Death Notice

Chapter 677

"Come on, it's up to you, it's up to you! You think too much. In fact, we have a lot of things now. " Rand smiled and felt a bloody cube in his arms and threw it in his hands.

This cube belongs to one of the followers of the necromancer. Last night, seven members of the sutharism who invaded the supreme palace were not killed by the necromancer or the black robed mage in the dungeon.

The disguiser "crow" was severely damaged by the queen of storm, and then poisoned himself. The Apostle did not participate in the battle, so there would be no magic cube. The two assassins in the banquet hall, one was captured by the severely wounded posterity, the other was killed by the emissary of the dwarf king, and there was no magic cube.

Only in the garden battle, Rand and hill joined in, Qin Lun finally caught up with the aftereffect, and the followers of the two necromancers finally fell a bloody cube.

However, the main force of this battle is the plot characters such as elistin. Qin Lun and other apostles don't contribute much. They can't expect the bloody cube to produce too good things. Rand divided the other two into pieces and took the ownership of the cube.

A magic halo flashed on the black jade seal, which made Qin Lun feel a slight stabbing pain on the back of his hand. He looked down and saw a castle with a candle light on the top of the tower shimmering slightly on the back of his hand, then quickly disappeared under his skin.

"Proof of candleburg?!" Martasha, next to him, raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Not bad!" Lennie nodded to Martha, and then said to Qin Lun, "if you travel on the mainland in the future, if you encounter problems in knowledge, this evidence of candlestick might help you. Most of the city's libraries will not refuse the borrowing requirements of candleburg scholars. "

"Thank you!" Qin Lun smiled and thanked him. He understood that Lenny's certificate for the candlelight castle was not only an apology for his previous behavior, but also the role of his Elven Prince identity.

It's necessary to know that there are many books in each fairy court. Lenny wants to get in touch with him. It's estimated that there will be a potential purpose of collecting fairy literature for candleburg in the future.

"Justin, Idria, and Ferrar, take care all the way!" Emily's eyes were red and swollen, and a mist rose again. The little girl had just lost her tutor, and now her friends were going to leave again, which made her even more sad.

"Don't be sad, we will come back to see you!" Idria rubbed the little girl's head and held her pitifully.

"Prince Ferrar!" Seeing all the people saying goodbye one by one, anacelia, who had been waiting for the last one, finally came up and asked softly, "Lord alastraw gave me the letter, and when I was ready, I was about to leave for the elfin court. But I don't know anything about King terenquis. What can you tell me? "

"Are you the messenger of the silver moon alliance?" Qin Lun's eyes flashed, and then his heart was filled with joy. He understood the purpose of the arrangement.

Anacelia is the bodyguard's confidant of the Lord of Yinyue, and she has a special identity. It is not only for sending letters, but also for an official visit. It is obvious that alastraw has the intention of a formal alliance.

Next, as long as there is no problem with king tynquras, when Qin Lun and others return, the goal of the second stage of "star moon alliance" should be achieved.

"Don't worry, King tynquiras is a friendly king. For the visitors and envoys who bring friendship, the ark spirit court will reserve the greatest kindness, and you will complete your mission successfully."

Qin Lun said with a smile, "however, Anke spirit court is currently reorganizing the moon spirit courts in the south central part of the mainland, and other forces around may not want to comment on all this, so you must be careful in your words and deeds along the way, and you'd better not expose your identity and purpose."

"I see. Thank you!" The Elven Knight pondered for a moment and bowed to thank her.

After a brief farewell, Qin Lun and his party went on the road again, and Martha finally joined the team. Since the highland elves have come, Qin Lun can't refuse the master harpist who has helped a lot.

"Philar, Lord gilem wants to talk to you!" Lorraine rode the pony to Qin Lun.

"OK, I'll come right now!" Qin Lun's eyes flashed, and he took the horse and walked towards the front of the team.

Geelim manhammer, the envoy of the dwarves, was also the legendary strongman who helped alastraw kill an assassin on the night of the celebration. This dwarf strong man is in his prime, and he was once the confidant of the dwarf King Bruno who wandered in the ice wind Valley for many years.

During the three hundred years' mercenary career of dwarven king, the dwarven strongman has always been Bruno Warhammer's most trusted partner and subordinate. Compared with the relationship between master and servant, they are more like brothers and apprentices.

Gilliam had a big brown beard, bulging bare arms and scarred arms. He wore a horn helmet with dwarf characteristics. Under the helmet, he could see a gray pigtail.

When Qin Lun came to him, the dwarf was fighting with the pony under his ass. Although his stature is not high, but the weight of horizontal development is not light. With a heavy double-edged axe and a steel shield, it is also natural that the short legged horse would not take a step.

"Master gilem, let this poor beast go!" Qin Lun said with a smile."Ah? Ha ha, this little thing is really disobedient! " Seeing Qin Lun coming, Gilliam jumped off the horse's back awkwardly and clapped the head of the pony. The pony hissed bitterly and hurriedly ran away from the irascible dwarf.

"Ferrar? I've heard about you from alastra. Thank you for everything you've done for us! Oh, I don't mean the assassination of silver moon city, but the time you saved Lorraine! " The old dwarf blew his beard and looked up at Qin Lun.

Qin Lun's heart moved. He jumped down from the horse and walked with the dwarf.

"You're welcome. When we met Lorraine, we just wanted to use the power of the snow peak dwarfs. After all, the Japanese Elven envoys were short of people." Qin Lun said regretfully, "in fact, in the valley of the dead, it was the sacrifice of elder loyl and others that saved us. The snow peak dwarfs don't owe us anything."

"Oh!" Gilliam was silent, and Qinlun's frankness surprised him.

In fact, alastraw not only reminded Qin Lun, but also reminded the dwarfs of everything about the silver haired elves. In the first impression, Gilliam didn't like the dark moon elf prince in front of him.

Although he had promised Lorraine before, he didn't want Qin Lun to go to the dwarf camp.

"Then What do you want to do with Lorraine this time? " Asked Gilliam calmly.

"We want to get the dwarf King's friendship. At the same time, I have heard about the secret silver hall from Lorraine. If possible, I hope I can help!" Qin Lun shrugged and said frankly.

"That's it!" Gilliam frowned. The frankness of the Elven prince made him unable to say what he had refused to say. He could not directly refuse a moon Elven Prince instead of the dwarf king, which had nothing to do with his personal preference.

"Well, you can go to the camp with Lorraine, but it's dangerous. You must remember not to run around." At last, the dwarves had to accept it with their noses in their hands, even if they were not willing to let them go to the camp.

At the end of the conversation with the dwarves, Qin Lun's team channel immediately heard hill and Rand's inquiry.

"Qinlun, is that old dwarf on our guard?"

"Ha ha, he doesn't want us to join the plot of the secret bank hall, but I've already dealt with it!" Qin Lun didn't care at all. The kind dwarves were much easier to deal with than the Lord of Yinyue city. When they arrive at the dwarven camp and receive the plot task, it doesn't matter whether Gilliam agrees or not.

"Ferrar, we seem to be being watched. Look over there..." About half a day after the procession left, martasha urged the horse to approach Qin Lun and reminded him with a solemn face.

Following the direction indicated by Martha, Qin Lun turned to look. A few hundred meters to the left of the road, on the edge of a grove, were five hoodies on horseback, looking this way.

Seeing Qin Lun and others notice themselves, the leader of the five beckons to Qin Lun and pulls his horse into the forest.