Death Notice

Chapter 674

The air of the palace garden is suddenly filled with a strong and active wood element breath. It seems that the flowers, plants and trees, including all the green plants, suddenly come alive and start to stretch their muscles

"Click, click, click!" Clinging to the wall nearby, the plants and vines that originally only decorated the environment raised their ends like living things, like countless green Python "swimming" down the wall, and quickly expanded and twisted together. When they grow to the thickness of the bucket, the ground under the wall can no longer hold them, and they begin to rush around like waves.

At this time, the flowers and grass on the garden lawn also changed dramatically. The slender grass stems grew crazily and stretched from the ground to the sky. From a distance, they looked like countless green whips waving in the air.

"This is Be careful, everyone. Don't get tangled up! " Lenny's face changed, she looked back at the direction of the banquet hall, and loudly reminded the people.

Several people who originally surrounded the necromancer in the middle of the lawn were very alert. Besides, the strong breath of wood elements was fluctuating, but everyone felt it. Because the rapidly growing and spreading giant plants have no specific targets, people can easily step on them to avoid the twining of the vine.

"Qin Lun, you are so precise in timing. It's just right!" There was a smile in Hill's eyes, and at the same time, he gave a heartfelt admiration.

Although people can easily avoid the influence of flowering plants and vines, the transmission array of the necromancer is powerless.

"PATA!" In the eyes of the necromancer and his two followers, the shield of the array that protects them makes a loud and fragile sound, which is crushed by the huge plants that come from the crazy extrusion around.

The whirlpool channel that had already appeared above the array finally broke up after a shake. The necromancer and the other two were vomited out of the open dimensional space, fell from the air paralyzed, and were swallowed by many plants in an instant.

And those two golden skeletons are not very intelligent, they don't know how to dodge at all. Although each chop can break a plant, but still can't resist for a few seconds, it is wrapped into two big zongzi by a wave of vine roots.

Although the supreme palace covers a large area, the green waves spread from one layer to another in only a few breaths, and then spread to the border of the palace.

"Dong Dong ~ ~" the huge percussion sounds like a dull drum. In people's eyes, the wave formed by plants climbs up along an invisible wall, and finally forms a circle of arc-shaped green walls which are tens of meters tall and arched inward. The invisible and colorless enchantment shows the general outline.

At a glance, the surrounding area of the castle has become a primitive forest, with huge plants and roots crisscrossing on the ground. Flowers as big as a millstone are competing for each other's beauty. The nose is full of fragrant flowers. The pollen is so dense that almost everyone's vision is affected.

Level 9 peak wood Magic - tree world comes!

This is a big magic second only to the legendary forbidden charm. In terms of effectiveness, it is not an aggressive magic, because it is slow to launch. If the space of the casting environment is huge, most professionals can avoid it. Its original function is only seal and defense.

This magic can only be performed by Wizard wizard wizard or Druid, because only they have such a high affinity for wood elements, which ordinary legendary mages can't do.

Of course, the magic will be more powerful and more aggressive if it is really done by Wizard mage and Druid. Qin Lun at this time, though he met the conditions of casting with the help of the will of beholder, but his power was not enough and his control was not good. He simply formed a plant fortress.

"I don't know which Archmage did it in a rage!" Lenny happily patted her towering chest. "Fortunately, in this period of time, ordinary waiters are concentrated in the castle. The silver guards patrolling around can also avoid these plants as long as they are not stupid."

"Don't let it go, those three assassins of the santalin society are still alive!" Martasha looked around warily. "This magic may destroy the teleportation array they set near the palace, but these guys are cunning and cunning. If they can't be found now, they will cause heavy casualties if they jump under the wall."

"Don't worry. If they can escape again, we can all commit suicide." Idria clenched her fists fiercely, and there was a trace of murderous air on her pretty face.


"Ferrar, I didn't expect you to have such a high level of magic!" Lorraine looked up in surprise at the banquet hall, where the guests and waiters had recovered their composure from the confusion and cooperated with the silver guards.

Originally a banquet hall with a festive atmosphere, it has become a greenhouse botanical garden similar to the Earth Federation, making many guests and waiters look cautious in the walking room.

After all, the bonsai vines used for decoration before are beautiful and beautiful. Once they are magnified dozens of times, anyone who sees them will be scared."I don't know how these huge fruits taste Ah, how sour! "

Lorraine curiously plucked a fist sized grape from the vine, but after only one bite, her face changed dramatically and she smacked her tongue. Although these things have grown in size, they have lost their original delicacy and sweetness.

"Then Lord alastraus, I'll go to help other companions first. " Qin and Lun dynasties also gave a gift to the silver moon city Lord who helped the Centaur Lord.

"Oh, well, be careful!" Alastro smiled and nodded, greeting the Elven knight, "anacelia, take a guard with Prince Ferrar."

"My Lord, here..." The Elven Knight looked at Qin Lun in disbelief. She didn't expect that the Lord of silver moon city would agree to let Qin Lun participate in the battle.

"Go and find more knights with quick skills!" Alastro did not explain to her that Qin Lun needed to use this opportunity to eliminate the side effects of lucky gold coins as much as possible. After all, the less people know about lucky gold coins, the less trouble the prince will have.

"Let me go, too!" It was Luo Lin who saw something, rubbed his hands with great interest and followed Qin Lun.


The night gradually faded. When the first ray of dawn appeared in the east of Yinyue City, the noise of the city finally dissipated, and the people who stayed up all night went home to make up for their sleep.

The original clean and beautiful street is now a mess, full of all kinds of garbage, wine bottles and food scraps can be seen everywhere. For the residents of Yinyue City, although there was a small fire somewhere in the city at the beginning of the celebration, on the whole, tonight is a joyful carnival.

Although some citizens saw the tall green rattan wall outside the supreme palace, most of them were regarded as the magic of the lady of hope, and did not really pay attention to it.

However, for the Lords of the various leagues who participated in the celebration in the supreme palace, as well as their guardians, tonight is a breathtaking sleepless night.

Under the leadership of alastra, the silver moon alliance has not been in such a dangerous situation for a long time. After a long night of suffering, they seemed to wake up from the whitewashed peace, like returning to the independent city-state period surrounded by enemies.

Alastraw's judgment is right. The sudden attack of the santalin society shocked the Lords of the Union parliament, forcing them to face up to the dangerous external environment of the union again.

The battle that took place in every corner of the palace finally came to an end before dawn.

There are seven assassins from the sutalin society who invaded the supreme palace. First, they poison the disguiser "crow" of the Centaur Lord, then two high-level assassins and a legendary necromancer, then two followers of the necromancer. The last one is a high-level wizard who was deliberately imprisoned in the underground cell of the palace for a long time.

One of the seven assassins was captured alive by the Lords' guards on the spot after the assassination of alastraw failed. Another assassin was killed outside the temple by a powerful envoy sent by the dwarven king. He failed to escape with the aid of the transmission array.

And the disguiser "crow" was beaten seriously by the storm queen, Ella Silan, and finally killed himself with poison. However, the black robed mage in the cell was very alert. He sent it out early and was not caught by the queen of storm.

The two followers of the necromancer were killed by Lenny and others without any suspense, and the two golden skeletons were also broken into pieces.

As for the necromancer himself, his body is dead, but according to the great sage Lenny, the soul of the necromancer may escape in some way, and there should be a life box or a copy of the body in some place.

In this way, the necromancer can only be reincarnated into a half Lich. This kind of unnatural transformation will certainly make him lose his strength and he will not be able to retaliate against the silver moon alliance in a short time.

"Sobbing" ~ "in a room of the supreme palace, there was a cry of sadness.

Emily, who was forbidden during the party, finally knew the news of the death of master Angelo. She was crying like no one else. Elistin and Idria were busy comforting her.

"Monsieur alastro, are you still in the meeting room?" Qin Lun turned to the Elven knight and asked.

"Well, last night when we were besieging the assassins, the Lords of the banquet hall asked for an emergency meeting of Lords, and now a group of adults are still deliberating." Annacillia said with some apprehension.

Qin Lun, hill and Rand looked at each other with a smile. It seems that the Lords of the silver moon alliance are really stimulated by the action of santalin Association.

"Qin Lun, in this way, the trend that the silver moon alliance becomes the silver moon alliance is irreversible." Hill laughs on the team channel, "and we've done alastra such a big favor. Next, as long as the king of tennaquinas in the elfin court judges the situation, the possibility of alliance between the two sides is very high."

"Well, we can get out of the way and move on to the next step." Qin Lun glanced at the dwarf Prince Lorraine beside Emily.