Death Notice

Chapter 398

"Ha ha, you just fell down. It's not because you stumbled over this small crack!" Some of the Elvish Rangers around millaras made fun of the unlucky guy just now.

"No, it's not the crack that tripped him, it's the thing coming out of it!" Longer pointed at an imperceptible trace in the middle of the crack with his finger and said seriously, "actually, I was just behind him, although it was only a short moment, but I saw something like a branch tripping him. When I get back to my mind, it's gone! "

Everyone looked at each other, and at last their smile was over.

"It could be a snake, a lizard or something!" Millaras frowned slightly.

At this time, the setting sun in the sky has only left a trace of afterglow, and the light is dim. The two finger wide stone seam on the ground is black and black, which seems to be a little deep, and the situation inside cannot be seen.

"Maybe!" Long'er's face showed hesitation, but he still fell down to the ground dutifully, put his ear near the crack of the stone, and listened to the underground movement. He is in charge of the investigation and elimination of traps in the team, which is not an intentional act.

When Qin Lun saw his serious appearance, he immediately smiled and looked down to avoid people's eyes. A small black and red target appeared in his left pupil. "Gannettes left eye" has a strong perspective, just to check the situation inside the crack.

Although he helped loner with the investigation, it was only influenced by the due diligence of the thieves. In fact, he and millaras have the same attitude. No matter what happened just now, it's over. It's not worth wasting time here.

However, at the next moment, Qin Lun and Long'er will change color at the same time, and the thieves will spring up from the ground with electric shock.

"Get out of here, don't stay here!" Tyrone yelled at the crowd around him, and at the same time he was about to jump.

"Click, click, click!" But his action is still a step late, and the ground around which they are seven or eight people suddenly makes a crisp crack. Just now, there were only two fingers wide and half foot long cracks in the stone, as if a giant animal had opened its mouth, and a circle of spider web cracks appeared on the rock ground at its core.

Before Qin Lun jumped up, the ground collapsed. When Kelly and other people rushed over, seven or eight elves, including Qinlun and milleras, had disappeared, leaving only a deep pit around Zhang Xu.

"Philip!" Stark called back anxiously.

"I see!" Philip, with a calm face, raised his staff and whispered, "chakra!"

A soft ball of light lit up the top of the staff, illuminating the pit on the ground. When they stood on the edge, they did not change a little. This large pit obviously does not belong to the natural pit. The four walls of the pit are muddy and flat, and the whole pit is like a roller tunnel with a diameter of about ten meters.

The most important thing is that this dark hole is not straight down. It is winding inside and doesn't know where to go. Philip's light technique can only shine to a depth of more than 10 meters, so he can't see the situation inside.

"Damn it, damn it! Now that we're here, something's going to happen! " Philip stamped his feet angrily.

"Maybe we should be more thankful, not in the east of the snowstorm peak!" Robin opened his hand and sighed helplessly.

"Two Elven princes have fallen down. What shall we do?" Nicole said with a wry smile and a wry face.

"What else can I do? Go down and have a look. I still like cave exploration!" Kelly smiled, holding her shoulders in her arms, and said excitedly that the whole group didn't care about the current situation just because of this heartless and violent woman.

Stark reached out his fingers, touched the mud wall of the hole, and frowned at the sticky paste on his fingertips. He put his finger under his nose and smelt it. His face suddenly turned ugly.

"When you go down, please be careful. This dark pit is not necessarily dug by intelligent creatures! It's very fishy. There may be a huge snake's nest underneath

"Snake? So thick! " Nicole's eyes widened in surprise as she watched the roller shaped hole with a diameter of about ten meters.

"Not necessarily snakes, ancient sand worms and some mountain anemones can also cause this kind of hole!" Robin's face was cloudy and clear, and he said, "I'm in trouble. These things have a strong sense of territory. Once disturbed, they will not die with the invaders, and they are hard to be killed!"


"Ferrar Justin Your royal highness... " Many shouts in the huge and zigzag pit produced a double overlapping echo, which made Qin Lun dizzy.

"Pentagram crystal mirror!" However, his consciousness is still very clear, the weak light flashes in the dark hole, and the following element explosion makes Qin Lun adjust his body posture.

The clock dial of the right pupil flickered with silver light. Qin Lun turned it with one hand, and the evil dagger was deeply inserted into the soft wall. To his surprise, the wall of the hole was not hard rock, but a kind of wet and muddy soil.

Although the evil dagger slows down some body falling speed, it still can't stop him."What are these things?" Regardless of the injury, Qin Lun's empty left hand grasps the wall of the cave, but only buckles a layer of sticky white liquid.

"Bang!" While Qin Lun was thinking about it, a body hit him like a shell, which made his body just stabilized a little bit and was smashed down again.

"Sorry, Ferrar!" Ilistine's voice was weak and seemed to be hurt.

"It's OK, hold on a little!" Qin Lun cried bitterly. He had hope to slowly stabilize himself and climb back up. Now I am oppressed by the spirit Druid, but I have no choice. I don't know what happened to millaras and loner.

When I was falling, in fact, elistin was standing on the edge. If you want to escape, you can escape. But the spirit Druid chose to save him, but he was involved and fell down together.

"Justin, can you change?" Qin Lun sped up and asked, with the magic of the Elf Druid, she didn't seem to be so weak.

"No, I just wanted to turn into a giant eagle and pull you up. As a result, my wings hit the cave wall, and my bones seemed to be broken!" In the dark came the voice of listin's dismay.

"You become an eagle in such a zigzag Cave..." Qin Lun was unable to laugh and cry, and finally he gave up his life. His right hand is constantly piercing the wall with a crime dagger, while his left hand is tightly holding the Elf Druid. The place where he touches his hand is as soft as jade, and he doesn't know where he has grasped the part of elistin.

Knowing that he could not stop falling, Qin Lun concentrated his mind on his eyes and observed the surrounding environment. Although it was in the process of falling rapidly, the perception line of the eye of the clock made him roughly "see" the true face of the cave.

However, Qin Lun suddenly frowned again. This roller shaped hole is not a single tunnel. During the falling process, he also observed a lot of slightly smaller branches.

At this time, he came to a conclusion similar to stark's. This hole should not be a natural one, but a nest of some giant mollusks.

Thinking of this, Qin Lun not only rejoiced that he had made marks with evil daggers along the way. Otherwise, the tunnels are densely covered and can reach the tunnel network in all directions. I'm afraid that even if the companions on the ground get down, they may not be found.

As for millaras, lonel and the four day elf rangers who first fell down, he also "saw" them.

After the initial stage of self-help, the six men also adjusted their falling posture. They were connected by a chain of thumb thick and thin in longer's hand, not far apart. Eight of them are connected end to end, less than 30 meters in total.

Seeing this scene, Qin Lun felt a little bit. In the previous task world, he has felt the importance of the team, but he has never fully understood it. And this adventure finally let him see the role of the team.

At present, this kind of large-scale plot task is obviously not what the apostles can do alone. Even if it is far less powerful than his first-class thief, loner, it can also play a lot of roles. At least in this dangerous situation, if he is the only one, he will not be able to turn the tide, and even his own life may be involved.

Several people stumbled in the zigzag hole, and the falling speed was not very fast. After a while, Qin Lun suddenly felt a movement in his heart, which made him more close to him. In the eyes of the clock, there is a huge hole under them. They seem to be in the end.

"Hold me, Alistair!" Qin Lun pressed the Elf Druid's face carefully.

"Well!" In the dark, elistin uttered an exhortation, which seemed to be mingled with a hint of shyness in the original tone of voice.

However, Qin Lun did not pay attention to some abnormal emotions of the spirit Druid at this time. The dial in his right eye became more and more silvery, and the three pointers began to rotate wildly in his pupils.

"Drink!" Qin Lun suddenly stepped on the wall of the cave, put away the evil dagger of his right hand, and held elisting in his arms with both hands. A strong wind element surrounded the two people's bodies, greatly alleviating their falling speed.

This is a kind of disguised use of fast wind step. Since Qin Lun realized the ancient inheritance of the spirit hunter, the affinity of wind element has not been enhanced again, but it is much stronger in skill application.

"Bang!" Qin Lun bent his knees slightly and took off the strength of falling. "Elistin, you can come down!"

"Well!" The Elf Druid twisted his body, but didn't jump out of Qin Lun's arms at once. He said in a shy ant voice, "you, let go first!"

"Ah, oh Sorry! " Qin Lun was shocked and looked down, only to find that his left hand was not in the right place. The towering peak on his chest turned into a strange shape in his claws. No wonder he always felt that the palm was smooth and soft, like grasping a sponge ball with excellent elasticity.