Death Notice

Chapter 668

"Qin Lun, look!" Rand next to him suddenly frowned and turned to the West. His lineage was extremely sensitive to the concentration of fire elements.

Because of the celebration, the night is cloudless, and the stars are inlaid in the night like diamonds. However, just under this beautiful scenery, a thick smoke rose to the sky in the west of the supreme palace, accompanied by a red sky light and a faint cry.

This is obviously not a bonfire banquet held by the people of Yinyue city in many squares, but a fire!

"Why is it that the feast in the palace has not yet begun, which is not a good time?" Qin Lun and hill look at each other in surprise. In connection with what will happen this evening, the fire is likely to be a moth that santalin will produce.

"No, it's just the right time." "It's not just about putting out the fire, it's also about taking care of the injured, cleaning up the scene, setting up isolation zones, and avoiding the recurrence of hidden sources of fire. It's very time-consuming," Rand said softly.

If there are not enough people sent, it is estimated that santalin will continue to make trouble until the supreme palace sends enough silver guards to maintain order. For these guards, I don't think they will come back this evening. "

"Away from the mountain?" Qin Lun raised his eyebrows slightly. The more old-fashioned it was, the more effective it was sometimes.

In fact, after Qin Lun informed the owner of Yinyue city of Angelo's clue, she guessed that her idea was different from her own and others.

Alastraw may not care whether he can keep all the assassins of the santalin society and kill them, which will not have a great impact on the overall strength comparison between the two sides. On the contrary, she cares about the safety of the members of the Lord's Council during the celebration. If she can completely turn off the assassins of the santalin society, it would be better.

Therefore, the image of Angelo's appearance should have been distributed to the guard captains everywhere in the palace. As soon as the camouflager appears, he will be arrested secretly, and then he will be tortured to force a confession to kill all the rats hidden in the darkness of Yinyue city.

However, when the fire broke out, the silver guards of the palace were bound to leave part of it, and the defense loopholes would follow. In this way, santalin society really put a lot of energy into this plan. If not for Qin Lun's peeping through part of the plot, there would be a great chance of success.

"Prince Ferrar, Lord alastraus, please go to the banquet hall!" When Qin Lun and his three men were looking out at the fire, annalia, the fairy knight who had seen one before, climbed up the bell tower and said respectfully behind him.

"Singing? Are you a sidekick of the genie royal family? " When he saw the Elven Knight again, Qin Lun suddenly thought of something. He remembered that millaras had introduced him to some things about the elves of comanso before. The name of Yuge is a very old family of the elves.

"Genie, not Genie!" Annacillia was a little shocked, then showed a trace of pride, and retorted to Qin Lun's statement.

"The golden elves?" Qin Lun's eyes flashed, shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and followed her down the bell tower.

In ancient times, it was not called the Japanese elves, but called itself the golden elves or the high elves royal family.

In fact, the high elves of torrell, who escaped from the fairyland elves to the main material world, include the golden elves, the moon elves, the green elves and the dark elves. These four branches of elves make up the so-called high elves, among which the highest is the golden elves, the original King vein.

Unfortunately, in a different environment, except for the golden elves themselves, the other three branches of the elves are tired of war and the rule of the golden elves, and choose to build their own settlements. As a result, more than ten Elven courts have been formed, including arifanda, ilfarang, elisry, keldomo, maiyelita, seopia, Olivier, thunthal, eiruhr and Santa osrier.

Because of the friction between politics and trade, the most powerful gold elves finally chose to launch the crown war, which led to the destruction of most of the elves' courts in the five crown wars, but the gold elves themselves were not good enough to go there. Finally, the Empire was destroyed by the alliance of the moon elves and the green elves, even the inheritance was cut off, and the remaining gold elves moved to the forest of comanso.

As for the dark elves, another branch of the elves, they became drow elves because of their degradation during the war and were always hidden in dark areas.

Because of the loss of inheritance, the golden elves in the forest of comanso gradually mixed with other elves in the later years, forming today's Japanese elves. However, in the tradition, the Japanese elves still regard themselves as the heirs of the golden elves, that is, the royal family of all the fairies.

Of course, among the existing Japanese elves, there are a few who keep the tradition and are unwilling to mix with other elves, but they still refuse to admit that they are Japanese elves, but continue to call themselves golden elves.

They were naturally rejected by the comanso elves. It is estimated that in this way, they were exiled to the territory of the silver moon alliance and lived with other races since then. Although these elves think highly of themselves, they are not valued by other elves because they are too few.Although proud as peacock, he is still just a captain of others' guard!

Qin Lun looked at the fairy knight in front of him, and the light in his eyes flashed by. Even though alastra has the status of God's electorate, the goddess of magic, Mishra, is not an elven deity. It's just a slightly better mask.

"Prince Ferrar, Lord alastraus has charged me that I must follow you all the way tonight!" Annacillia seemed to feel the sight behind her, and said softly, "please do not do anything that would embarrass me."

"Of course, I'm tired!" Qin Lun smiled and said with no concern.

Annacillia heard Qin Lun's careless words, and she immediately stopped and took a deep breath. The fairy Knight only felt more and more disgusted with the silver haired fairy who had embarrassed herself before. This reminds her of some annoying guy in comanso forest.


Following anacelia, the group walked through several arcades to the bustling greeting hall, the largest reception hall of the palace now more magnificently arranged as the main banquet hall tonight.

Qin Lun glanced at the hall in a hurry and found people he didn't know. There are all kinds of guests here and there. There are spirits in elegant dress, and there are savages in the North who only wear a hide apron. There are people who are tall and big, and there are dwarfs who only reach the waist of the people, with a big beard and a strong volume.

A small stage was set up in front of the hall, and the huge star moon flag of silver moon alliance was hung on the rear wall. This is not only the host's toasting table, but also the venue for the band and dancers.

At the top of the hall, there is a ceiling made up of vines. Countless small vines hang down like a delicate spider web or a pearl curtain with countless green willows.

There are many fresh and delicious fruits growing on the vines. Qin Lun carefully observed for a while and found that there are many kinds of fruits on the vines, at least ten kinds, many of which he didn't know very well.

Around the hall there are more than ten long tables, which are filled with all kinds of feasts and meat. In the corner, there is a big oak barrel with wheat wine, which can be used as long as the cork on it is pulled open.

However, these casks are for dwarves and barbarians. Other elves and humans generally use the ready-made liquor on the waiter's tray. The owner of Yinyue city spent a lot of energy for the celebration.

"Ferrar!" There was a happy greeting from the crowd. Qin Lun looked back and saw illistin running towards him with a skirt, followed by Idria, Martha, Lenny and Linda.

Elistin was dressed in a beautiful white dress with a low chest and waist. The silver thread hung like a waterfall behind her head, and she wore a carefully woven corolla on her head. Although the chest is not as majestic as Martha's, it is round and straight, showing a moving arc. Like a swan with a jewel necklace on the snow neck, it is like a fairy just out of the fairyland. Qin Lun can't help but see it.

The four beauties behind her are also in the shape of thousands of years. Martha's plump chest is as full as a ball under the knight's dress, as if it is possible to jump out at any time. The body-building figure and a pair of long legs are even more attractive.

Idriya's dress is similar to that of her. Although her chest is still as flat as a mirror, her resolute face has another kind of brave face. The other two beauties of candleburg, Linda's temperament is playful and lovely, and Lenny is mature and steady, with a trace of scholar's volume.

"Well? It seems that our Lord takes good care of you. " Qin Lun looked at the four ladies dressed in costumes, showing a heartfelt smile.


"Dear lords of Parliament, welcome to silver moon city to celebrate the harvest with us!" At the time of Qin Lun's greetings, alastra, surrounded by several elders, walked up to the platform and raised his glass to everyone.

After a warm toast from the owner of Yinyue City, she suddenly turned around In addition, silver moon city welcomes a VIP today, Prince Ferrar moonlight from the angel spirit court! He has come all the way from the ark spirit court to offer sincere friendship to the silver moon alliance. Let's drink to him! "

In the eyes of surprise, alastraw pointed to Qin Lun in the crowd and held up his glass. Qin Lun stooped slightly with a reserved smile and cooperated with the master of Yinyue city to finish the play.

After drinking all the wine, there were many whispers in the hall. Obviously, this scene just made the Lords of silver moon alliance have many associations. However, some envoys from countries around the silver moon alliance expressed their surprise. They had not received any information about this before.

"Ferrar, listin, Idria!" The crowd in front of Qin Lun suddenly dispersed. A young dwarf squeezed out of the crowd and looked at Qin Lun with surprise.

"Lorraine? Why are you here? " Qin Lun looks at his former dwarf companion and raises his eyebrows slightly.

"This..." Lorraine smiled sheepishly and murmured, "it was Emily who invited me. I haven't returned to the snow peak mountains. I've been in a shield dwarf camp in the southern foothills of the world ridge for several months.""Nice to see you, Lorraine!" Elistin happily hugged the dwarf. Other people, including Qin Lun, are also very happy.

Qin Lun's joy is not pretended. Since Lorraine is here, the epic plot of miyin hall has a starting point.

"Lorraine, are you the emissary of the shield dwarf?" Qin Lun asked with a smile.

"No, the emissary is a nephew of Bruno, the dwarf king. I just came to see Emily!" The young dwarf scratched his head sheepishly.

Qin Lun's eyes turned to understand that Bruno Warhammer wanted to recover the secret silver hall, but the secret silver hall was close to the silver moon city in the south of the world ridge. Without the consent of the silver moon city Lord, it would be difficult to achieve.

Since alastraw didn't introduce the dwarven emissary at the ceremony, it's because the agreement between the two sides has not yet been reached. Do you want to know that the shield dwarves and the silver moon alliance have been flirting for a long time, and we are already familiar with each other, so we don't need to introduce them any more.

"Ferrar, about mage Angelo..." Suddenly Lorraine asked in a slightly embarrassed whisper.

"You already know?" Qin Lun frowned slightly and looked at the dwarf in doubt.

"Yes, the Lord of Yinyue City discussed this matter with the emissary of the dwarf king." Said Lorraine, lowering her voice.

Alastro asked the dwarves for help? Qin Lun was surprised by the news, but after thinking for a while, he was not only overwhelmed by the courage of the Lord of Yinyue.

It is hoped that the lady did not arrange the security work as they thought, not only did not enforce the martial law vigorously, but also did not inform the silver guard of the defense palace. From her help to the shield dwarfs, I'm afraid that most of the people here are concealed in the drum. She plans to let the assassins of the santalin society come in and catch turtles in a jar.

"Is not the Lord of Yinyue afraid of causing heavy casualties in the supreme palace?" Rand, who was beside Qin Lun, also heard the news and was immediately surprised.

"Ha ha, that hope lady is really cruel!" Hill should have figured it out, explaining on the team channel, "she's not afraid to kill a few people. Even if santalin will successfully kill several city lords who are against her, but as long as the perpetrators are caught and their identities are exposed, the conspiracy of santalin will only lead to counter effects."

"It's true that the silver moon alliance has enjoyed a very comfortable life under the leadership of alastra. If the conspiracy of santalin is exposed at this time, it will remind everyone that there is a strong foreign enemy in the silver moon alliance. " Qin Lun sighed, "the external pressure will make the silver moon alliance more united. All the voices against alastra will be scattered by the fear that santalin will cause..."

"Ah ~ ~" just after the reaction, there was a scream from a waitress in the banquet hall.

As if the crowd had been whipped to the general, suddenly spread out, revealing a fall on the ground, constantly twitching, foaming mouth of a strong halfling. This halfling is a man in the upper half and a white horse in the lower half. He is wearing an exquisite one-piece robe.

The halfling did not seem to be cut off. He could not stop kicking. His face was twisted into a ball. There was a trace of gray in the deep pupil of emerald green, as if the whole soul had been suddenly pulled away and completely lost consciousness.

"Lord of queirwa!" Said Lorraine in a low voice.

However, Qin Lun didn't pay any attention to him at this time, and his eyes were watching in the flustered crowd like electricity. In his left eye, a pattern of yin yang fish intersected by blue and green emerged, and everything in front of him became a sketch with black and white lines interwoven.

"I found it!" Qin Lun's eyes suddenly brightened and looked at a hooded mage who was about to go out on the left side of the hall.