Death Notice

Chapter 680

"What? They're in the dark! " When Gilliam received the report from the guard, his head was as big as a fight. He didn't like the Elven Prince once, but when Qin Lun had an accident here, it was another thing.

What's more, no matter what the purpose, the Elven Prince is to rescue the trapped dwarf exploration team. Anyway, Gilliam can't watch him risk his life and enter the dark area alone.

Gilliam is one of the few quick thinking strongmen among the shield dwarfs, which is the main reason why the dwarf king asked him to lead the outpost camp and act as an envoy during the silver moon celebration.

In fact, when he arrived at the camp, he had already considered that Qin Lun might act without permission, so he had already told the dwarven guards guarding the dark area not to let other people in.

It's just that Qin Lun has chosen such a good time. Some of the dwarven guards left their posts in order to cure the wounded. The rest of the guards are short of manpower and can't stop Qin Lun and his followers. Moreover, they were not even willing to block the prince, because they entered the dark area to rescue the fellow explorers.

"Let's get the next group of explorers together. It seems that we must start ahead of time!" As soon as he thought about it, the old dwarf stopped thinking about it and made a decision immediately.

"Ferrar, he's alone in the dark?" Hearing the news, illistine and martasha were shocked, especially illistine was full of resentment, Qin Lun left her again.

In fact, in order to enter the dark area before Gilliam got the news, Qin Lun didn't have time to inform other people, so he took several apostles and left directly.

However, not all the apostles followed Qinlun. The female apostles of Rand and Weiss team, MT and the black robed mage stayed in the camp. Qin Lun was surrounded only by hill, Weiss and the thief nicknamed "monkey".

First, Qin Lun's arrangement is to strengthen contact and make it convenient for Gilliam and others who come after him to find them. The second is to balance the strength of the apostles around us. After all, they and Weiss team are still in the running in stage. If the five members of Weiss team follow, there are no other characters around. If they do something small, it's hard to stop them.

"Don't worry, Lord Gilliam has assembled the latter group of explorers, and we will be in a hurry." Said Lorraine confidently.

"I don't know what that guy's up to!" Idria murmured to herself and looked at the remaining apostles.

The disciples of lawita have been in contact with Qin Lun for a long time, and instinctively feel that Qin Lun's behavior is somewhat strange this time. After the Durag tower incident, she didn't believe that Qin Lun would take such a big risk to save several dwarven explorers.

"I have long wanted to enter a dark area, but now it has finally come true!" As a harpist, despite her lofty mission of balancing the continent, Martha said with emotion that exciting adventures and travels are her favorite.

"Your adaptability is impressive!" Weiss whispered meaningfully.

"Captain Weiss, I'm flattered." Qin Lun responded with a smile, and the yin yang fish pattern in his left eye flashed with light from time to time to detect the surrounding environment.

Dark area, torrell's dark world, the paradise for underground creatures to survive and reproduce!

After crossing the entrance to the north of the camp, a deep and dark tunnel appeared in front of everyone.

The tunnel is rugged, wet and slippery, with almost no regular direction of advance and great differences in width. A wide area can accommodate four riders in parallel, while a narrow area can only allow one person to pass on one side.

The stone walls on both sides are covered with a kind of purple unknown fern. The serrated leaves make people dare not walk easily against the wall. No one knows whether these plants are poisonous. Although most of the apostles had antidotes, they were reluctant to waste them in these places.

Qin Lun's elvish vision gives him a panoramic view of the environment, while the other three seem not to care much about the dark underground. Hill's psychic lineage itself is a biological specialty in the dark area. However, the shepherd does not want to expose his lineage in front of the outsiders at this time, holding a dwarf til night lamp.

TIR night lamp is a kind of equipment often used by dwarves in mining areas. The crystal used by TIR night lamp is transformed by magic runes. The light is in a special spectral area, and it can send out a smell that can not be heard by human beings, which can cover up the smell. Most underground creatures do not like this kind of light and smell.

Of course, it's not that we can avoid all the underground creatures with this kind of tiler night light. After all, most of the underground creatures will rely on their extremely sensitive hearing to explore the environment.

"Chief, if there is an opportunity, shall we..." While the monkey is scouting in front, he is quietly asking questions on the private chat channel.

"No, I don't think they have much chance to use the underground bio pit!" After pondering for a while, Weiss refused his companion's advice. "These two guys are very smart and hard to deal with. Our main purpose is to make up for the previous losses. Since the success rate of retaliation is too low, it is not worth continuing. "

Wei Si's team joined Qin Lun's side, which had hidden the purpose of revenge. However, in these days, Weiss found that Qin Lun and others were not easy to deal with, and basically gave up the idea.Weiss can help santalin to complete the assassination plan. There is no doubt about his strategy. But he doesn't have to grasp the fleeting opportunity to grasp the leading power of the epic plot.

Although everyone has a moment of inspiration, Qin Lun's rigorous thinking in the period makes him afraid. In addition to Qin Lun himself, the remaining seven apostles, he only asked three people to follow, others were strictly left in place.

The first four people to enter the dark area, Qin Lun himself must go, so that the dwarves have to let him join the exploration team. Hill is a priest, and monkey is a thief. They should also take them with them. Weiss is the only high-level strong one among the eight, who needs him to deal with possible high creatures.

However, to Weiss's surprise, Qin Lun appointed not only Rand, the black robed mage and the female apostle, but also the guard of their team.

Of course, Dunwei is not unhelpful to the exploration, on the contrary, his role is greater than Weiss. But with Dunwei, if Weiss and others think carefully when they are in danger, they can play soy sauce under the cover of Dunwei and watch the underground creatures kill Qin and Lun.

You need to know that they are waiting to join the dwarven exploration team. As long as the task prompt appears, the role of Qin Lun's plot identity is less important. Weiss and others tear their faces, and it's not impossible to pit Qin Lun before the characters come.

Take Weiss without the shield guard, and leave Rand to ensure that the rest of Weiss team members can't lead the dwarven exploration team. What's more, Qin Lun has made all the arrangements in an instant. He has no gaps in his mind, and has not left any flaws that Weiss team can use.

While exploring the dark area, Weiss was not sure how to deal with such a terrible person. In this case, why risk losing the profit of the task to frame the temporary companion in front of you.

"Qin Lun, when are you going to join the exploration team behind you?" Hill asked cautiously, just now on the team channel, Rand has fed back that the exploration team led by Gilliam is on the way.

"There is no fork in the front passage for the time being, and there is no need for the characters to intervene. Now we have a clear attitude. After all, we want to rescue the trapped dwarves and find more clues, even the bodies Only later can we explain to Gilliam and Lorraine. " Qin Lun said lightly.

"The body? Oh, I see. You didn't get specific information from the dead dwarf! " As soon as hillio thought about it, he woke up and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Well, we just need an excuse to get into the dark! It has nothing to do with us whether the previous dwarves are trapped or dead. " Qin Lun shrugged indifferently.

"If that guy keeps on meeting Gilliam, things may be repeated. So I used a lot of stimulant drugs to let him burn the last vitality as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, he didn't even say a word completely before he hung up."

The underground tunnels are rugged and slippery. Qin Lun and others are slow to move forward. In some areas, the tunnel is extremely low. Although it can be seen that the dwarfs have been widened, they are small in size. Qin Lun and others have to crawl to pass through.

After more than ten kilometers of trekking in the tunnel, the underground cracks have been gradually widened and raised. At the beginning of the tunnel, it is a real dark area, which means that there may be underground creatures along the way.

The vigilance of Qin Lun and others has been raised again. Now they can't see any soft soil on the top of their heads. Instead, they have thick and cold rock layers. They have preliminarily estimated that they have been several kilometers underground.

The difficulty of exploring the dark area lies in this. Here is not the surface, the road is not plane, but three-dimensional. If Qin Lun and others really only rely on their own progress, they will lose their way and may not even find their way back.

"Listen The sound of water is the underground river! " Hill suddenly listens, and the spirit sucks the strange blood to give him excellent hearing.

Hill did not hear that wrong, four people walked for a while again, there was a huge underground space in front of them, in front of which was a silver belt like underground river. There has been a fork in the other side of the river. It seems that they have to make a new choice.

"Come here, I have blood!" came the news from the thief who was exploring in the front

The thief is located in an underground stream only five or six meters wide. Beside a black rock, Qin Lun and others saw a pool of dark red blood.

"The blood is not dry. It should have been left by the dwarf just now." Hill put a blood stain on his finger in his mouth.

Qin Lun put his hand into the stream. The cold water woke his mind. The stream was so fast that it reached an invisible hole in the upper reaches.

"Let's follow the blood! The deeper we get in, the more Gilliam can't ask us to quit the quest. " Qin Lun said quietly.