Death Notice

Chapter 684

"Subsonic alchemical bats! Commander Weiss, you're a big hand... " Qin Lun and hill were surprised.

No matter whether it has attack power or not, it's at least a purple gold item with one speed. I'm afraid it's valuable. Most of the scouting items are easy to lose. With such high-quality items, the high-level apostles are really rich.

"Nothing." Weiss inadvertently waved his hand. As a high-ranking apostle, he accumulated much more resources than Qin Lun and others.

At the speed of the light tone bat, it will not take much time to cruise the whole mushroom forest. Moreover, this thing is small and can penetrate into the hidden corner of the mushroom forest. Qin Lun and others soon found out the clues about the trapped dwarf.

"Rat man?" Looking at the image outlined by the light bat with ultrasound, Qin Lun and others were full of wonder.

"It's the gasla rat monster. I've seen it in the books of the santalin society." Weiss's expression relaxed a lot.

As a low-level creature, the only advantage is that they have strong fecundity and large numbers. They are violent and fierce in battle and are fearless of death. However, as long as they are not surrounded by them, the threat to the apostles is not as strong as the monster.

There are more than one hundred of them in this group, and two giant mud monsters are more noticeable in the group.

The mud monster is a unique medium level demon in the dark area. Its attack power is not high, but its defense is very strong. It is immune to most elemental magic. If it wasn't for their slow action and lack of attack means, it would be more difficult than the high-level claw fearing beasts Qin Lun and others had met before.

Mud monsters and rat monsters are a very suitable team. A large number of them make up for the slow-moving shortcomings of mud monsters, and mud monsters are the best meat shield of the rat monsters. It's no wonder the dwarven exploration team can't carry them.

Now Qin Lun knows what kind of monster made the hollow on the dwarf's chest. It's not unusual to make this kind of wound with the power of mud monster's attack.

See those monsters dragging a dozen mutilated bodies to the left edge of the mushroom forest. Qin Lun and others know that the previous group of dwarven exploration team, I'm afraid, has been completely annihilated.

Compared with the previous claw fearing beasts, these low-level rat monsters make Qin Lun and others feel a little tricky.

Unlike most subterranean creatures, they have excellent eyesight in the dark and are sensitive to smell and hearing. Close to a certain distance, almost even the stealth of thieves can't hide from them. There is no possibility of surprise attack.

"Let the light bat hang them from afar, and find the nest first."

Qin Lun and several other companions discussed for a while, then decided to wait for the dwarven exploration team behind him. There are such a group of mouse monsters in the mushroom forest. Gillim must clean up the biological nest first, and then he can safely explore ahead. About half an hour later, the dwarven exploration team led by gillim finally arrived here.

"Prince Ferrar, nice to see you!" Seeing that Qin Lun was safe and sound, gilimton was relieved, and his heart was lowered. They had already seen the bodies of the two talons in front of them.

"Sorry to worry you!" Qin Lun smiled and apologized.

"Nothing, you'll be fine!" Although he didn't like Qin Lun's utility, Gilliam was a straightforward shield dwarf after all, and now he has left a little unhappiness behind.

"Ferrar, you are so reckless. The dark area is very dangerous. Even I dare not rush around!" Martha looked at Qin Lun with some bitterness. In Qin Lun's opinion, the highland elves are probably blaming him for not bringing himself.

However, Qin Lun didn't care about Martha at this time. Now he has another angry fairy beauty to deal with.

"That Elistin, ha ha... " Qin Lun carefully observed the expressionless fairy beauty. Although he had such a relationship with several women, he was still not good at dealing with such feelings.

"Hum!" The Elf Druid lost him a sanitary eye, turned his head and ignored him in anger.

Qin Lun sighed and touched his nose awkwardly. Just as he turned to leave, he felt a pain in his waist, which was severely twisted by the fairy beauty.


"Rat man? It's rat man! " After learning the information that Qin Lun and others explored, Gilliam was shocked and angry.

As the successor of the ancient Sannata Empire, the shield dwarfs once belonged to a kind of underground creatures. But among the humanoid creatures in the dark area, the status of shield dwarf is totally different from that of rat man.

The shield dwarfs were the most powerful underground rulers before the drow elves appeared, which even the rare beholders and suckers were ashamed of themselves.

The rat man is the weakest humanoid, which is far inferior to the dwarf in both force and wisdom. Most of the time, they are just vassals of other underground races. In ancient times, the dwarves of sunata also raised many rat people as slaves.

I heard that the members of the dwarven exploration team were killed by the rat people they despised, and even the bodies were dragged away as food reserves. Including the dwarfs below gillim, they were all furious and would like to kill all the monsters immediately."Our summoned bats have found the rat monster's nest, which is a rock cave on the left side of the mushroom forest......" Qin Lun tells gillim about the surveillance of the bat.

"Let's go now, kill all these monsters and let the souls of our compatriots return to the temple of Moradin." Before Qin Lun finished, Lorraine roared.

Gilliam gave a stern look at the dwarf prince, but didn't blame him. In the heart of the legendary dwarf, he agreed to do the same.

"Are you sure there are only a hundred of them?" Asked Gilliam cautiously.

"We didn't let the summoning bats into the cave of the rock strata to avoid disturbing the snake. However, according to the situation detected by bats and the information provided by you, it is estimated that this mushroom forest can only support 300 rats and monsters, no more than 150 of which are adult, and the rest are old, young, sick and disabled. " Qin Lun said carefully.

"By the way, there's an unknown number of mud monsters!" Weiss added cautiously on the side.

"Don't worry about the mud monsters. Among the explorers I brought here, there are two dumasson attendants. They will control all the mud monsters." Said Gilliam, unconcerned.

They were surprised to find out that dumasson was the dwarf's God of exploration. The priesthood is about veins, treasures, and exploration. Its servants (clergymen) can control earthly creatures such as mud monsters and Mountain Giants.

"In that case Lord Gilliam, please make sure that I and my followers join the fight! " Qin Lun bowed and asked, "I'm really sorry for not being able to save your compatriots!"

"Well, on behalf of all the dwarfs here, I accept your friendship and help!" Gillim's hard, rock like expression relaxed a little and gave Qin Lun a deep look. "In the next days, we will live and die together until we complete the mission given by the dwarf king!"

No matter what he thought of Qin Lun before, to this point, he can no longer refuse Qin Lun to join the exploration team of the secret silver hall.

With the words of Gilliam's words, all the Apostles' seals sounded a task prompt at the same time.

"Apostle 70053, you and your joint team have triggered the epic scenario branch - explore the mineral way of myityin hall!"

[exploration of miyin Hall (unknown difficulty): the former branch task of the epic plot 'miyin Hall'. The team of apprentices who accept the task needs to help the dwarven exploration team led by dwarven elder gillim and snow peak dwarven Prince Lorraine to find the mining tunnel of miyin hall in the dark area under the world ridge. "

Mission objective: to find the real mine tunnel leading to the inner city of miyin hall, and ensure that one of gillim or Lorraine's two characters returns to the ground alive during this period, and then confirm the location of the tunnel to achieve the mission.

Task based rewards: 50000 broken crystals, 20 contribution points, one master skill crystal, five broken fusion crystals, and 10 life soul upper limit.

World exploration Award: depending on the contribution of the apostles in this mission, the duration of stay will be increased by one natural month, and the timing will start immediately. Since the black iron team of the apostle 70053 has increased its stay time once this task is completed, it will automatically return to the broken sky within three days.

Tip: there is no competition team for this plot task. You can share the task with other apostle teams. After the death of the apostle in non killing mode, the bloody magic cube will not be dropped.

Tip: the completion of this task is more than 90%, and there is a certain chance to generate world keepsakes, so that the apostles can join the plot of the secret silver hall again in the future. ]Qin Lun and others were delighted. They finally got the task before their stay time was exhausted!

Although it's just a front-end branch of epic plots, the task rewards are still rich enough. Compared with the previous "star moon alliance", this task gives less upper limit of longevity soul. However, the master skill crystal and contribution value are compensated.

Most importantly, they have the chance to get the world's Keepsake again, which is a surprise.

"The staying time has increased by one month. Is there a long distance from the mining tunnel of miyin hall?" Qin Lun frowned slightly at the other happy looking companions.

From the distance shown on the surface, in fact, the dwarf camp is very close to miyin hall, not counting the mountain road, and the straight-line distance is less than 100 kilometers. In this way, even though the dark area is a three-dimensional space, the dwarfs have explored for nearly four months after all, so it should be almost near the mining area.

"Unless the dark area explored by the dwarves can't connect the miyingting mining area at all, and other surface fissures need to be found again, otherwise..." Qin Lun was worried.