Death Notice

Chapter 675

At this time, in a two-story building in the East slum of Yinyue City, a young man dressed in hunting clothes looks out of the window at a ray of dawn and sighs. Although he had expected something in advance, he was still full of bitterness because of the failure of the plan when he painstakingly planned two tasks.

"Captain, there's something wrong with Milot's life box!" As the young man reflected, one of his female companions pushed in and said excitedly, "are we going according to the plan?"

"Plan? Our plan has long failed! " The young man took a swipe at the corner of his mouth and said helplessly, "now it's just to mend the situation and recover some losses."

"Let's wait for a moment," the young man said in a deep voice. "Although we failed, at least we need to know the whole process from Milot's mouth, and find out which apostle team is involved in the competitive task."

"Commander, Milot is a legend. In case he escapes..." The young man's companion asked hesitantly.

"Well, even if Milot is resurrected through the life box, he is no longer the legendary mage. His equipment, including his body, was left in the supreme palace. The new Lich body didn't even recover its magic power. The room was surrounded by a chain of isolation arrays... "

The young man turned his mouth and said carelessly, "if we can't even deal with such a half lich, we can kill it with a piece of tofu."

They went out immediately and came to the second floor of the small building.

There are only two rooms on this floor, and two people are standing in front of the door of one of the larger rooms. The outer wall of this room is engraved with a complex magic array. In fact, there are magic patterns on the inner floor and ceiling that are invisible to the naked eye. Like a package, the whole room is included.

The two people outside the room, a tall man with a huge tower shield, were all muscle tangled, like a tower. The other figure was relatively thin, dressed in a black robe, pale and bloodless.

At this time, if the silver guards of the supreme Palace are here, it is estimated that the black robed mage can be recognized as the prisoner who was imprisoned in the underground cell by them more than a month ago.

"Chief..." Seeing the arrival of the youth, Dunwei and the mage in black greeted each other.

"Well, Romon, it's been a hard time for you!" The young man's eyes turned and he clapped the mage in black on the shoulder.

"Nothing!" The black robed mage's eyes, which seemed to be dull, moved slightly and shook his head gently. "I just didn't expect that santalin would have such a careful plan, but it really failed. Unfortunately, I've been in the cell, I don't know much about what happened in the palace, and I don't know who my opponent is until now. "

"It doesn't matter. Is failure the mother of success?" The young man smiled casually, recovered from the previous loss, reached out to open the door, "let's see how much compensation can the returned Milot provide us?"

Hearing the youth's words, the other three looked into the room at the same time. The furniture in this room has been emptied by them for a long time. The room is full of black slime like snot.

These filthy things stick to the walls and ceiling like spider webs, forming an irregular three-dimensional network. At the core of them is a four-way black metal box. Affirmative as like as two peas, the six sides of the cube are all alike, and it seems that

can not be opened.

There is a small six pointed star array on the floor of the room, and the magic crystal crystal crystal on the six corners is emitting charming halo at this time. The magic waves are like ripples.

With the magic wave of the array, the metal box stuck in the air by the black viscous body, the magic Rune on the surface began to flash, and the black viscous material stuck around rushed to the metal box like a pulse tube, soon wrapped it into a ball of meat.

The meatballs move regularly like the heart, and the frequency is faster and faster, and gradually starts to increase.

"Milot's rebirth has begun!" Seeing this scene, a cold light flashed in the young man's eyes, he turned his head and asked, "have all the crystals of the rebirth array been changed?"

"Well, all the smaller ones can only support" that adult "to form a weak and extremely Lich body." Dunwei's rough face showed a hint of irony. "Originally, the monkey was going to move his hands and feet on the array, but I was afraid of the failure of reincarnation, so I didn't do that!"

"Oh, by the way, what about the monkey man?" Asked the young man in surprise.

"A monkey is a monkey. He has no time. He seems to have gone to the supreme palace to inquire about the news." Dunwei shrugs helplessly.

Just as several people were talking, the meatball in the room finally began to change.

The growing balls of meat sprouted countless granulations, waving like antennae in the air. The granulation is constantly tangled vertically and horizontally, and the darker part slowly reveals the porcelain like texture, growing from top to bottom, forming a human skeleton, while the soft granulation is growing around the skeleton, gradually covering the whole skeleton.

In a short time, an object that was originally just a meatball formed the shape of a human body. Although its surface has not formed facial features and skin, it seems only a matter of time.However, the skeleton of the Lich body is empty, and there are no human internal organs except for a group of creeping unknown objects. With the formation of the Lich body, the black slime originally connected to the meatball seems to have been absorbed as if the energy has been exhausted, the color turns to gray, and constantly becomes ashes scattered on the ground.

"What a magic spell!" The black robed mage, who was called Romon by the young man, brightened a fine light in his dead gray eyes and said with admiration, "chief, why do you have to let Milot succeed in reincarnation? In fact, it's not bad to leave this life box alone!"

"Ha ha, Romon, don't be greedy! Milot's Lich transformation is not complete. If this life box can be brought into the starry sky, it is only a consumable. " The young man explained with a smile, "but killing a legendary mage has a great chance of forming a bloody cube. Besides, Milot's position in the santalin society is not low. We can also get a degree of world exploration to make up for the loss of mission failure. "

"So it is! Commander, if you can find the mage skill above level B, it's up to me! " The mage in black licked his lips, and there was a touch of flattery on his pale face.

"Can you use the advanced skills of necromancer and Lich?" Don't wait for the young man to speak, Dunwei can't help sarcastically saying, "originally, the black magician had no personal style, and really wanted to transfer to a skeleton shelf!"

"Cut, as long as there is power, what is the appearance of the Lich!" The black robed mage turned over his dead gray eyes and murmured.

"Well, stop fighting. Milot's consciousness is coming to life!" Another female companion beside them whispered.

Before the woman's words fell, four people outside the room felt a huge wave of soul, breaking out from the body of the Lich in front of them.

Because of the weakness of the weakened magic crystal's array, the Lich's body is not fully grown at this time. The skeleton without skin and some muscles slowly rises up, and two pale green soul fires appear in two empty eyes.

"Here is..." The toothless bed of the skull is a little leaky. It seems that it hasn't been fully awake yet. It says vague words intermittently.

"Lord Milot, you are awake at last!" The young man's eyes were shining, and he stepped into the room with a smile. He supported the half lich, which had only built a body of seven or eight.

"You are Weiss! " The Lich looked down at his body and said off and on, "the body of the Lich So I have completed the reincarnation, and the soul consciousness returned has not made any mistakes... "

"Yes, Lord Milot, except for Romon, you are the only one who has come to the supreme palace." Taking advantage of the fact that the Lich is not fully conscious, the young man quickly asks, "what happened last night, my Lord, and how did our plan fail?"

"Plan? Yes, Alastair, the Lord of Yinyue City, assassinated... " The Lich turned his head, and the fire of his soul suddenly quivered, and he howled like a human, "damn alastra, damn Candlestick sage, damn crow, damn Elven Prince..."

The Lich screamed and cursed, including some of his own. Just reincarnation of it, memory is still some confusion, constantly scolding, the story is also chaotic.

"Monsieur Milot, so the prince of the moon elves, who suddenly appeared at the feast, played a great role in this failed assassination?" Although the story of the Lich's scolding and shouting was not organized, the youth gradually restored what happened in the supreme Palace last night.

"Ferrar moonlight, I seem to have heard the name!" The mage in black beside slightly frowned.

"I see. It was the prince of the moon who went back to ancient times with the Japanese elves envoy a few months ago!" Suddenly, Dunwei gave a light cry of surprise.

"Is it him?" The young man and some of his companions looked at each other quietly, and slowly began to understand.

In fact, the last time they entered torrell's world, they were in the same batch as Qin Lun and others. Compared with Qin Lun's fortress team and the lost new team, they received the corresponding competitive task to destroy the ancient road of the Japanese elves envoys.

However, at that time, several groups of apostles in the Church of santalin were unwilling to perform this task. The reason is clear. Torrell world is a big world, and there are countless plot tasks related to it. The mission of sniper Japanese elf envoy is the most thankless one.

On the one hand, there are numerous high-ranking powers in torrell world, and the Apostle team is relatively weak. They want to perform important plot tasks, almost all of them need to rely on the plot force.

The ancient road mission is far away from the headquarters area of the santalin society. The Japanese Elven envoys will pass through various Elven courts, large and small, and they are fighting on the enemy's territory. For the apostles, they didn't want to be cannon fodder for sartarin.

On the other hand, they don't have the specific marching route of the Japanese Elven envoys. They are not native to torrell world. They are not familiar with the geographical environment, so they may not be able to intercept the envoys. This kind of hard work does not please, and the income is not clear task, naturally not willing to do.

It has been proved that the apostles of the santalin camp, including Weiss team, are correct. In addition to intercepting the Japanese Elven apostles in the sea of the moon and in the kingdom of jonidas, the assassins of santalin will never find any trace of the apostles in the later period.At the last appearance of the Japanese elves' envoys, they had arrived at the gate of Bode. In the last section of the road, there was the elves' guard escort from Yongju island. There would be no chance for santalin.

Although the previous two interceptions worked, they only reduced the guard of the mission, and failed to kill the most important Prince of the Japanese elves, millaras!

Of course, the Apostle team of the santalinian camp didn't perform this troublesome task, but through the information of the santalinian society, they still knew the beginning and end of the epic plot, and they were not unfamiliar with the name of Ferrar moonlight.

"That's right. After missing at the gate of Bode for several months, it reappears It seems that our opponent this time is the prince of the moon elves of seopia! " The young man said to himself in the team channel, "look at people, one plot task becomes the prince of the moon elves, but we haven't been really regarded as our own people by santalin!"

"I guess it's a coincidence that they found out our plan!" Dunwei muttered to himself, but the self-confidence in his words was obvious.

"Cut, failure is failure. There is no excuse to find." The master in Black said happily, "fortunately, the commander found out in advance. Otherwise, if we had entered the supreme Palace last night, it would have become some bloody cube."

"Alas, this time the plan is too broad and complex. It is inevitable that there are flaws." The young man said with some frustration, "since the team has carried out such tasks as the ancient road, it is estimated that its strength is better than ours, and it is not too ugly to lose in their hands!"

In fact, Wei's team didn't know that Dunwei was right. Qin Lun and his team would find out the conspiracy of santalin society, which was really just a coincidence.

As for the power of being misunderstood, that's because in ancient times, there were two silver teams in the Japanese elves' envoys, the fortress and the lost newcomer. The two apostles, together with elistin and others, are much stronger than the five of them.

"Weiss Why is the element fluctuation so sluggish here! " After a meal of venting, the Lich's consciousness became more and more clear, and began to realize a little bit of wrong.

"Oh?! It's no surprise, Lord Milot. Because I'm afraid that the movement of your reincarnation will be too great, which will attract the attention of the official of Yinyue City, I will make my own decision and engrave a magic array around the room to isolate magic elements. " Youth from the discussion of the team channel back to God, eyes flashed a sense of inexplicable, smiling back.

"Magic isolation array?" The fire of the soul in the eyes of the Lich flickered a little and said calmly, "well, you are thoughtful. Let's get out of here as soon as possible!"

"Eh, my Lord, shall we not carry out the backup plan?" Asked the young man with a smile in his eyes.

After the change of the farm that night, Weiss arranged a backup plan for the assassins of the santalin society, and bewitched Milot to set up a vicious abyssal summoning array in the civilian area of Yinyue city. After the failure of the assassination plan, the intention is to stir up chaos in Silvermoon city immediately, and then take the opportunity to assassinate alastra.

At that time, the necromancer who had not yet transformed into a lich agreed to transfer a batch of magic materials and resources from the headquarters to Weiss. And the apostles also pushed out the assassination task of entering the palace. Except for the black robed mage Romon, who had been lurking in the dungeon, no one else entered the supreme palace.

In fact, the necromancer would agree to the backup plan at that time. On the one hand, he didn't realize that the enemy's strength would be so strong. On the other hand, he felt that the original plan was flawless, and that he could hurt alastra in any way. The backup plan was just to mend the knife.

Of course, Weiss's back-up plan is just to let santalin continue his mission and cheat some magic items. Their own backup plan is to kill the half Lich in front of them and get its bloody cube.

"There's no point. Alastra was not hurt last night, and now there are several legendary strongmen around, including storm queen, candleburg sage and shield dwarf." The fire of the Lich's soul flickered, accentuated and said, "take me out of the city immediately. This Lich body has not been completely completed. I need time to recover!"

"That's not good, Lord Milot!" Weiss blinked, smiled and said, "if we don't carry out the backup plan, where will we find compensation for our losses?"

"Your loss? Ha ha, well, when we get back to santille, I will personally compensate you... " Said the spirit fire of the Lich with a light jump.

"No, my Lord Milot, are you our compensation?" When the young man's wrist turned, a cold and shining dagger easily inserted into the Lich's chest, but he did not hesitate to dodge the Lich's side.

"Why do you do this..." The Lich's weak body fell to the ground, looked down at the dagger on his chest, and said with gnashing teeth, "what's the price that erastra has given you? Will santalin let you go? She can't protect you all her life. Now it's too late to stop! "

"Monsieur Milot, you misunderstood, if we betrayed you to the silver moon alliance, why wait until now!" Weiss smiled softly and waved to some of his companions behind him."What is that for? Wealth, magic equipment, magic inheritance? There's nothing on me now. Kill me and you won't get anything! " The Lich screamed at the top of her voice.

"Commander, what are you talking about with it? It's over!" With a ferocious smile, Dunwei started to grab the Lich's neck.

A moment later, Dunwei happily picked out a blood red magic cube from the ashes of the Lich body and threw it to Weiss in the rear. "As expected, there is a magic cube, which is not too much loss at all!"

"Chief, what shall we do next?" The female companion who never spoke much looked at the bloody cube in Weiss's hand and asked softly.

"Next There is no way to take over the task of the santalin association! " Weiss said thoughtfully, "let's go out of the city first, and let the monkey keep an eye on the Elven prince that month He has sabotaged the plan we have been planning for so long. Naturally, he will give us an account! "

PS: there are too many mundane affairs in this period of time. I'm sorry for the update. Please forgive me for making up some in these days!