Death Notice

Chapter 685

"Boys, take the rope ladder. Let's go straight down the cliff." Cried Gilliam to the dwarves of the explorers.

After the exploration team and Qin Lun four people joined, the first little difficulty before them was how to go from the cliff to the mushroom forest.

Originally, the path of dwarfs through this cliff was not to climb down directly, but to go around a long mountain road. However, Gilliam brought enough people to carry several circles of rope ladders hundreds of meters long this time. With a sense of revenge, he didn't want to make another detour.

From the cliff where they were to the mushroom forest plain, which was about 100 meters high, the dwarfs hung four rope ladders and began to attach ants. Qin Lun has something to do with his mind. He is a little behind and follows Lorraine.

"Lorraine, what did you confirm that this underground fissure can lead to the miyingting mining area?" Qin Lun asked cautiously.

"It's very easy. Many of our clansmen are experts looking for ore vein. The rock stratum with large ore vein is different from the ordinary rock stratum. As long as we enter the deep underground for a certain distance, we can confirm whether there is valuable ore vein nearby and whether it has been mined."

Lorraine shrugged. Since Gilliam had agreed Qin Lun to join the exploration team, he put aside his concerns. The information that could not have been disclosed to Qin Lun can now be said without any scruples.

"Is that it?" The answer came as a surprise to Qin Lun. The silver wizard asked, "but the ridge of the world runs across the northern part of the continent, almost tens of thousands of kilometers long. There are countless underground mines. Can you confirm that the nearby mines have been mined by miyin hall before?"

"Yes!" Lorraine laughed heartily. "Our dwarves are familiar with the mineral vein, just like your elves are familiar with the forest. The mined large vein will have a lasting impact on the rock strata within a certain range. It's like replanting the damaged forest. You elves can see it at a glance, right

"That's right!" Qin Lun has nothing to say. Even if a large area of deforested forest is replanted, its ecological environment will take a long time to recover, let alone the elves, even ordinary people can see it.

"The Warhammer family where the dwarf king lived has returned from the ice wind valley. Their understanding of the mineral vein near the miyin hall is like watching the grain on the palm." "Although the existing shield dwarfs don't remember the way to the miyingting mining area in the dark, they can't admit it by virtue of their familiarity with the vein," laughs Lorraine

"Well!" Qin Lun returns absently, ruling out the possibility that this road cannot lead to the miyingting mining area, so there is only one possibility that this epic branch plot needs to stay for nearly a month.

All the members of the expedition quickly gathered under the cliff and headed for the mushroom forest under the leadership of gillim.

"Standing here, these mushroom forests are really tall!" Edria murmured, looking at the giant mushroom beside her.

"I can't communicate with them. Be careful!" Elistin took the palm of his hand back from the toadstool and frowned slightly. In these giant mushrooms, the fairy's unique talent of fairy tales does not work at all.

After all, the mushroom forest is very different from the forest plants on the earth's surface, or because the dark area is out of the range of the priesthood of Ralph. Although the fairy tale is a kind of racial talent, it is actually the blessing of the forest God to the elves.

"The vegetation here is amazing. It's like a carpet." Martasha squatted down, fingering the dark brown carpet of vegetation.

Different from the flowers and shrubs in the surface forest, the vegetation here has not been exposed to the sun for a long time. It is low and dense, most of which are less than two inches high, but it is luxuriant and dense, and feels as comfortable as a carpet.

"Ha ha, they are harmless now, but if you lie here all night, you will never wake up. These carpet like vegetation can paralyze and invade your whole body overnight. After three days and nights, you will be absorbed without trace. Even the hard skeleton can't leave any residue. "

"For the first time in the dark, most of them didn't die in the predators' mouths, but were quietly swallowed by the underground vegetation when they rested at night," Lorraine said, shaking his head

Lorraine's story made several beauties in the team shudder. Martha's fingers retracted like a power transmission and looked at the dwarf angrily.

"Stop!" The team advanced a distance in the mushroom forest, and Gilliam, who was on the way ahead, suddenly stopped the team and signaled everyone to disperse.

"Any enemies Damn, the fog here affects the vision of staring at the halo! " Qin Lun's eyes lit up with the pattern of yin and yang fish, but he soon cancelled it. When he stood on the cliff, he didn't feel that his vision was very limited after entering the mushroom forest. He could hardly see 30 meters away.

"Do you feel the ground shaking?" The Dunwei of Weiss team suddenly frowned.

"Well? Very weak, but It does! " Qin Lun and others focused on feeling it, and found that it was true. They should have noticed, but a thick layer of vegetation on the ground acts as a buffer."Ji Lim... " With more and more vibration, there was a strange cry in the air in front of the team, which seemed to lengthen the nasal sound.

"Toadstools!" Qin Lun, with the best eyesight, first saw what was ahead, and his face did not change.

The giant mushroom in front of the team was suddenly pulled away by a pair of huge palms. A giant with mushroom head bent down from the air, with a huge face with five features facing gillim in front of the team.

Although the mushroom man stooped, he was initially estimated to be more than 70 meters tall. The umbrella shaped fungus cover almost covered the sky of the team, just like a giant spirit God overlooking all creatures in the cloud.

"Roya!" The dwarf elder's face was a little dignified, holding the right hand of the axe and blue tendon * *, "we have reached an agreement with you toadstools, why should we block our way at this time?"

The toadstool named ROA, with his head askew, seemed to be thinking about why he wanted to stop the dwarven exploration team here. However, he soon thought of the strange tone in his mouth.

"Ping Heng... "

The toadstool just said two words, then he stopped talking and stared at gillim, as if he was confident that the dwarven Presbyterian would understand its meaning.

"I see. We'll leave the old, the weak, the women and the children of the rat tribe!" The old dwarf's face was a little dark, and it was strange that he really understood the strange words of mushroom man with only two words.

Hearing Gilliam's promise, the mushroom man stood up, released his hands and left the exploration team slowly.

Although its step frequency is not fast, but each step can span tens of meters, and soon the ground vibration will become weak again, and the giant mushroom figure disappears in the pink spore thick fog around the mushroom forest.

"What does that mean?" The apostles were a little confused, but the two plot elves, elistin and Martha, were thoughtful.

"The balance that mushroom people refer to is that the dwarves give up killing the tribe of rat people and leave behind the old, the weak, the women and the children in the tribe." Martha sighed and explained to Qin Lun and others.

"Does it have anything to do with balance?" The black robed mages in the team still don't understand.

"Rat man is a kind of omnivorous creature. They usually eat everything, not only including the giant mushroom, but also the insects that harm the mushroom forest. They are an important part of the whole mushroom forest ecological chain, just like wolves in the jungle. " Elisting explained with a smile.

So the apostles understood. Although wolves are predators, they are essential to the jungle. Without wolves, the number of herbivores can not be controlled. Once they are flooded in the forest, the vegetation will be damaged, and finally the ecological environment will be out of balance.

The rat man killed the passing dwarven exploration team. The mushroom man could not stop the dwarves from revenge. Otherwise, the shield dwarves would come back to destroy the mushroom forest. When the two evils were taken lightly, the toadstools had to ask gillim to let go of the old, the weak and the children of the rat tribe.

In this way, the rat man can continue to reproduce, and the Dwarfs' exploration will not be hindered.

After such an episode, the team went back on the road, but the morale of the exploration team was obviously not as high as before, and even the most talkative dwarves were reluctant to talk.

It didn't last long, because the team soon followed Weiss's lead to the location of the bat, the cave of the tribe of the rat man.

This cave is located on the left edge of mushroom forest, slightly higher than mushroom forest, forming a gentle slope with the ground, about 10 meters high. In front of the gentle slope of the cave is covered with a kind of gray white mushroom, which is the size of an adult's palm.

From the point of view of Qin Lun and others, it used to be like a planned mushroom field, with only a two foot wide channel in the middle to the deep cave.

"Squeak!" In the middle of the sky, there was a flash of black shadow, and there were two more light bat on Weiss's shoulder.

"The mice that attacked the dwarfs have all entered the cave, but there are too many branches in the cave for the whispering bats to explore the details!" Weiss pretended to report to Qin Lun, while Gilliam and Lorraine were on the sidelines.

In fact, at the speed of the light bat, it is possible to explore the entire cave before they come. But the bat has no defense ability. If it is found by the rat man and the cave is so narrow, it may be shot down. Weiss doesn't want to lose such precious alchemy props here.

"I'll go!" The monkey is eager to try, so it's natural for thieves to fight in this situation.

"I'll let another Summoner who can sneak with you!" After such a long time of cultivation, Venus, who had been badly hurt, could finally be summoned again. Qin Lun turned his head and asked, "Mr. Gilliam, do you think this arrangement is OK?"

There are no rogue and ranger professions in the dwarven exploration team, or the dwarves with bold and unconstrained nature. Generally, they will not be transferred to these two fighting professions.

"The stealth of thieves and shadow leopards doesn't do much in the dark area. They can't get by." Hearing Qin Lun and others' discussion, Gilliam's face showed a strange look, "or Do you really regard those rat people as wild animals and feel that they are very easy to deal with? "