Death Notice

Chapter 666

"Hint: Apostle 70053, you are officially involved in the founding process of the silver moon alliance as the plot of the prince of the spirit of theopia. According to star accounting, there will be more than 30% chance of this move, which will make the future king court of yaoyue form an alliance with the union of Yinyue. "

"Hint: Apostle 70053, your team has greatly changed the original plot of torrell's world, producing the interactive plot of Apostles, such as" star moon alliance ", which is a legendary plot under the epic."

Alliance of the stars and the moon (Lieutenant Colonel level): due to the conspiracy of the santalin society, the founding process of the silver moon alliance encountered a crisis. Ferrar moonlight, the former heir of the ark spirit court, intervened in the event in his official capacity and disclosed his intention of alliance with the future silver moon Federation.

Mission objective 1: the plot identity of the apostle 70053 held an official meeting with alastra, the Lord of Yinyue City, and was approved by the Lord Council of Yinyue alliance. To achieve this goal, the mission will be completed at a minimum.

Mission objective 2: the plot identity of the apostle 70053 reached an oral agreement with alastraus, the Lord of Yinyue City, and passed it to King tynquillas for further discussion.

Task objective 3: ankejing lingting and Yinyue alliance conclude a formal alliance and spread it in quanfelon.

Task based reward: for each goal achieved, the maximum life limit of all the team's apostles will be increased by 20 points. On this basis, Apostle 70053 will increase the maximum life limit by 10 points and obtain personal keepsakes of the world.

World exploration Award: depending on the contribution of team members in this task, the team will obtain the world keepsake of the team after completing the task objectives 1 and 2 at the minimum.

"Qin Lun, are you doing this?" Rand's surprised voice came from the team channel.

Looking at the hint from the Apostle's seal of soul, Qin Lun and hill both had a surprise. They didn't expect to get the result.

"Interactive plot?" Looking at the new words in the prompt, Qin Lun said with a smile, "this should be the first time that we have been influenced by the apostles to produce a new historical plot that torrell world did not have before."

"No, it's your first time. I've done one before." Hill said cheerfully, "it's a world of low demons, in which I enlightened a future sage, resulting in the birth of a new religious sect of primitive religions..."

"You are worthy of being born as a prodigy!" Qin Lun said with tears and smiles.

"There's only a 30% chance of alliance. It's still a little low." Hill looked at the task tip and said with some regret.

"No, our action this time has not been recognized by King tynquras. Although I personally think King Anke would like to see it succeed, after all, there are too many variables on both sides, and the success rate of 30% is very good. " Qin Lun said with a smile.

"However, we estimate that we can only achieve the first task goal at a minimum. The second task goal is only to be known when we return. As for the third goal, it's not realistic. Unless the stars give us more than half a year to stay, let's witness the moment when the two sides conclude a formal covenant. "

"Qinlun, if erastra agrees to your public identity, will it affect our next plan?" Rand asked in a deep voice.

"It will have a great impact indeed. If the Lord of Silvermoon city let me participate in the celebration as an elf prince, I'm afraid I will be closely guarded. She can't afford to let a prince of the zerpians die in the palace. Besides, I have to tell her about Angelo. "

Qin Lun sighed and said helplessly, "in this way, even if alastraw leads the assassins of the sutalin society into the trap, it's probably nothing for us."

"Well, it's too risky for us to cross two stages against the legendary strong. Let's give it to the silver moon city owner." Hill did not feel any pity. He said happily, "after the celebration, we still have about half a month to stay. Can we find something else to do?"

Qin Lun's previous plan not only wanted to destroy the plot of the santalin society, but also wanted to get huge profits by killing the legendary strongmen of the santalin society. Although the equipment and skills that the assassin class can drop are very difficult to use, they are the things of the legendary strong after all. It's also good to exchange them for other things.

Besides, don't forget that hill owes a lot of money to the other two killers.

In fact, at this time, the three did not know how the future star moon alliance would affect the mainland of Phelan.

In recent months, King tynquillas has formed the rudiment of the future king's Court of the moon through integrating the forest of winterwood and bramble, but the growing family of moon elves has also alerted the nearby human kingdom.

Due to the influence of geographical environment, the future yaoyue fairy court is just surrounded by several human kingdoms.

Not to mention the kingdom of saispetz, where the Anke forest is located, to the East is the kingdom of jondas, to the south is adjacent to the kingdom of xiaya through the lake of steam. To the West are two powerful human kingdoms, kalinshan and tether. Only the north is the safest. The huge snow peak mountains become the northern barrier for the moon elves.

Although the mire forest in karinshan, the veldas forest in taisel and the jondar forest in jondas all show signs of further integration with the king court of yaoyue, they are still in a weak position under the strong military power of several human kingdoms.In torrell world without the apostles, the king's Court of the moon has not really been established. The holy land of the Elves will be in the Sun King's Court of Yongju island in the future. In the end, King tynquilas's ideal of unifying the ancient celdomore moon elves did not come true. Except for Yongju Island, the elves of Phelan have been living in the shadow of the human kingdom.

However, after the apostles entered the world, the situation was quite different. First of all, Qin Lun, as the prince of the zeupian spirit, participated in the re-entry of the ancient road, thus expanding the influence of the Anke spirit court, which greatly accelerated the integration of the winterwood and the bramble forest.

The second is that this time the star moon alliance made the human kingdom along the sword Bay act as a deterrent, not daring to threaten the Anke fairy court with naked military force.

Finally, Bruno Warhammer, the dwarven King returning from the ice wind Valley, established the post sunata dwarven kingdom again, uniting most dwarfs on the mainland under the unified banner.

Because of the alliance between alastro and Bruno in the future, the snowcapped dwarves in the central part of the mainland stood on the side of yaoyuewangting to fight with human beings in several crisis moments, helping the new yaoyuewangting finally stand firm.

The change of the main material level led to the change of the elves' Kingdom, the split of the sun court and the moon court, which made the Japanese elves' King corelon larsian weak and had to share the power with the elves' goddess of life, angeris. Because of the gradual expansion of the moon court, the king lost his throne.

In fact, after Qin Lun disappeared from torrell world for the last time and took his lover elistin away, many moon elves believed that the prince of moon elves was the incarnation of some moon elves, who appeared in the main material plane for the rise of the moon King's court. Even the moon elves believed that he was the reincarnation of the king of keldomo.


"Justin, Idria..." Emily, dressed in a white princess dress, ran to the two men with the corner of her skirt, hugged elistin's neck, jumped and jumped, giggling happily.

"Emily, you seem to be I'm getting fat! " Idria looked at the tomboy with a smile and pinched her face.

"I hate it!" Emily blushed and patted off Idria's mischievous palm.

Back in Yinyue city for a few months, the emaciated tomboy was indeed plump, and even the originally flat chest of the airport began to bulge two hills, which seemed to be well raised by her mother.

"Emily, long time no see." Qin Lun said with a smile.

"Prince Ferrar!" Emily hurriedly saluted and seemed to realize that there was an elven Prince here who made her a little bit afraid besides elistin and edria.

"Don't be afraid of him. If Ferrar dares to bully you, I will beat him for you!" Idriya raised her fist to Qin Lun to comfort Emily.

"Ha ha, come with me. I'll show you around here. My mother's castle is very big and beautiful." Emily laughs, grabs one, and runs to the end of the corridor with listin and Idria.

The supreme palace of alastraw is close to the northern wall of Silvermoon city. It is a castle palace with many minarets.

The castle is made of heavy stones, white jade can be seen everywhere. The zigzag battlements are carved into the head of Unicorn, and the halls are full of high arched domes. Shimmering jade floors, vines hanging from columns, tapestries, and carved relief walls depicting flowers, vines, ferns, and trees.

The minaret in the center of the palace is called Yuedun. Through the unicorn arch on the west wall of Yuedun, Qin Lun and others follow the silver stairs to the greeting hall. A gate behind the hall leads to the lofty hall in the East. Behind the two luxurious copper doors are the silver throne of alastraus.

There are many spires connected by the hanging parapet Gallery, which looks like many floating bridges at a glance. There are flower beds and fountains all over the ground between the minarets. There are small rainbows and flowers competing for splendor over the fountains. Everything here gives people a sense of beauty.

There are many busts and full-length statues in the white jade column corridor, whose exquisite sculptors make Qin Lun and others marvel. Although Qin Lun always thinks of himself as an artist, he still feels the extreme beauty in front of this real art treasure.

The soldiers with fierce swords, the philosophers who kneel and meditate, the astrologers who look up to the sky and look at the stars, a statue of different images, lifelike stone as if telling the story of their time.

The palace is protected by a enchanted enchantment, a device that has become extremely rare in Phelan. The boundary is spherical, extending up into the air and down into the ground, protecting the two most important buildings, the high palace and the court of stars.

Unless bombarded with magic crystal cannons or forbidden spells, this enchantment is almost unbreakable.