Death Notice

Chapter 679

The valley where the dwarf camp is located has a large belly and a gourd shape. In the northeast of the valley, the mountain walls are very steep, but in the west is a gentle slope, full of coniferous trees.

At the bottom of the valley, there is a long and narrow crack inclined downward. It is similar to the underground cave where the transmission array was set when Qin Lun and others transported from zhubao to the north. There are Protoecological stalactites and stalagmites everywhere.

The shield dwarves intend to recapture the outpost camp of miyin hall, and they will be stationed in this cave at this time.

Miyin hall is the most famous dwarf fortress in the north and even in Phelan. It once belonged to the brilliant Warhammer family, and now it is the nest of shadow dragon and grey dwarf. The main part of the dwarf fortress is located in the hillside of the world ridge, and some of the city's affiliated mining areas are in the dark area. The stone gate is located in the hillside of the world ridge, and only a narrow stone ladder road leads there.

This position is easy to defend and hard to attack. Without sufficient air power, it is almost impossible to break through the front door of the secret silver hall. In this situation, the dwarfs had to find another way. They plan to enter the dark area first, and then attack and occupy the miyin hall from the abandoned underground mining area.

However, there are some difficulties in the implementation of this method, that is, few of today's shield dwarfs can remember the underground mining lines hundreds of years ago.

Hundreds of years ago, when miyin hall was occupied by shadow dragon, Bruno Warhammer, the dwarf king, was still in his infancy, and his father died in that war.

Because the disaster came so suddenly, although the elder of the shield dwarfs fought hard, they didn't stop the shadow dragon for long. In addition to escaping some old, weak, women and children, the whole secret silver hall was buried in Longkou. Naturally, it couldn't bring out any city map.

Since he could not attack the castle gate on the hillside, and there was no route map of the underground mining area, the dwarf king had to bear to look for the ground fissures near the foot of the mountain of miyin hall, slowly explore the underground passage, until he found out the dark area, and then let the main forces attack miyin hall.

In fact, when Qin Lun first entered torrell world and met Lorraine, the work had begun.

However, after more than four months of exploration, the Dun dwarfs have confirmed three places that can really lead to the dark area from dozens of underground caves, and the other caves are dead ends.

Among the three identified locations, one of them is hundreds of meters underground, and then it encounters a deep and bottomless gully, so the exploration team can't move forward. Along the way of the second passage, there are several dangerous biological nests. If we want to make a strong attack, the loss will be too great to bear, so it will be abandoned.

Only at present, the cave conditions where the outpost camp is located are the best, the channel direction is correct, and the underground depth is closest to the original miyingting mining area.

This does not mean that the cave must be connected to the underground mining area, but the dwarfs do not care about this. As long as the direction is opposite, even if the last section of the road is blocked by the rock strata, they are confident to open a passage with their picks.

Of course, the underground cave with the best conditions is only relative to the two in front. In fact, several dwarven exploration teams entering the dark area in front have different degrees of personnel loss and have to return to the camp eventually.

There are many kinds of dangers they encounter, some are related to the terrain, some are associated with the toxic gas of ore, and some are nests of underground creatures. In short, all kinds of strange, the ground can not meet the danger, in the dark area is just a normal.

"Qin Lun, I haven't received the task prompt yet!" On the night of entering the camp, the apostles began to be impatient.

In particular, the three Qin Lun have little time left. They are late tomorrow night at the latest. If they haven't received the task, they will have to return to the broken sky.

"If this particular area can't trigger the plot task, I'm afraid we have to take the initiative." Hill said quietly.

There are three main types of alien tasks performed by the apostles. The first is the leading task and the preset main task arranged in advance by the broken starry sky. The second is the hidden branch line passively triggered by the apostles when they perform the main task. Generally speaking, most of these tasks are historical plots that were obtained with the active of the apostles in the later period after the original measurement data of the broken sky was insufficient.

The last one is the sudden variation of the plot when the apostles interact with the plot characters, most of which belong to the plot tasks not in the original history.

The epic plot of the miyinting series belongs to the second kind of hidden branch line. There are two ways for the apostles to receive this task, i.e. triggering in a specific area or receiving it from a specific plot character.

It's easy to understand how to trigger in a specific region. If Qin Lun and others can meet shield dwarfs and Shadow Dragons or grey dwarfs near miyin hall, they can choose to help one of them, which naturally triggers this epic plot.

Qin Lun and others had hoped to trigger this task in the outpost camp of the shield dwarf, but now it seems that they have failed. As for the channel to find the secret silver hall alone in the dark area, it is extremely difficult and almost impossible.

Excluding this choice, Qin Lun and others can only take this task from specific plot characters. At this time, there are only two characters who can give the mission to the apostles, one is gilem mamhammer, the legendary strongman of the shield dwarfs, and the other is Lorraine, the prince of the snow capped dwarfs.Gilliam has rejected Qin Lun, the prince of the spirit. It is estimated that he will not agree with Qin Lun and others to join the exploration team in the secret silver hall. The only hope left is Luo Lin.

However, now Lorraine is not the dwarf prince who died in tiexingbao. After that adventure, the dwarf youth has grown up a lot. Although Qin Lun is still regarded as a friend, he will no longer rely on him unreservedly.

Too much pressure on the dwarven youth, or he will have doubts about Qin Lun's motives.

Of course, this is not to say that Qin Lun and others are helpless.

If they force Lorraine into the dark, it may trigger the epic plot. But then they will have no way back. Unless they succeed in finding the secret silver hall and prove that they are helping the shield dwarfs, the angry dwarfs will regard them as enemies instead.

This method is not desirable. Neither Qin Lun nor Weiss team dare to implement it easily. The reason is simple. After the shield dwarfs set up outpost camp here, they haven't found a breakthrough for several months. No matter how arrogant Qin Lun and others are, they will not think that they are more suitable to explore in the dark than the dwarf shield.

"You're so anxious, don't you have a whole natural day?" Weiss's quiet words appeared on the team channel.

Their team stayed several days longer than Qin Lun and others, but if Qin Lun returned to the stars, they would have to leave the dwarf camp. Their apparent identity is to protect the Elven Prince's mercenary. If Qin Lun disappears for no reason, the dwarf shield doesn't doubt them.

"At dusk, I asked the monkeys to explore the camp, but found some clues." They are grasshoppers on a piece of rope now, and naturally they will not hide information.

"What kind of clue?" Qin Lun's eyes flashed, which showed the importance of the rogue occupation. Although Qinlun and hill have good strategies, they can't get information faster than thieves without buffer time.

"Maybe it's different from our imagination. Although dwarf Dun hasn't found the secret silver hall in recent months, he should have some clue." Weiss thought and said, "in the news that monkey spy heard, the recent batch of dwarf explorers back mentioned a mushroom forest! Different batches of explorers mentioned the same place, you should understand what this represents, right

"Well, it means that the dwarfs are always moving in the same direction, not aimless search." Qin Lun felt his chin thoughtfully. "It looks like that old guy really doesn't trust us. Maybe I should ask elistin to inquire about Lorraine..."

Compared with Qin Lun, Lorraine is not so alert to elisting and Idria. It's just that idriya won't do "private work" for Qin Lun, while elistin is not very good at conventional words, so she can only barely try.

"Let's try first. If we can't get a clue, we'll have to take Lorraine by force." Qin Lun shrugs helplessly. In any case, they have little time left. Most of them return to the starry sky in the process of exploration. It doesn't matter if they give up the epic plot without offending the dwarfs.


The night slowly faded, and the warm sunshine lit up an area of the cave mouth. Most of the campfires in the camp had been extinguished, leaving only a few trace of invisible smoke.

In the open space outside the camp, there are already many dwarfs practicing martial arts and eating.

Qin Lun got out of his tent and stretched out, thinking about how to coax him. Although Druids like him, the kind-hearted beauty doesn't want to cheat Lorraine for him.

Maybe we can only persuade her with the justice of the moon elves! Qin Lun had a headache, but he was not willing to force illistine.

While Qin Lun was organizing words in his mind, there was a lot of noise in the cave. Several dwarven guards guarding the cave, hurriedly carrying a wounded man to the center of the camp.

"The first group of dwarves to explore the dark area Maybe it's an opportunity! " As soon as Qin Lun's eyes brightened, he could see from the wounded's costume that he was a member of the expedition.

Qin Lun hailed on the team channel, and without hesitation, raided the dwarven guards. Before they reported to Gilliam, he stopped several of them.

"He's badly hurt. Let me see!" Qin Lun reached out to stop the guard and took an injection from his arms. Without waiting for the dwarf guard to object, he injected it directly into the injured man's neck.

The wounded dwarf's face quickly rose a little red and slowly opened his eyes. When the dwarven guards saw this, they could not help but relax and relax.

"What happened to the exploration team? Are there any other people alive besides you?" Qin Lun asked the guards to put down the wounded, took the water bag they carried, and carefully fed him some saliva.

The dwarf of the exploration team has broken an arm and sunk a large part of his chest. He is in the stage of dying.

However, under the strong stimulation of the medicine, he insisted: "he They... "

As soon as the dwarf spit out a few words, his body will have a strong spasm, his eyes will lose their luster, and his pupils will be slack. Qin Lun gave him too much irritant injection, which accelerated the dwarf's death in disguise."What do you say Well, well! " Qin Lunfu lowered his body, put his ears to the dwarf's mouth, and nodded slightly from time to time.

"He died..." Qin Lun pretended to sigh and said to the guards, "they are not far from the entrance. Go to report to Lord gilem and Prince Lorraine. I will go with some of my followers to rescue the trapped members of the exploration team first."

Just after saying that, Qin Lun did not wait for the dwarven guards to respond. He winked at hill and Weiss and other people who had received the news from afar. He took several apostles and rushed to the entrance of the cave and the dark area.