Death Notice

Chapter 667

After a long tour of this huge palace, Qin Lun and others were exhausted except for four women. But the four of elistin are more energetic. Women are different from men.

"Is Lenny and Miss Linda here, too?" Qin Lun stopped Emily.

"Well, they lived in the day before yesterday." Said Emily without hesitation.

After Qin Lun and his party were invited by anacelia at noon the day before yesterday, Lenny and Linda followed the female Knight directly. Qin Lun and others were waiting for the reply from the Lord of Yinyue, so they stayed in the hotel for another two days. Until the day of the celebration, they were taken into the supreme Palace by Yinyue guard.

For Qin Lun's blackmail at the time of crisis, it's estimated that the hope lady is still a little annoyed, otherwise she won't invite him to the palace until now. But martasha, who followed Qin Lun into the palace, is surprisingly quiet now, as if he saw something, and no longer asks Qin Lun to explain the clues he got on the farm that night.

"When will your mother see me?" Qin Lun asked with a smile.

"Forgive me, Prince Ferrar! Because of the big celebration in the evening, she can't get away now. I'm afraid she will have to wait after noon to see you. " Said Emily with some formality.

Qin Lun nodded slightly. The little girl didn't know what happened to her teacher. However, from her performance, it seems that the santalin assassin disguised as Angelo has not entered the palace at this time, and will not appear until the last moment.

When it comes to business, the four women who had just run wild in the palace finally had no idea of playing, and asked Emily to lead the way to the guest room where they had a temporary rest.

The rooms prepared by the supreme palace for visitors are luxurious, with an area of almost 100 square meters, nearly 300 square meters. The high back seat cushioned with brown fur of wind fox reflects the red blood wooden case.

In front of the magnificent fireplace, there are pure copper and charcoal pots, and there are fine tapestries everywhere. Behind the desk, there are two rows of simple and elegant bookshelves full of hardcover books.

When the waiter who led the way left the room, Qin Lun threw himself on the soft bed. The vanilla bonsai on the bedside table smelled intoxicating. He soon relaxed and fell asleep.

"Aggressive..." Qin Lun, who did not know how long he slept, was soon awakened by a regular knock on the door. The young waitress at the door told him that the Lord of silver moon city would finally meet him.

In front of the grand hall are two Unicorn statues standing with their hind hooves colliding with each other. They form a unique arch. Behind the arch is a silver staircase, at the end of which there is a throne like a Lohan bed.

The throne is silvery white with many jadeite and gemstone inlaid in the relief pattern. However, it does not make people feel particularly luxurious, but it has a kind of simple and solemn beauty.

Qin Lun went up the stairs to meet the Lord of Yinyue city. Some of his companions didn't go with him. Maybe they didn't notice them at all.

In front of the throne of silver stood a tall, slightly plump lady. Seeing Qin Lun go up the stairs, the beautiful woman didn't talk for a while, just looked at the silver fairy carefully.

Qin Lun, with a smile and clear eyes, watched the supreme ruler of Yinyue city in front of him.

Unlike the luxurious style of the supreme palace, alastra's own dress looks very simple. The long hair is tied at the back of the head with a copper hair band. The soft and silky blonde hair is like a silk shawl, and there is a sharp semi Elf Ear on the ear sideburns.

Her face is not delicate, but with a mature and charming temperament. The thin eyebrows and Danfeng eyes of Liu Yue make her look without the authority of the city Lord, but with a trace of maternal brilliance.

Years have not left a very clear mark on alastra's face. Although she has had many children, the well maintained hope lady looks like a new woman.

She was dressed in a mage's white robe embroidered with exquisite lace, with the star and moon King's emblem on her sleeve. The proud chest above the sea level is like a towering mountain. The white robe is raised high. The round milk ball at the V-neck is white, smooth and moist. Qin Lun can't help but look twice.

Compared with elisting, idriya and other beautiful women, Qin Lun has to admit that the "Lady of hope" in front of her is more likely to arouse all men's possessiveness, with deadly temptation, like a sweet and juicy honey peach.

"Prince Ferrar, welcome to silver moon city!" After a moment's silence, there was a smile on alastra's charming face, and a sweet voice sounded in Qin Lun's ear, "please forgive me for my neglect these two days!"

"You're so polite. I didn't invite you to come here. I have to blackmail for some reasons. I'm really ashamed!" Qin Lun put his hand on his chest and bowed respectfully.

Alastro was a little shocked, and the light of her eyes stopped on Qin Lun's face again. For a while, she was silent again. Two people looked at each other for a moment, suddenly tacitly smiling at each other.

"You're the best young man I've seen in the last ten years, and it's no wonder that king tynquillas will give you the prince status of the heir." "I was angry at your behavior, but now you are so frank and frank, but you make me angry and have no place to go out. How do you say I should punish you?""You are joking!" Qin Lun said respectfully, "although I can't bear some of my means, I have no improper intention. What's more, the decision of alliance or not is always in your hands and that of King tynquiras. Why care about a small generation's tricks that don't matter! "

"What a skit!" Alastro glanced at Qin Lun in a romantic way, and the gloom in the heart of the Lord of Yinyue City dissipated a little, and he could not get up. He leaned against the throne and supported his chin with one hand, and said lazily, "well, tell me what you found on that farm carefully. Don't play tricks this time!"

Qin Lun glanced at the silver guards on both sides of the palace. When alastro waved the guards back, he lowered his voice, introduced the story of that night, and at the same time put forward his own and Hill's speculation.

As a matter of fact, since alastra recruited him into the palace, he said that he had agreed to his request and would officially introduce his plot identity at the ceremony. If Qin Lun still falters at this time and refuses to disclose the truth, I'm afraid it will really attract the disgust of the Lord of Yinyue, but it is not conducive to the alliance between the two sides.

"Angelo is dead, are you sure?" Hearing the news of master Angelo's death, even with the heart and nature of alastra, he lost his mind for a moment.

"I have experienced life and death together with mage Angelo. Although I can only restore his body to its original appearance, I am confident that I will not admit my mistake." Qin Lun said cautiously, "besides, judging from his identity, it is very likely that he will be used by santalin."

"Well, it's my fault. I didn't expect to involve Emily's teacher." Alastro looked tired and waved and said, "filar, your news is very useful. If santalin really arranges this kind of plan, I'm afraid that all the defense measures I arranged in front of me are in vain. It's annoying!"

"Can I help you tonight?" Qin Lun asked cautiously.

"No, I'm afraid it will disappoint you if I, the silver moon city Lord, get the information and even this little thing is uneven." Alastro looked at Qin Lun with a smile.

"No, I'll wait for your good news." Qin Lun looks like a good baby.

"Come on, don't pretend! I'll send you a team of guards. Don't run around. There are many magic traps in the palace. Don't blame me for not reminding you in case you get an arrow in your ass. " Alastro made a casual joke, paused and said, "and Don't talk to Emily about Angelo until it's over. "

"I'm not so reckless!" Qin Lun quickly agreed to come down.

The Lord of Yinyue city held him for another talk, and found that there was no other hidden information on the silver elf. Finally, he waved and beckoned him to leave.


"Qinlun, have you seen alastro the silver hand?" When Qin Lun returned to his residence, Hill's voice sounded on the team channel.

"Well, it's over." Qin Lun said with a smile, "the Lord of Yinyue city is as broad-minded as it is said. He doesn't remember my previous offence. I can't trust us, but at least I won't worry about it any more. "

"Have you asked us to cooperate?" Rand asked, expectantly.

"No, as we guessed, she would not let me, the Elven prince, take such a risk." Qin Lun said quietly, "but she assigned me a team of silver guards. At that time, you can be divided into several people to show you the way. It depends on your luck whether you can kill one or two high-ranking or legendary strongmen of the santalin society. "

As the sun sank, the supreme palace began to be noisy, with more and more guests and waiters. Groups of distinguished guests entered the greeting hall along the arch, which was used as a banquet place by alastro.

At this time, in every corner of Yinyue City, people began to sing and dance around the campfire, drinking and revelry. Silver moon celebration is a traditional festival to celebrate the harvest in silver moon city. At a certain time of every year, the whole city will have a night long Carnival until the morning of the next day.

"Qin Lun, have you seen any members of the santalin society disguised as mage Angelo?"

At this time, in the bell tower of a tower somewhere in the supreme palace, Qin Lun was looking down with the battlements. From his point of view, he could see all the guests coming in and out of the palace.

"No!" Qin Lun frowned slightly, but surprisingly, Angelo's disguiser never appeared in the field of vision, as if santalin had given up this action.