Death Notice

Chapter 676

"You're leaving? In such a hurry? " Alastro was reclining in a broad armchair, gently rubbing his swollen temples.

Since the assassination last night, she has been in the conference room with the Lords of the major cities of the alliance. The meeting didn't end until the afternoon of the next day. Now I just had something to eat and wanted to have a rest. Unexpectedly, Qin Lun came to say goodbye.

The assassination event greatly stimulated the Lords of Yinyue. Although the heated discussion in the conference room did not involve all specific aspects of the establishment of the Federation, such as military affairs, government affairs, taxation, production, etc., the establishment of a unified federal state was not disputed by the Lords.

In fact, all the Lords of Yinyue, including the former opponents, or the neutral city-state, know that the establishment of Yinyue union is unstoppable. They have been procrastinating, but they just want to win better conditions for their city and people.

However, the assassination woke them up like a loud slap in the face. Since santalin will be able to engage in wind and rain in Yinyue city without any scruples, and even God voters like alastraus dare to assassinate them, then they are nothing.

If we drag it on again, santalin may decide to fight against their city-state next time, and use them to start a civil war with Yinyue city. No matter whether santalin can succeed in the end or not, each city-state will lose more than it deserves.

"Yes, Lord, the crisis of yinyuecheng has been relieved, and we should leave." Qin Lun said gently with a smile, but in a very firm tone, let people know it's not polite.

Alastro did not reply immediately and gave him a confused look. In the view of the Lord of Yinyue City, Qin Lun's performance is somewhat abnormal now. The silver hair elves came to the silver moon city to help the alliance. Obviously, they didn't mean to be righteous, but with a specific purpose, they hoped that the future silver moon Federation and the king court of the moon would form an alliance.

In fact, the Lord's meeting last night also mentioned this. Although some lords also objected to the alliance, believing that helping Anke fairy court, which is expanding vigorously at present, will cause hostility of human countries in the south central part of the mainland and have a bad impact on the silver moon alliance, most of the Lords still left the final decision-making power to alastra.

And alastro himself, public and private, has basically recognized the alliance with the court of the elves of Anke.

The Lord of Yinyue city thinks clearly that Yinyue alliance is located in the northern part of the mainland, while yaoyue royal court, which integrates all the southern elves courts in the future, is located in the central and southern part of the mainland, separated by several human kingdoms.

In case of a war between Anke fairy court and the human kingdom in the south central part, such as karinshan, tassel, xiaya and jonidas, the silver moon alliance can not help, because there are several human forces in the middle.

On the contrary, if the silver moon alliance is at war with juedong City, Shenshui city and shatalin, the future king court of yaoyue will not help. Their joint significance lies in strategic deterrence, a kind of moral support.

Of course, in many cases, such support does not necessarily play a worse role than direct military support. It is always reassuring to have a strong ally in the same camp, at least not to be blackmailed by the enemy's diplomacy, unless the enemy is reckless and has to fight.

In this way, Qin Lun's behavior will inevitably appear a little strange. At least alastra felt that he should stay. The alliance between the two countries is not a small matter. Many details need to be discussed. She can't negotiate directly with the king of the genie of tynquras!

Then, suddenly, something came to erastra's mind. With a flash of bright eyes, he asked with a light smile, "Ferrar, are you thinking about Lorraine?"

"Your Excellency is really wise. I can't hide anything from you. I really intend to leave with Prince Lorraine!" Qin Lun pretends to smile bitterly, bows slightly and apologizes.

Alastro lazily changed his position, and his eyes flashed with his wrists on his chin. He looked at the silver elf in front of him and fell into deep thought.

In the future, the alliance between the union of silver and moon and the king court of yaoyue will only lie in a relatively empty strategic level for the time being. However, if the moon elves can form an alliance with the shield dwarfs and let king tynkulas and dwarven king Bruno hammer reach a certain agreement, it will be of more practical significance.

Because there is a huge mountain range of thousands of miles in the north of the Anke fairy court - the snow peak mountain range. The snow peak dwarf where Lorraine is located is the ruler of this mountain range. Almost dug through the whole crack peak of xuefengbao, where hundreds of thousands of snow peak dwarfs live.

If Bruno Warhammer agrees to form an alliance with the moon elves and gets the battle power and resources of xuefengbao, the future king court of yaoyue will not have to worry about the invasion of several human kingdoms around.

The cooperation between the shield dwarves and the silver moon alliance has lasted for a long time. The emissary sent by the dwarves king this time is only to participate in the silver moon celebration. Last night's help was temporary. Now that the celebration is over, alastraw is busy negotiating with the Lords of the city to establish the country. Of course, it is not convenient for them to stay.

On the other hand, Qin Lun secretly urged Luolin to leave Yinyue city and take him to the dwarf camp at the south foot of the world ridge. After sabotaging the conspiracy of the santalin society, Qin Lun and others have little time left in torrell world.If we can't get another big story, we'll have to come back in two or three days. Although we have gained a lot now, it's a waste to put a story line like Lorraine that can walk without effort.

"Now that you have thought about it, I will not hold you back." Erastra returned to his senses, smiled and said, "but as a friend, I want to remind you a little.

Bruno's bull is a good friend, a great adventurer and fighter, but as a king, it seems very different. If you want to win his friendship, remember to be frank and honest at all times, rather than deal with the interests of everything. "

Alastro's kindness is doomed to be idle, because Qin Lun himself did not intend to see the shield dwarf king. He was for epic mission, and he did not really care about the future of the moon elves.

"Thank you for your advice. Before I leave, there is another thing I want to ask the Lord." Qin Lun smiled and nodded. He took a letter out of his arms and handed it to the captain of the bodyguard beside him. He thought about it and said, "King tynquillas ordered me to join the Japanese elves' mission, but I met an accident at the door of Bode, and I didn't really reach the deep water city.

This letter is about my adventure behind the door of Bode, and also includes the related affairs in Silvermoon city. Please send someone to the fairy court of Anke and give it to King Tyne quilas. "

Alastro took the letter from the captain of the guard, with a smile in his eyes, nodded back, "don't worry, I will send someone to send the letter to the fairy court of Anke."

Qin Lun glanced at the death list and saw a glimmer of disappointment in his eyes. However, he soon hid his emotions and said with a smile, "well Lord alastro, I'll leave first! "

Qin Lun took out this letter. Naturally, he didn't want to be familiar with King Lala of tynquis, but for the interactive plot "the alliance of the stars and the moon".

Although Qin Lun has fulfilled his mission successfully in the assassination. But his stay was short, and he had to leave immediately for the plot of the secret silver hall on Lorraine. In this way, the alliance between the silver moon alliance and the Anke spirit court will lose a middleman.

Qin Lun's letter played a substitute role. If the silver moon alliance finally decided to form an alliance with the angel court, alastraw would naturally send an emissary to discuss the alliance affairs. If the silver moon alliance does not have this intention, it will simply help deliver the letter.

As for the fairy court of Anke, with the great talent of King tynquillas, as long as you see this letter of Qin Lun, you will understand the meaning of the silver haired fairy immediately, and then you can see the decision of the fairy king himself.

Qin Lun was disappointed just now. He hoped that when alastraw received the letter, he would give an oral commitment to the alliance, so that the second phase of the goal of the alliance of stars and the moon would be completed directly.


"Qin Lun, there is no clue about the plot of the star moon alliance. What does alastraw say?" As soon as Qin Lun returned to his room, Rand and hill looked up.

"You guessed it right. As the head of a country, alastra is very tight mouthed and won't give a promise easily." Qin Lun sighed and said helplessly.

At present, the three Qin Lun are in charge of two major plot tasks, one is the conspiracy of the santalin society, which is one of the branches of the epic plot, the founding mission of Yinyue alliance.

After the assassination last night, the mission is over. Qin Lun's three men achieved a high degree of completion, the only defect is that the Centaur Lord finally failed to save lives and has become a vegetable.

Although they are both epic plots, the plot of the santalin society is only a branch after all. The degree of world exploration obtained by the Qin Lun three people is not as good as the previous epic plot - "ancient road".

Qin Lun's contribution is much higher than Rand's and Hill's because of Ferrar moonlight's plot identity, accounting for about half of the total, gaining 0.015% of the world's exploration degree. However, because the difficulty of this task is not easy to calculate, there is no basic reward for the three, and the world exploration reward will be settled when returning.

The other task of the three is an interactive plot that was not existed in the original history, which is called "the alliance of stars and moon".

The mission goal of star moon alliance is divided into three stages. When alastraw publicly disclosed Qin Lun's plot identity and expressed his welcome at the ceremony, the first stage goal has been successfully completed.

But the third stage goal is impossible to achieve at all, which requires the silver moon alliance and the Anke spirit court to enter into a formal alliance. Qin Lun and others have no time to witness this scene at all.

Their only hope is that before their return, alastraw and King tynquiras reached an oral agreement and had the opportunity to discuss further. In this way, the three will complete the second stage goal and get a large amount of world exploration.

Although this task is not an epic plot, the basic rewards are very rich. Every goal achieved is the 20 point life soul upper limit, and Qin Lun, as the leader, is up to 30 point life soul upper limit, so he should strive for it.

In fact, part of the reason why Qin Lun wanted to pick up Luo Lin's epic plot was to increase his stay and wait for the progress of the alliance between the two countries.