Death Notice

Chapter 698

After the priest drow sent them away, the battle situation turned to the next level as soon as the bloodthirsty rage she gave her men was over.

Although the remaining spider elves and drow warriors are still powerful, there are legendary Elim, high-level apostle Weiss, second-level field control guard and giant Bear Druid, Archer, axe thrower, magician, complete professional system and mutual protection.

Without the decisive factor of drow priest, one after another, spider spirits and drow warriors died. In addition to one of the shadow class thieves, there is also a magic warrior who summons a faceless Knight double. All the other drow elves die in battle, while the members of the dwarven exploration team have little major casualties.

After the battle, the two drow elves who escaped from the underground city finally walked out of the door behind the hall with two adult Tauren and a group of young tauren, dragging their exhausted bodies to salute the people.

Their whole body is covered with blood stains and wounds. The wounds on the two adult Minotaurs are even more layered. Under the blood cocoon or the blood cocoon, even their self-healing talent can't offset the wounds from time to time.

"Woo..." After many young Minotaurs came out, they ran to the rubble of the site to find their dead parents, whimpering one after another. And two adult Minotaurs sat on the ground exhausted, their eyes full of gloom and silence.

"Are you all believers in the dark maiden?" Martha looked cautiously at the two drow elves in front of him.

Although the dwarfs helped the two drows, it was martasha who was in charge of contacting them. Who made the highland elves the harpist and led the fight.

"I'm raven, and this is corsena. We are all the dark elves of the city of aubarand. Thank you for your help." The men of the two defecting elves bowed down and reached for a map from their arms and handed it to Martha.

"My countrymen and I were in the dark, praying for the light, and were guided by the dark maiden in our pain. My father used to get this map from a harpist. He said it could lead us to the surface world. Just in the long journey, we are constantly being chased by the dungeon. When we get here, all the dark elf compatriots are only me and kosana. "

The eyes of the male Dark Elves were full of pathos. After a few words, they were already sobbing.

Drow elves who have defected from the dungeons usually don't call themselves drow. Instead, they restored their dark elf identity when they first entered the dark area in ancient times.

Martasha opened the simple map in her hand. When she saw the secret code of the harpist alliance in the lower left corner of the map, she believed that 90% of the secret code could not be forged.

"What about the Minotaurs?" The spirit of the Highlands lowered his voice, pointed to the bull headed monster sitting beside him and asked, "don't tell me, they are also followers of the dark girl?"

"Taurus is not as evil as you think!" Raven smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying something.

It turns out that Raven's father, a martial arts chief of a Zhuoer family in the city of obalanar, once arrived at the surface world when he was young. At the same time, he met a harpist. With the help of the harpist, he drew this road map to the surface world with his memory.

After returning to the dungeon, he didn't tell the master mother of the family all this, hiding the bright world on the surface in his heart, and later slowly influenced a large number of young elves in auranbar.

It was during that adventure that Raven's father met the leaders of the Minotaurs. The Minotaur was very young at that time. When he went out, he was chased by a group of evil anemones. In panic, he lost his way back to the maze. It was raven's father who saved it from the mouth of the anemone and took it all the way back to the maze fortress.

Although Tauren are grumpy creatures of the chaos camp, some of them are not evil and belong to the chaos neutral camp. And most of the Tauren are very loyal to their friends. They are not as selfish as most of the underground creatures.

Raven's father never made it to the surface again. He died in a family war. Before he died, he handed over the map and the keepsake of the leader of the Minotaur to Raven, and asked him to lead the dark girl believers who had developed secretly back to the earth, so that was what happened next.

"No. 5364 black iron team, you have triggered the hidden plot task - the dawn of obalanar!"

[the dawn of oberrand (Sergeant Colonel level): a large-scale combination of plot tasks. There are a large number of believers of dark girls in the underground city community with obalanar as the core. These young drow in the dark underground are all yearning for the free life of the surface world. Among them, a group of young elves, as the forerunners, have embarked on the journey to the surface.

However, during the journey, they were chased and killed by all the underground cities along the way. Spider God never allowed any dark people to leave her control, and sent dark servants such as wax melt demon and spider spirit to assist the drow priest of the underground city.

Mission objective: the Apostle team accepting the mission first needs to escort the first batch of dark elves to the earth's surface. When the first dark elves arrive at the earth's surface, the mission will receive basic rewards and can continue to receive the mission. Once again, under the guidance of the map, the Apostle team can go to the area of obalanar to introduce other dark elves.Task based reward: each dark elf arriving at the earth's surface will give the Apostle 10000 broken crystals, 5 contribution points, 1 broken fusion crystal and 200 exchange coupons. For each additional dark elf in the follow-up task, you will be rewarded with a maximum of 3 points.

Tip: team 5364 black iron has reached the maximum stay time in torrell world, so the hidden task can't increase the stay time any more. The task can be shared with other apostle teams. Note that the task belongs to a competitive scenario, and there are rival apostle teams.

Tip: this scenario belongs to a long-term time span task. The existing team of Apostles has a certain chance to trigger the hidden scenario again next time they enter torrell world near the ridge of the world.

Hill and Weiss, who stand near Martha and raven, smile. The shepherds are right. They did trigger a small plot task, and the task can be executed more than twice. This will greatly improve their chances of obtaining world keepsakes.

"The dawn of olanbar", the difficulty of this task is a little strange, but after seeing the introduction of the task, both of them have a general idea. At present, there is no difficulty in escorting Raven and kosena to the surface, and the sergeant level is a guide story.

And then go to auranbar to introduce other dark elves. That's not the same. Once their whereabouts are exposed, they have to face the pursuit of the underground city, as well as wax melting demon, drow priest, spider spirit and other monsters. It's not surprising that they are difficult to reach the rank of colonel.

However, the reward for this task is quite rich. The basic reward is not mentioned for the time being. It's tempting just for a dark elf to give a 3-point life soul upper limit. Ten can be the 30 point life soul limit

Having figured out the cause and effect, martasha ran to explain it to Gilliam. The dwarfs have no special views on the two dark elves. They won't hinder their mission any more. Instead, they can send a guide to take them to the cave camp on the surface first.

As for the future life of these two dark elves, it's none of the business of dwarves. The harpist alliance will naturally make corresponding arrangements.

"Master Martha, then How about the tauren, will they stay in the maze fortress? " Lorraine asked, blinking and concerned.

"Don't worry, since these Minotaurs are willing to build the whole tribe in return for Raven's father, they will not hurt the dwarven exploration team in the future." Said martasha firmly.

"No, master, I'm not worried about that." Lorraine looked at the Minotaurs crouching in the rubble and sobbed. He hesitated and said, "I heard that drow is a kind of revenge race. Will they come back?"

"Possible!" Martasha frowned. "But Raven and them are channeling through. Tauren are stubborn. They don't believe in other surface races. They don't want to go to the surface with the dark elves. They want to stay."

"Shall we watch the drow kill the last blood of this tribe?" Lorraine raised his head and looked at the old dwarf solemnly. "Elder Gilliam..."

"Lorraine, needless to say, I know what you mean. Let me think about it, think about it!" The old dwarf grabbed his beard. After a while, he sighed and said, "martasha, can you let Raven communicate with the Minotaur again and ask them if we dwarves can set up an outpost camp near the maze fortress?"

Martha's eyes brightened, she smiled and nodded. She understood the meaning of the old dwarf.

The ultimate purpose of the dwarves to explore this dark area is to find the miyingting mining area and recover it through the mining channel. If the route so far has not gone wrong, they must set up a relay camp in this dark area, so as to recover the troop projection in the secret silver hall.

The location of the camp is very important. Seriously, the underground cave in front of the labyrinth fortress is more suitable. There is a large space, and there are forks connecting the front and back. The location is easy to defend and hard to attack. It can prevent the grey dwarf who is now occupying the miyin hall from sneaking attack.

The maze fortress is near a plain area, no danger to defend. The internal terrain of labyrinth fortress is not suitable for dwarf life, so it is not the best choice.

However, the dwarf camp is set up here, which is good news for the current weak Minotaur tribe. Even if it's a small camp, there will be hundreds of dwarven soldiers. With the large-scale defense equipment made by dwarves, even if the drow elves retaliate again, it's enough to stand firm.

Of course, it's also good for the shield dwarfs. As long as they help the Minotaur tribe to survive, and wait for the Minotaur population to increase again, there will be another Ally in the secret silver hall in the dark area.

The maze fortress of the Minotaur tribe can also help the town of miyin hall to guard the access to the mining area in the dark area.