Death Notice

Chapter 686

"Monsieur gilem, have we neglected anything?" The apostles looked at each other in awe.

"You must remember that the biological communities in the dark areas are different from those in the villages and towns on the earth's surface. Even if they are of low rank, they are full of aggression. If you are not familiar with them and despise them, you will surely learn a lesson that will never be forgotten. "

Gillim sighed helplessly, pointed to the mushroom field in front of the cave, and said, "do you know why the rat tribe doesn't arrange sentinels at the gate of the nest?"

"You mean there's something wrong with these mushrooms?" Qin Lun asked in a low voice with a jump of his eyelids.

"Well, these mushrooms are called howling grey mushrooms. They are very strange in structure. Their bodies are filled with mesh like silk floss, which can store a lot of air. They are very sensitive to the external vibration. When the external objects are close, they will contract strongly and squeeze out the air in the body. "

Gilliam said with a smile on his face, "so he would make a shrill cry to scare the underground creatures who want to use them as food. These little things are not only the rat man's reserve food, but also the best sentry

"Aren't rat people afraid of the howling of grey mushroom?" Asked illistine curiously.

Other people are also interested in the problem of Elven Druids. After all, the path in the middle of the mushroom field is only two feet wide. Even if the rat is small and thin, it should step into the warning range of howling grey mushroom.

Do rat people cover their ears every time they go in and out of the nest?

"So you look down on rat man too much. Although these hateful rats are not worth mentioning in strength, they are too flexible. With a distance of two feet, they can hide the perception of the howling mushroom. "

Gilliam said with a wry smile, "I once saw a rat man performer of a minstrel Acrobatic Troupe in juedong city. He could dance on the tip of a knife without hurting his foot without even needing daily training."

Gillim paused, frowned and said, "but the trouble brought by the mushroom is nothing. The most serious problem is that the mice are timid and vengeful, and their nests often have several exits. If they escape some of the adult fighters, our next job will be even more annoying. "

"In that case Lord Gilliam, maybe we can lead the snake out of the cave and kill all the soldiers of the rat tribe outside the cave. " Qin Lun pondered the suggestion.

"It's a way, but..." Gillim looked at the apostles and said with a deep smile, "rat people are also intelligent races, and they are naturally cautious and cunning, which is not so easy to cheat!"

"Leave the work to us!" Qin Lun and Weiss looked at each other, smiled and agreed, "if the invaders you see outside the nest are human beings and elves, rather than the dwarves you just robbed, then presumably the vigilance of the rat people will be reduced a lot!"

"Are you sure?" The old dwarf narrowed his eyes, showing a shrewd look.

Qin Lun and others looked at each other and laughed. The heroic dwarf elder didn't look like a good bird. He said so much just now. He just wanted the apostles to be bait for the exploration team.

"Well, since you've taken on this arduous task, I won't say much more." Gilliam slapped Qin Lun on the shoulder and laughed heartily. "Remember, you should stick to it for a long time and try to seduce as many adult rat people as possible. As long as the rat people feel the hope of victory, they will continue to put in their troops."

"Don't worry, Lord Gilliam, we know what to do." Weiss promised to squeeze Qin Lun's eyes. "Then Highness Ferrar, let's get ready to fight first. "

Qin Lun smiled bitterly. Although Gilliam gave the mission to the apostles, he could not take part in the battle in person, even elisting. As for Martha and idriya, it depends on their own wishes.

Finally, after discussion, the Weiss team including hill and Rand joined in the mission, and Martha joined in with great interest. However, the interest of illistine and Idria was lacking.

Needless to say, Elven Druids are not always interested in fighting, while edria is impatient to act and would rather wait for the scuffle.

"Hey, Qin Lun, let's make a cocoon of our own!" Hill was gloating on the team channel. If he didn't take part in the battle, his contribution to the mission would not be enough.

Although it was only the foreplay of the first World War, the incident was related to the Dwarfs' efforts to get through the mining area of miyinting and had a direct impact on the contribution of the mission. As for the real war in the back, when Gilliam, the legendary strongman, took the lead, there was almost no role for the apostles.

"Oh, yes! Rat man is also a big race in the dark area. There may be priests or thieves in this tribe. " Just when Weiss and others were ready, Gilliam threw a light words.

"What? Professional? " When Weiss returned to his senses, the old dwarf was far away.

"It's a headache!" Weiss and others wryly laugh at each other. Geelim's occupation refers to the fighting occupation that torrell world's original residents have met certain conditions and thus promoted.

There is no complete civilization in this intelligent race of rat and man. Their fighting skills from instinct are not worth mentioning.However, there is a complete dark god system in the dark area. Although there is no real God King in this God system, and the belief attribution is chaotic, it does not mean that the rat people will not be able to create some believer occupations of dark gods.

After being reminded by Gilliam, Weiss and others soon associate one of the dark gods, guanard, with the mud monster owned by the rat man!

The God of ooze monster is a very old, very weak God, but it is also a God after all, which can give some divinities to believers.

After expanding their thinking, the apostles also thought of other gods that might be accepted by rat believers in the dark area, such as eliste, the dark girl, Veron, the God of conspiracy and theft, and Ziya wensally, the goddess of immortal revenge.

Dark girl is the daughter of spider God, and also the rare orderly and kind God in dark area. Rat man has a very low probability of becoming her believer, not to mention for the moment. But it's no surprise that there are several crazy followers of Veyron and Zeya in the tribe, which are related to the characteristics of rat man.

The followers of Veyron basically represent the profession of thieves, while the followers of Zia will be born as priests of restoration department. With the help of such two professions, and the mud monster trainers that have appeared, Weiss and others immediately found that the old dwarfs were right. They despised the rats too much.

"Good luck!" Qin Lun took a swipe at the corner of his mouth, resisted the good mood of gloating, and went to the place where the dwarven exploration team was hiding.

The plan to lead the snake out of the cave has been determined, but this does not mean that Weiss and others can all lure the adult rat and human out in a short time. They need to lead out a group of rat man pioneers first, then cause some losses to them, and then after a large number of rat men appear, chase and escape to introduce them into the dwarf's ambush circle.

Most of the dwarves in the exploration team are professionals, and there are a few rare dwarves who throw axes. However, dwarves are born with short legs. If they don't introduce the rat man into the special ambush ring, even if there is a legendary strongman, Gilliam, they may encounter failure.

In order to avoid the failure of the ambush, the dwarven exploration team's ambush circle is a little far away from the cave, which is a slightly low-lying space on the edge of mushroom forest. Here, the dwarves weave several huge nets with ropes, which is the best way to limit the range of activities of rat and human.

"Master Martha, let's make a specific arrangement!" Weiss sighed and wisely handed over the command to the high elves.

Weiss and Martha have no adventure experience in the dark area. Maybe Weiss is stronger than the highland elves. But Martha is the original resident of torrell world. He has the intelligence support of the harpist alliance. The high-ranking apostles still feel that Martha is more suitable for commanding this battle than he is.

"OK!" Martasha, however, took the initiative and arranged a simple plan.

Qin Lun stood on a giant mushroom cover more than 30 meters high and looked at the rat man cave in the distance, while elistin beside him was a little distracted.

"Ferrar, when are we going back to the ark elves court? I miss elder Adeline and other people a little!" The spirit Druid's mood is not high, the vision dodges to ask.

Qin Lun looked back in amazement, and found that the deep beauty of elisting was full of fatigue and sleepiness. His heart quivered, and suddenly he realized that the Elf Druid had been suffering in silence.

Elistin is different from him, even from Idria and Martha. Maybe after leaving jonidas forest, the spirit beauty's heart has never been full of the sense of insecurity of displacement.

Maybe I shouldn't have advised her to leave the fairy court of jondal! Qin Lun had such an idea in his mind for some reason.

Elistin is a Druid of a natural sect. Despite her fighting strength, from her life experience and character alone, maybe a peaceful and peaceful life in seclusion is really suitable for her.

"Illistin, have you ever regretted leaving jondal forest?" Qin Lun couldn't help but ask.

"Regret?" Elistin was a little confused, but she soon understood Qin Lun's meaning, smiled and shook her head, "even if not for the tribe, I have never regretted it. To know you, to know Idria, to know mireras With so many other companions, I feel really lucky. Just Maybe I've been away from my people for a long time. I miss them a little bit. "

I see! Qin Lun put the Elf Druid in his arms with a smile and gently rubbed her silver hair. "When we help the dwarves find the mining passage of the secret silver hall, we will go back to the Anke fairy hall!"

"Well!" Elistin was suddenly attacked by Qin Lun and made a big red face, but he didn't push away the silver elf, closed his eyes and buried his head in his chest, turned his back around his waist, and gave a light cry.

However, the spirit Druid did not see Qin Lun's face looking very complicated. That is to say, at this moment, he gave up his intention of bringing elistin into the broken sky.

Elistin is not suitable to be an apostle. He can't selfishly tie fairy beauty into his life!

In fact, Qin Lun didn't find out that he had problems, or maybe he didn't care. If hill and Rand were by his side at the moment, Qin Lun's behavior would have been very different."Hey, don't you think I don't exist!" Said idriya, turning her white eyes aside.

"Ah..." Elistin pushed Qin Lun away like an electric shock, covered his face with red, and jumped down from the mushroom. Several of them dodged and didn't know where to hide.

"Well, the fight over there seems to have begun!" Qin Lun looked up as if nothing had happened just now, which made lovetta's Knight admire his cheekiness.