Death Notice

Chapter 700

"Whoo!" Gray brown fog slowly dissipated from his eyes. After flying more than half a distance over the deep trench, Gilliam saw the black hole on the back of the giant eagle.

From this distance, it looks like a pocket sized black hole.

The old dwarf stood up from the changing eagle's back, and the blood in his heart was boiling, which made him a little impatient. He jumped lightly from the back of the giant eagle, though there was still a distance, but for the legendary warrior, his jumping skill was enough to throw himself into the hole that looked only the size of a pocket.

Feeling the old dwarf jump away, illistin did not hesitate to turn around and fly away. She believed in the strength of the dwarfs.

Seeing the eagle disappear into the fog again, gillim turned around and began to look at the tunnel in front of him.

There are some large pieces of mineral gravels scattered in the tunnel entrance. Two half buried tracks extend out of the tunnel entrance and fall towards the bottom of the cliff. The ends are twisted and broken, as if they were torn by a huge force.

Perhaps it's the track that stretches out of the pothole that made him discover something unusual here.

About a few meters away from the pit crossing, there is a tattered mineral car dumping. The surface of the mineral car is covered with a thick layer of dust, which looks gray and inconspicuous.

The old dwarf felt a piece of linen cloth for wiping sweat from his arms and went up to wipe the dust off the side wall of the mining car. The yellow brown rust grows on the surface of the mineral car like a wild flower. One of its four wheels is missing, and the other three are rusty.

Gilliam wiped a little harder, and he pushed a hole in the side wall of the mine car. After a long time, this mineral car has completely rotted.

The old dwarf stared at the "bubbling beer cup" sign on the mineral car, the Kingdom badge of the Warhammer family. His sharp eyes slowly blurred, flashing tears.

Hundreds of years! When he fled the silver hall in panic, he was a beardless dwarf child. After the hard struggle in ice wind Valley and many cold and hungry nights, he finally returned to his parents' home in his lifetime!

"We will certainly take back the secret silver hall!" With a double-edged axe in his hands, Gilliam roared at the dark pit, as if he had all the feelings he had repressed in his heart for hundreds of years.

The roar echoed in the distance along the dark tunnel. The old dwarf, with a resolute face, was waiting for the battle axe in his hand. However, there seems to be no imaginary danger in the tunnel. After a while, nothing jumped out to let him vent.

One by one, the members of the exploration team were picked up by elistine. Except for the three beauties of the Apostle and elistine, every dwarf who came back here was full of feelings and bitterness that only they could understand.

The apostles were surprised to find that a firm and tragic momentum spread among the dwarves. They have no doubt that if any underground creatures come out now, they will be torn to pieces by these dwarfs.

The dwarfs walked silently towards the deep part of the cave, without moving anything in the cave.

In fact, even the dwarves' predecessors hundreds of years ago could not have imagined that the abandoned harvester left at the mine entrance had become a flag in the battle of the shield dwarves to recover the secret silver hall in the future.

Later, every shield dwarf who arrived at the pit from the outpost camp saw the historic mining car and engraved the same oath in his heart. Do you want to recover the secret silver hall? Do you want to die here? There is no third option.

As a member of the exploration team, Gilliam and others have the final duty to explore here, find the main road of the mine, and then report to the headquarters of the shield dwarfs.

Hill and Rand follow the team to dig deeper into the cave. They find that the cave of dwarves is not the same as that seen in the earth movies.

The dwarfs did not use a large number of timbers and other supporting structures in the tunnel, and the tunnel was very zigzag and irregular. Hill even saw a stone pillar in the middle of the road, which was like a twist vine.

They couldn't imagine how the twisted stone pillar, with an inclination of almost 30 degrees, supported the top of the mine.

Curious, a dwarf beside hill proudly told him. Dwarfs are born to be able to recognize the rock structure from the texture of underground rock strata. They cut down the pillars like this along the texture of the rock.

It's like stacking blocks. Sometimes the blocks that seem to be stacked together in a crooked way are actually very stable and can support the huge pressure and load on the top.

Dwarves in mining, will never destroy the important support points. Only in some sections where there is a lack of emphasis, can they use auxiliary wooden pillars. Although it is difficult to transport ore in curved tunnels, the railway tracks and mineral cars paved on the ground have largely solved this problem.

The cave that dwarfs dig is rarely collapsed, which is their inborn talent.

All of the explorers were asked to remain extremely quiet. The shadow dragon occupying the silver hall enslaved a group of grey dwarfs.Although the grey dwarfs are chaotic and evil, it is undeniable that they are also experts in mining and smelting. They may also mine ore in the mining area. In case of discovery, the tunnel which is hard to find will be destroyed immediately.

They are moving fast, and the dwarves are like fish in water here. They seem to be born to know which way to go before they can find the main road of the mine.

"Hill, have you found any traces left by Qin Lun?" Along the way, elistin kept harassing the shepherds. Because he was not good at observing details, the Elven Druid had to ask for progress.

"In this kind of place, dwarves are sharper than us. If there is any discovery, I believe they have told you." Hill has some frustration, but in fact, he has some strangeness in mind.

According to the previous clues, Qin Lun will not be unable to find the mine. If he enters here, there must be some clues. If you don't come in after you find out, it's rather strange.

Although Qin Lun reminded him to be careful before something went wrong, Hill didn't think Qin Lun would destroy the plot task at the last moment. After all, it has vital interests with him.

"Silence!" After walking around the tunnel for a long time, Gilliam in front suddenly made a gesture towards the back, and he found something.

As soon as the old dwarf waved, the two dwarfs put down their axes and stuck their ears on the right side of the pit.

"It's the grey dwarf!" After listening for a while, the two dwarfs showed a surprise on their faces, "we have good luck. Behind this wall is the newly dug tunnel of the grey dwarfs..."

"Go back!" Gilliam waved back, and the explorers held their breath and retreated for a distance.

"Lord gilem, are we no longer moving forward?" Weiss asked tentatively with a twinkling of his eyes.

"No, no, our task has been completed. It's over!" Gilliam twisted his beard with a smile on his face.

The mission of the exploration team is to find the mining access to the miyin hall, but it can't alarm the enemy. Although the myityinting mining area is widely accessible, there will not be much access to the city interior.

Their mission is really over. Next, the shield dwarves will send a strong forward to try to break through the mining passage at one time, at least to occupy a front position in the city. Otherwise, once the grass breaks the snake, the grey dwarf will block the tunnel leading to the city, which is no easier than attacking the gate of miyin hall from the surface.

"But For Ferrar, we can't leave him here alone! " Illistine cried out and held Gilliam's arm.

The old dwarf patted illistine on the back of his hand and said solemnly, "please rest assured, illistine, the dwarf shield will never give up his friend. If we don't disturb the grey dwarf, Ferrar is not in danger. However, the situation here must be reported to the surface camp first... "

"We don't have much food. There can't be too many people here. You and Ferrar's followers will go back first. I will stay here and continue to look for Ferrar until you bring the next group of dwarves. "

"No, I'll stay with you!" Elisting said firmly, "let them go back."

Gilliam finally had to compromise. Elistin, idriya and martasha stayed here with the dwarves and gave them all the extra food. Other dwarfs and apostles had to go back. In fact, except hill and Rand, Weiss and others did not care about this.

When they return to the labyrinth fortress and take Lorraine back to the cave base on the earth's surface, they will have met the conditions for the completion of the epic plot.

Calculate the whole stay, and when they get back to the surface, there will be about a week left.

In fact, it was the drow elves who had so much time left. If they didn't get in halfway and clean up most of the Minotaurs in the maze, maybe the exploration team is still wandering in the maze.

Not to mention the four remaining Gilliam, the explorers returned in a much lighter mood. Only hill and Rand in the team were unhappy. Although they know from the list of team members that the guy is still alive, they are still not happy.

Although they had been reminded by Qin Lun before, and even imagined that he would betray team members and take his companions as the goal, they didn't expect that he would disappear like this, not even leaving a single word.

It gave hill and Rand a bad feeling that they didn't care.

"Hill, can you guess Qin Lun's intention?" Rand asked softly, "I have a very bad premonition!"

"Don't worry, he will always be in front of us." Hill said slowly, with a flash of his eyes.