Death Notice

Chapter 678

Looking at the actions of the five people in the opposite direction, I originally realized that there was something wrong with the plot characters such as Gilliam. Because the dwarfs and Qin Lun are not familiar with each other, they are guessing whether they are friends of each other, so they are just a little vigilant and have not made an extreme response.

"Assassins of the santalin society?" Elistin looked warily at the grove.

"No, it's impossible. Less than two days have passed since the assassination. Perhaps the headquarters of the santalin society haven't got the exact information. How could someone come here so soon?" Martasha shakes her head and denies, looking at Qin Lun with doubts. She instinctively feels that it may have something to do with the silver haired elves.

"An apostle, an apostle of the santaline camp!" Qin Lun's three men quickly responded and looked at each other cautiously.

"It doesn't look like a deliberate provocation. I'll go and have a look!" Rand drove the horse towards the grove.

Qinlun and martasha took out their bows and stood on the high side of the road to plunder Rand. It's only a few hundred meters from the grove. Although it's not a battle distance, two Elven hunters raided Rand's array, which is enough to ensure that Rand can hold on to the support of the people in the battle.

Within a moment of Rand entering the grove, his slightly eccentric words came from the team channel.

"They want to join us!"

Qin Lun and hill looked at each other in surprise. As an apostle, whether in the same camp or in the hostile camp, they were basically mercenaries in the broken sky. They can cooperate with each other at any time, as long as they don't talk about competing tasks.

However, the five men were their sworn enemies two days ago. Now, as soon as the competitive task is over, it seems strange to come directly to seek cooperation.

"What price are they willing to pay?" Hearing Rand's feedback, Qin Lun's first reaction was that the five people in front of him were in great trouble.

Do you want to be similar to the former fortress team, which must achieve certain goals in the world, but the original tasks are destroyed by them, resulting in insufficient revenue. If we are being pursued by the enemy, we need to use their strength.

If that's the case, Qin and Lun would not mind letting the cannon fodder join the team. One is that they haven't received any other tasks yet. The other is to make use of and reverse use. Sometimes, they are only separated by one line, and troubles are often accompanied by opportunities.

Of course, no matter what the situation is, since it is an initiative to seek cooperation at home, it is also the intention of paying some price.

"No, according to their own words, although they killed the necromancer who escaped from the supreme palace, they didn't leave too many hands and tails. Santalin will pursue them next. It's not a trouble for them."

"They want to work together on an equal basis and pay a certain amount of money to share our next plot tasks," Rand said truthfully

"If we receive the plot of the secret bank hall, our existing strength is not enough. If the other party is sincere, we can consider cooperation!" Qin lunwei frowned and turned to ask, "what do you think, hill?"

"If it can be proved that the necromancer really died in their hands, then there will be a basis for cooperation between the two sides, and the plot camp will no longer be an obstacle." But, to be sure, let them add a temporary mortgage to the contract. If we are in trouble later because of their relationship, then we will not have too much loss. "

"Good!" Qin Lun nodded approvingly. Hill was thoughtful. He couldn't find any flaws. "Rand, tell them the conditions. If you want to sign, bring them here."

"I'm sorry for the delay, Lord gilem!" Seeing Rand take the five apostles out of the woods, Qin Lun blinked, turned to apologize to the old dwarf, and signaled that everyone could go back on the road.

"Just call me Gilliam!" Gilliam followed the usual forthrightness of the shield dwarves and waved his hand, but cautiously, he asked, "who are they?"

"They are mercenaries, and when I was in trouble at the gate of Bode, King tynquillas sent them to look for me." Qin Lun's expression didn't change at all. He lied and said, "however, their luck is not good. They always miss my whereabouts. They didn't arrive near Yinyue city until yesterday."

Qin lunyan's chisel, in addition to Martha's obscure look at him, almost all of them believed that they were sent by King Anke.

The old dwarfs did not doubt Qin Lun's words, and the high-ranking members of the elves rarely traveled outside alone. For the fairies who are more charming than flowers, this kind of behavior is too dangerous. The slave trade of fairies has never been broken since ancient times.

When dealing with external affairs and business, the elves' courts on the mainland often employ some familiar mercenaries, which is a normal practice.

Although alastraw once told the old dwarf that the Elven prince was shrewd and cunning, and he should always be careful when dealing with him, Qin Lun's camp was kind and orderly, so he didn't have to worry about colluding with such evil organizations as santalin.

Of course, in many cases, the apostles have no camp or position to speak of, which is not what the dwarves can speculate.While explaining to Gilliam, Qin Lun looked carefully at the five apostles and opened the team channel to them. Although Rand has signed a contract of cooperation with the other party, it is necessary to probe. The previous meeting was a little sloppy.

The five apostles, four men and one woman, were led by a young man with a narrow brow and a rather gloomy face. The strong man on his left hand is obviously a MT, nearly seven feet tall, with a strong back and a strong waist, and looks full of strength.

In his right hand stood a black robed mage. The most impressive thing about the mage was his eyes. The dead gray pupils had no focal length. They looked like two tarnished glass beads.

There are two men and women left. The man is emaciated. He always walks with his back bent and his hands over his knees, just like a monkey. A woman's face is covered with a veil. She can't see her face clearly. She's wearing leather armour, and she can't see her specific fighting occupation.

In a meeting, Qin Lun and hill were surprised to find that the apostles were very strong, at least much better than the three of them. Judging from the reactions among the apostles, there is no doubt that the young leader is a high-level apostle, and the rest of them have strong breath, at least they are all old-fashioned second-level strong ones.

"Are you the head of the team?" At the same time, Weiss is also observing the three Qin Lun. Most of the attention is given to Qin Lun. After all, the plot identity of the silver haired elves is the most important.

This is the main reason for them to let go of their hatred and transfer part of the task revenue, not to join the Qin Lun team.

"No, the three of us are a temporary group. This time we entered torrell world and used the world's keepsake. Our team is the loss of devil's corner. Nice to meet some of you." Qin Lun's eyes flashed and said on the team channel.

"World Keepsake!" Weiss's eyes were clear, and he said with a smile, "we are the core group of grey city's' blood Castle '. Besides the plot of silver moon city, you should have other plot tasks?"

"Not for the moment, but the dwarven mission is on its way to their field camp at the foot of the world's ridge. When you get there, you're likely to get an epic story about the secret silver hall, or a pre story about it. "

Qin Lun did not hide this information, and frankly said, "of course, if you want to share this task, you have to pay some compensation."

Hearing the word "secret silver hall", Weiss's eyes brightened and he felt that his previous decision was correct. Since the other party has a decisive plot identity, the mission plot that can be contacted is indeed much better than them.

"Of course, if you don't mind, the mortgage on the cooperation contract will be our reward after you receive the task!" Weiss replied without hesitation, and showed the mortgage agreed with Rand on the team channel.

"Fire of the soul?!" Seeing the dark green flame displayed on the team channel and its text introduction, Qin Lun and hill raised their eyebrows at the same time. This is the blood product dropped by the necromancer!

"Satisfied?" Weiss asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's a big deal!" Qin lunlue was a little surprised. The fire of soul is of high quality and belongs to high-level bloodline items.

Although soul fire is a kind of undead blood, but high-level ones are rare. Seriously speaking, it's no worse than the blood of ice fire devil he got at the beginning. Of course, compared with Hill's rare psychic lineage, it's much worse.

"We can't use it, but we sell it at the Apostles' club. I'm sure we can get a good price." Hill said with a friendly smile.

"That's good!" With a flash of vision, Weiss put away the bloodline items, and the two sides tacitly looked at each other and smiled. We tested each other. At this moment, the original cooperation contract was really established.

The blood products of the necromancer let Qin Lun and others dispel their doubts and believe that the other side has no ulterior motives. Wei's team confirmed Qin Lun's qualification to cooperate with them through Qin Lun's intentional disclosure of the world keepsake, the plot of miyin hall, the Apostle club and other information.

This is very important for the next cooperation between the two apostles. Any strict contract is only the premise. Weiss team deliberately waits for Qin Lun and others to pass by here, and the intention is not just to seek cooperation.

If Qin Lun and others don't have the corresponding strength, even if they sign the contract, they also have many black means to bypass the contract. For example, during some key battles, intentionally release water, let the plot monster "destroy the opponent" for them, and then obtain all mission benefits.

Now after the trial, Qin Lun shows that he is really capable of plot identity, not only being able to contact the epic plot, but also having powerful plot characters to help him. Weiss and others also implicitly said that they have separated from the santalin society, and the plot force is temporarily blank, so that the two sides can level the strength gap and cooperate equally.

After Weiss and others joined the team, there was no trouble on the way. Two days later, at dusk, they finally reached a hidden valley at the south foot of the world ridge and entered the outpost camp set up by the shield dwarves.