Death Notice

Chapter 699

Through the persuasion of Raven, the Minotaur tribe accepted the olive branch from the dwarfs. After the most urgent things had passed, the exploration team began to treat the wounded and clean up the battlefield.

"Why, where's Ferrar?" In the distance, elistin's light cry made hill and Rand face tight. They turned around and found that Qin Lun, who was still in the hall at the time of the battle, was gone.

"I didn't notice how easy it was for him to avoid us." Hill waved at Rand's puzzled eyes.

The changes in the hall brought the members of the exploration team together again. When they asked each other, no one noticed the trace of Qin Lun.

"If you are looking for a human with silver hair..." The loud discussion of the dwarfs attracted the attention of a Minotaur. The little guy poked his head out of the back of a tall adult bull headed monster and stared at the crowd with big, watery eyes.

After it was born, it did not see elves, only thought that it was a handsome male human.

"Little boy, do you know where Ferrar is?" Cried Gilliam, the old dwarf's voice startled him, and the little head of the young Minotaur swished and shrank back.

"Ignore that old guy, kid. If you've seen that silver haired fairy, can you tell us?" Martasha gave the old dwarf a look and let him go back.

Encouraged by the adult Taurus, the little Taurus finally blushed and stood out timidly.

"That man Oh, elves, he's been squatting on the ground with his head covered just now, as if it's very uncomfortable. When he gets up, he'll go there directly! " The Minotaur pointed to the door before they came out.

"Where does that door go?" "I don't know," he asked, holding Raven's arm.

"It's the straight way of the maze. There's no mechanism partition along the way. You can go straight to the back exit of the maze." The man who answered was an adult bull headed monster, he said in a slow and dull voice.

"Why does he have to go alone?" Elisting was a little out of his wits.

"Maybe he'll go ahead and explore." Idriya stepped forward two steps, held her in her arms, and said softly.

"Don't worry, we'll see later." Gilliam frowned and beckoned to Lorraine. "You stay here and join the mining experts behind, and then you can set up an outpost camp nearby. Let's go to the front to explore the way first. In addition, several soldiers will be arranged to send the two dark elves back to the surface cave. "

"Go!" With Gilliam's order, a dozen people who had just finished the battle set foot on the journey again.

"Monkey, you go with the two dark elves. When you get to the surface, remember to leave their map." Weiss asked him on the team channel, hesitated, or asked hill, "what's wrong with Qin Lun?"

"He has some small problems, but they won't affect our task." Hill smiled back and said, "don't worry, this task is now almost finished. When you are finished, you can return to the sky without worrying about us. "

"That's the best!" With a meaningful look at hill, Weiss realized that there might be something wrong with Qin Lun.

However, as Hill said, it doesn't matter if the three Qin Lun members don't continue to cooperate in this task. Even if both sides tear their faces at once, at least the characters will not help Qin Lun and his three companions to kill. They don't need to worry about anything.

The maze hall is located in the core area of the maze. It took the exploration team several days to get here from the entrance. But when they saw the exit behind the maze, it took only a half day without the barrier of the mechanism wall.

Along the way, they did not see Qin Lun. As a hunter, Qin Lun has the highest agility attribute except perception. Most of the team members are short legged dwarfs, of course, they can't catch up with him.

"Where can he go without the dwarven expert in front of him?" Elisting's face was full of anxiety.

"Hill, is he still not responding to your telepathy?" The Elf Druid looks at hill with anticipation. But the silence of the latter soon made her understand the answer.

Of course, Hill tried to call Qin Lun on the team channel, and the other side didn't respond at all.

Although Qin Lun was not seen at the exit of the maze, the dwarven exploration team did not stop for this. As they explored the surrounding environment, they continued to look for Qin Lun.

Although at this time, the Dwarfs' prospecting experts were still in the rear to help Lorraine survey the location of the outpost camp, but in this area, all the dwarfs in the team basically had a premonition that the miyingting mining area was near here.

"We're almost there." A dwarf squatting on the ground threw his axe and stood up. He rubbed his fingers and showed the yellow powder on the tip of his fingers.

"It's sulfur, a mineral additive that dwarves use all the time in the process of mining, smelting and forging." "The powder can be found everywhere in the shallow soil of this area. It is emitted during the blasting process and melted into the plain along with the air circulation," gillim said excitedlyWith the gradual detection of sulfur concentration, the exploration team came to the edge of niutouguai plain with a slow and firm speed. Here, however, they had to stop. In front of them was a deep ditch with an unknown width and a layer of gray brown mist over it.

"In the past few hundred years, the newly formed geological fracture layer!" The dwarfs looked at the deep ravine in front of them, surprised and delighted.

What we like is that the new geological fracture means new and rare underground minerals. Every time the earth's veins vibrate, it is like that the cultivated land is plowed again, and the "nutrition" in the deep underground will be turned up.

It's amazing that the new geological fracture is very dangerous. No one knows what's under it. It will take a long time for us to make a little bit of downward exploration. And the existence of this deep ditch is equal to putting a problem in front of all people, they can no longer move forward.

"Elder gilem, please come here!" As the dwarfs hesitated, Weiss's voice came from afar.

"What's the matter?" Although Qin Lun disappeared, the dwarfs still held great respect for the followers of these elves and princes. After all, they also fought with the team until now.

"Look, there are traces of claws on this side. I think Prince Ferrar should go to the opposite side." Weiss pointed to a large black rock on the edge of the cliff.

"Ferrar does have a chain. I'll turn into a giant eagle first." "If the width of the ravine is not large, I will come back and carry you there," he said

"You have to think about it. We don't know if those Taupe fogs are poisonous!" Martha frowned, persuading.

"Never mind. I'll do what I can. If I can't hold it, I'll come back." "No matter what happened to Ferrar, I'll get him back," said illistine slowly and firmly

Edria opened her mouth for words, but after hearing the words, she swallowed them.

Maybe she didn't have the feeling of elisting for Qin Lun, but once, when she was crouching in the giant devil's bamboo cage and was about to be sacrificed, and her heart was in despair, the silver haired elves, regardless of the danger, crossed the whole land of death, fell from the sky like the legendary prince charming, and pulled her and elisting back from the hell.

Even though the only person Qin Lun wanted to save was elistin, she was only an accessory, but this kindness could not be ignored. Ms. lovetta is fickle, but as a temple knight, loyalty has been engraved in her marrow.

Idriya silently removes a ruby ring from the middle finger of her right hand and shoves it into her hand.

"The exorcism ring, which has an inhibitory effect on poisonous and dark things, is one of the heritages I got in the tomb of that ancestor in candleburg." The knight asked lightly, "find that bastard and bring him back!"

"I will." Elisting nodded heavily, turned to be a giant eagle, and flew into the haze of Taupe.

Rand looked at Weiss and others in the distance with a gloomy face. "Hill, why don't you open your mouth? No matter what Qin Lun looks like, since he chose to leave us, he would not leave such a mark on purpose."

"Is it useful to explain to a woman who is trapped in love "That's exactly what Weiss saw," Hill said deadpan. "He'll let the Elf Druid explore the way for us. Otherwise, how can the task continue?"

Fortunately, the worry didn't happen, and Alistair was back in about a quarter of an hour.

"The trench is about 300 meters wide, and there are some tall stone pillars in the center that can be used as footholds." "I found some crushed stones on one of the pillars," said the Elf Druid, with delight. "Ferrar was indeed facing the other side."

What a surprise! Hill and Rand look at each other. Weiss and others are wrong.

"In addition, I found a man-made mine cave in the middle of the cliff opposite." From the rusty track of the mine car at the entrance of the tunnel, it has a very long history. Not surprisingly, it should belong to one of the ore ways in the myityinting mining area. "

"Whoa..." The dwarfs beat their chests and raised their axes to the sky. After nearly half a year's exploration, they are only one step away from success.

"Are you not in any danger?" Idriya was more concerned about her companions than the jubilant dwarves.

"It's very smooth. The mist over the ditch is not poisonous, but the smell is pungent. You'd better put on a damp cloth. I'll take you there in turn. " "This time, I won't let you run away alone," he said

She didn't want to delay for half a second. If it wasn't for her, everyone would have risked jumping on those stone pillars. I'm afraid that she would go directly to track Qin Lun's whereabouts.