondered for a moment, and shook his head. "He can't kill so many Minotaurs alone. If he wants to change to Zhuoer camp, there will be no reward for the task he's about to get......""That's right!" Romon shrugged. If we want to find a source for what the apostles did, there is only interest. The team has not yet returned to earth with one of Lorraine and Gilliam, and the mission is not complete. Qin Lun must have been thankless to change camp at this time.


The explorers and the apostles came to the plain on the right side of the labyrinth fortress, where Gilliam had set up the camp. But when they saw a row of simple fences in the distance, their hearts sank.

Even after a long way, they have already smelled a strong smell of blood. The dwarves took the lead in speeding up, leaping over the apostles and flying into the camp, but immediately there was a howl of grief.

Weiss and others, who were still outside the camp, immediately looked like water. If the dwarves in the camp also had no living, they would have to turn back. Without one of Lorraine and Gilliam, they would not have completed their mission even if they returned to the surface camp.

The return of Lorraine and Gilliam to camp is the basic condition for the broken star to acquiesce in the mission.

Fortunately, when they searched the camp, they found that the bodies of the dwarfs were few, including Lorraine and two other dwarven soldiers. Now, even Weiss could not guess what happened here.

"It's drow. Not long after they left, Chad's blood was still hot!" A dwarf jumped up from the ground, picked up the axe and ran out of the camp. The other dwarfs, driven by him, ran to the distance.

"Chief, shall we go back or keep up with the dwarves?" Asked Romon, scratching his scalp.

If you go back, Gilliam will not be able to stay at the mine in this case. According to Weiss's steady character, he was going to choose this way, but Hill's subsequent words made him stop the idea.

Hill advised him that these dwarfs were all elite. If they were killed by the drow spirit, they would only have six apostles and four plot characters after they joined Gilliam to get rid of the monkeys that escorted the dark elves and the missing Qin Lun.

If the drow elves keep on chasing them all the time, they will die if they have such a little power left.

Hill's words made sense. Weiss had to keep up with the impetuous dwarves so that they wouldn't be killed by drow elves who didn't know where they were lurking.


On a cliff about half a day away from the dwarven exploration team, a group of drow warriors spread out into an arc defense circle, protecting two Fairies in priest's robes, and many lizard cavalries patrolling around can be seen.

This is a green skin monster riding a giant lizard. It's about two meters tall, with a strong flat tail behind it. It has amazing bite power and spits snake letters in its upper and lower jaws. Its yellow pupils look like snakes.

The lizard man knight is one of the main arms in the underground city. With the lizard raised by them, the fighting capacity is considerable. The scales on their surface are very strong, even better than those made by most humans and elves. The only weakness is that their fire resistance is relatively low.

This kind of cold-blooded animal under the ground is covered with thick grease under the scale. Once the water on the surface of the body is dried, it will become a human torch immediately.

"Master wendini, do you really trust that surface elf?" The two drow fairies leaned together and whispered. A small, charming looking fairy, with her mouth turned, asked another elderly drow priest nearby.

"Kirchner, haven't you seen him transformed?" The old priest said quietly with a twinkling of light in his eyes, "I didn't expect that there were demonized degenerate hunters in this area. Other surface elves wouldn't accept him in his appearance."

"As for trust..." Wendini smiled a meaningful smile. "Since he can help us to encircle the Minotaurs and dwarfs, then I believe he can help us continue to find the two damn traitors and blasphemers!"

"It seems that the Miranda family will get another excellent guest!" The petite fairy gave out a burst of exquisite laughter.

"Guest Qing?" Wendini sniggered. She admired what the man had done, but she didn't like the appearance of his surface elves. Wait for this time, when she has washed away the humiliation given by the dwarves, the silver haired fairy will naturally be sacrificed to the God.

"I hope the queen likes the rare breed of demon hunter!" When wendini thought of it, he looked up at the figure with silver hair spread out like a sculpture sitting on the edge of a cliff.

With one hand on his chin, the silver haired fairy looked at the distant plain, and a lazy smile appeared on his beautiful marble face. The perception line of the silver clock in the right eye shows the expressions and lips of the two drow priestesses behind him on the retina.