Death Notice

Chapter 397

"Hula ~" in the fierce cold wind, the sound of rubble falling attracted the attention of all. Qin Lun turned around and saw a figure rolling down to the abyss at his feet.

"Save me ~ ~" the figure desperately grasps the rocks around him with both hands, but under the long-term grinding of ice and snow, the rocks of this cliff are not only hard as iron, but also smooth as a mirror, making all his struggles seem so pale and powerless.

"Bang!" After falling for tens of meters, the figure bumped into a protruding granite on the cliff. The violent impact made him spew a stream of blood arrows out of his mouth. The cry for help was swallowed back, and soon disappeared into the wind and snow of the abyss.

"Joca This fool! " Stark repressed his indignation and slapped the stone wall on his side, but he didn't dare to shout.

"The Apostle No. 54012, jocca, has died, and the fortress team has lost one member!" The prompt message from the soul seal of the apostles made everyone have a kind of suffocating fear. The person who just fell down was the first apostle of a fortress.

Qin Lun glanced at his feet, his face twitching. At present, they are located in a cliff more than one kilometer away from the alamil mountains, which is totally different from the beautiful scenery adjacent to the steam lake at the foot of the mountain.

The alamil mountains are not the highest and largest in the southern part of the felon, but they are definitely one of the most dangerous places to die. Unlike those mountains located in the interior, the alamil mountains adjacent to the steam lake have almost no geographical and commercial value. Generally, they are as high as thousands of meters without gentle slopes, and even the cost-effectiveness of mining caves is extremely low.

In addition to the ancient sunata dwarfs who like to build cities in the mountains, they are simply forbidden areas of life, and even Warcraft and birds are reluctant to stay more. Most of the mountains are covered with snow all the year round. The warm ocean monsoon from the lake of steam has reached a height of more than 1000 meters, instead, it has become a violent wind and snow, which makes the east of the mountain as crystal wall.

Due to the lack of people in the alamil mountains, the team could not find a suitable passage, so they could only rely on elisting, who became a giant eagle, to explore the road. At this time, Kelly, who has the light wings for fighting Qi, and Philip, the second-order mage who can fly for a short time, take turns to open the road in front of her, so as to avoid the team stepping on the ice hole with hard surface and empty interior.

This is also the main reason that the unlucky guy named joca was not rescued in the end. The road under Qin Lun's feet is a natural "plank road" about half a foot wide. Not only do people need to walk close to the smooth cliffs, but also intermittently. Some roads need to be climbed with weapons. The most dangerous places must be carried by elisting or Kelly.

Of course, in spite of such a bad situation, no one had ever thought that the nimble apostle would fall off the cliff and die before jocca.

"Stark, do you want Lord Kelly or Philip to come back alone?" Robin was silent for a long time, and finally turned to ask stark.

"No! The two of them are in a more dangerous situation than we are, and at this time, not to mention fighting spirit and mana, even the spirit is consumed. We can't put any more burden on the two people who can take turns to explore the road and take care of each other. "

Stark took a deep breath, tried to calm down, and said in a deep voice, "the guy who fell down can only blame himself for carelessness. We are professional apostles, not the waste of nanny."

Robin took a look at the big man admiringly, no longer suggested that Kelly and his wife should look back. He just thought about it for a while, but he reminded them softly: "it's OK with us, but the two Elven princes can't have an accident. Well, you follow Ferrar, and I'll watch millaras. "

"Good!" Stark's eyes flashed a glimmer of light and nodded simply. Although the dangerous environment of the alamil mountains was a little unexpected, it did not prevent him from admiring Robin.

This beautiful leader is really capable, at least to get here, is to rely on Robin's deception plan. However, the importance of Ferrar's plot identity is more and more discovered. Without Qin Lun, even if the fortress team joined in the plot task, it would have to be submissive and depend on others.

Due to an accident, after the team started again, the atmosphere seemed a little dull, but everyone's attention was more and more concentrated. No one wants to fall down a cliff and die in humiliation.

After more than an hour, they finally climbed the top of the mountain along the plank road.

"At last!" As soon as the giant eagle's wings were closed in the sky, illistin turned into a human and fell beside Qin Lun, his face was very tired.

"Ferrar, Alistair, do you see the green in the distance?" Millaras leaned over and pointed to the huge forest far away from the mountains. "That's Millard forest in irfarang. We're almost there!"

Qin Lun's eyes flashed a silver light, and he looked into the distance with all his eyes. The shape of the mill forest is similar to the Arabic number "7", with east-west trend in the north and North-South trend in the East, forming an angle of 90 degrees. It's less than 20 kilometers from the western foothills of the alamil mountains. From the top of the mountain, it's barely visible.

"Ha ha, we haven't come down the mountain yet! Although the west side of the mountain is more gentle than the east side of the cliff, once it falls, it is also a mass of mince. " Qin Lun looked at the steep slope below the mountain with a smile.The west slope of the mountain faces the interior of karinshan. Without the water vapor of the steam lake, the wind and snow are much smaller. More than 100 meters below the top of the mountain, dark brown rocks are exposed, and even black soil and green vegetation can be seen in some places.

However, as Qin Lun said, it's also hard to go here. Although there is no ice cliff in the East, and the slope has slowed down a lot, there are rocks and rocks everywhere, and the way down the mountain is still very rough.

"At least not like before, it's too late for rescue!" Millaras sighed sadly, and just as jocca had fallen, he saw it. Although he was not familiar with the members of the mercenary regiment, the loss of a companion still made the prince of the Japanese elves a little sad.

"Let's go, Captain Robin is pressing ahead!" Qin Lun clapped him on the shoulder with a smile and took the lead in walking down the mountain.


"It's a mistake. It's not so hard to cross the alamil mountains. It seems that we have to spend the night on the hillside!" Looking at the setting sun falling slowly in the sky, Robin stroked his hair, and said helplessly.

"That's right. If ordinary people climb over such a mountain, it will take a few days for even a master climber. We are already very fast." Kelly rubbed her nose, which was a little hard to bear because of the cold wind, and praised them very rarely.

"Hee hee, the key is that a few plot elves didn't cause us a lot of trouble. The two Elven princes are not so charming. They have survived the harsh environment that our apostles can't bear! " Said the lost group's fairy with the bows on her back.

"Prince of the elves?" Kelly frowned a little, her eyes flickering at the three men.

"Kelly, what's the matter?" Robin was keenly aware of Kelly's vision and asked quietly.

"Nothing!" Kelly took back her eyes, shrugged and shook her head. "I always feel that Prince of the moon fairy named Ferrar is familiar with him!"

"You still feel like an apostle?" Robin's eyes flashed and asked softly, "do you want to test again?"

"No, now the two teams work together, they even share the" Ancient Road (fake) ", so there's no need to tear their faces for it." Kelly said faintly, "no matter whether that guy is an apostle or not, he can't hide it for long. What the apostles can do is to give them a little more control over the plot. Regardless of him, the distribution of interests among our apostles is ultimately determined by strength. "

"Sister Kelly, you are still so domineering!" Robin was stunned, laughing and nodding.

"Seriously, you are the leader of the group now!" Kelly rolled her eyes helplessly.

"Ah ~ ~" when Kelly and Robin were communicating, a scream suddenly came out of the team, and a figure tumbled to the cliff.

"Which fool is it!" Kelly gave a cry of surprise and anger, and the light wings of the fight flashed behind her. She wanted to rescue people after she grabbed the team.

The hillside to the west of the mountain is not so steep, and they are high now. The hillside is not covered with ice and snow, so it is no longer necessary for her and Philip to explore the road.

However, she was a little far away. Before she could make a move, one person in the team was snatched. In general, the man took off the long bow on his back and put on a fine iron long arrow with rope roots.

"Zheng!" A bright white awn remained in the retina for a long time. When everyone was back to their senses, the unlucky man who almost fell off the cliff had seized the long arrow inserted nearby and was pulled back.

"Thank you, Ferrar!" Millaras nodded gratefully to Qin Lun, and the man who fell was one of the four remaining Elven Rangers around him.

"Fool, thank you, Lord Ferrar." Several of his companions laughed and scolded the unlucky guy with lingering fear, but the Elf Ranger who had just fallen down frowned and bent down to grope on the ground.

"Is there something missing?" Qin Lun asked with a smile as he moved forward.

"No, your highness Ferrar, I just seemed to..." Hearing Qin Lun's inquiry, the Elf Ranger finally blushed, his expression was still confused, but finally shook his head, "forget it, nothing!"

"No way!" Suddenly, a voice came in between them, and said in a very serious voice, "it seems that your fall just now was not an accident. Look..."

Qin Lun turns around and finds that the speaker is the bandit of the fortress team, longer. Looking in the direction of lonel's direction, everyone was stunned. It was a flat place with no abrupt rocks or slippery soil.

However, without waiting for people to ask questions, lonel stepped forward two steps, squatted down and gently moved with his palm. Soon a tiny crack in the rock appeared in front of the crowd.