Death Notice

Chapter 399

The six millaras who fell down in front did not have Qin Lun's detection ability. At this time, they all fell into a pile. Fortunately, the strength of these people is very strong. A few Elven rangers are no inferior to the professional apostles. On the way, they use various means to slow down the falling speed. At this time, they are not seriously injured.

"Where is this?" When Qin Lun and elisting were in an awkward situation, millaras's exclamation came from the side.

The cry of millaras woke people up, and they all stood up regardless of their injuries and looked at the surrounding environment. They had just fallen down and seemed to have stirred up a thick layer of dust in the hole. Now our eyes are still a little fuzzy, a stale smell of choking nose straight through the nose, so that people only feel a burst of throat itching.

Qin Lun's silver clocks and watches disappeared quietly, because he found that the cave in the middle of the mountain was full of soft and elegant light, which was not like the dark tunnel before.

The dust to be aroused dissipated a little, and people looked at the surrounding environment, and their faces showed a trace of undisguised surprise. The pit in the heart of the mountain is very wide, more than 50 meters high. Although the edge cannot be seen due to the dim light, it can be estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of square meters of space in this place.

At this time, people have seen where the light source in the pit comes from. It is a luminous crystal wall about 30 meters away from the ground in the east of the pit.

"It's the light from the outside, it's an ice wall!" Long er, who is good at observation, was the first to understand it and made a surprise.

"The ten or more stone pillars here don't seem to be naturally formed. They seem to be artificial buildings!" Murmured an Elf Ranger.

They looked in that direction and soon understood the meaning of his words. In the center of the pit, there are 12 stone pillars about 20 meters high.

The base of these stone pillars is very thick, and each one needs more than ten adults to be held together. It's not very accurate to say that they are stone pillars, because they are not connected with the top of the pit. Compared with the length, width and height, they are more like twelve large, thick and short stone piers.

Under careful observation, people's faces were more surprised. There are several flat and spacious channels under these stone piers, which are similar to canals. But compared with canals, the bottom is shallower.

In addition, the upper end of the stone pier is connected with several huge stone ropes. Looking along the stone rope, people are surprised to find that there is not only one tunnel that they fell into the cave.

Above and at the top of the stone wall, there are also dozens of huge roller tunnels connecting the cave. At a glance, it looks like a giant honeycomb. Most of the stone ropes connected on the stone piers are connected with these tunnels.

It seems that there are some deviations between Qin Lun and stark when they judge that the tunnel is the nest of some kind of giant snake insect. These tunnels were supposed to be connected to the cave at the bottom of the mountain, but they were occupied by some kind of mollusk later.

"Pentagram crystal mirror!" Qin Lun looked at everything in front of him, and his heart moved. A huge crystal mirror appeared at his feet. The ensuing element explosion made him jump up and down. Several times, he stood at the edge of a tunnel connecting the stone rope.

"These things It's not like a stone pillar! " Standing at the bottom of a stone pier, millaras suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed in surprise, "this is the furnace! These are huge furnaces! "

Everyone was surprised and went to watch. The outline of the furnace door and the blocked blast hole could be seen in the lower part of the ash splashing stone pier.

At the same time, we all think of the flat and spacious channels at the bottom of shidunzi. Those channels are not water channels, but the channels for furnace water. Maybe some of them are the channels for molten iron discharged from furnaces.

At this time, Qin Lun, who was plundering the high-altitude tunnel, also found it. He took a look at a square object at the entrance of the tunnel, and with a dagger, he gently scratched the stone rope under his feet. Soon he saw the black brown rust inside the stone rope.

These are not real stones, but iron wires covered with stone chips. Connect with the square object in the tunnel, we all know that it should be the aerial cable car that provides ore for the twelve furnaces.

"Have we really found the melting pot castle of the dwarfs in ancient times?" An inconceivable thought floated in the hearts of all the people, but they felt it was natural.

"Two princes, your highness, we, we..." Millaras's side of an Elf Ranger face dew excited, some look forward to Qinlun and millaras.

"Even if you want to explore, at least wait for the partners on the ground to come down. If you leave now, Miss Kelly will come down to see you later, but she will be furious! " "What's more, there should be other dangers here. It may have become the nest of some giant creatures. It's better to be careful," Qin said with a smile

"Then Well, let's wait for them first! " Thinking of Kelly's ferocity, not to mention a few Elven Rangers, even millaras could not help but shrink his neck.

It's strange to say that the prince of the Japanese elves can be regarded as a noble and cool Tianjiao in terms of his mind and strength. It's just that when I meet Kelly, she'll be flaccid. She always eats her to death. People who don't know their relationship think it's bronchitis. In fact, only the people around millaras know that this is the rhythm of natural enemies."Apostle 70053, you have found the unknown dwarf castle in the alamil mountains. Please explore more here. The increased world exploration here will be rewarded twice as much. "

Looking at the prompt message in the death list, Qin Lun's smile was even stronger. Although they refused the offer of millaras to go into the castle immediately, they could not suppress their curiosity and began to explore the furnace area of the dwarf castle.

"Ferrar ~ ~" looking at the scattered companions, elisting couldn't help pulling the sleeves of laqinlun's clothes and looking at Qinlun bitterly.

"There will be time to explore. If your radius is broken, don't want your arm to grow deformed later, just be quiet!" Qin Lun replied angrily. He took a box of green ointment from his arms and daubed it on Druid's arm.

This box of ointment is also one of the adventure items that Adeline and Menon prepared for them. It is a kind of trauma ointment with the best effect comparable to the most excellent moonlight intermittent cream. The priest Menon, who believed in the goddess of life, angeris, was able to allocate the best restoration items as long as he had materials.

"Two princes, come here and have a look!" When Qin Lun dealt with elistin almost, several Elven rangers who had almost gone far suddenly shouted excitedly.

"Lighten up, we're not on an outing!" Qin Lun couldn't help crying and laughing.

"Forget it, Ferrar. Don't blame them. I can't help it!" Millaras smiled and waved his hand, "this period of time is too oppressive, and he always lingers between life and death. Maybe we can't get out of here this time. Let's face death with a smile! "

"Ha ha, milaras, I feel you are more cheerful!" Qin Lun picked up his eyebrows and said in surprise.

After chatting with him at the campfire two days ago, the prince of the Japanese elves seemed to put aside all his worries and began to be like a real adventurer, fully devoted to the journey of life and death as a rare adventure.

"Look!" Millaras didn't care about Qin Lun's resentment at all. Standing in front of a huge stone tablet found by the Elven Rangers, he excitedly pointed to it and said, "I know where it is, tiexingbao, tiexingbao of the dwarven kingdom of ograng! Ferrar, we found an old legend! "

This huge monument is in front of a furnace at the end, and the words on it are not clear. However, with the help of mireras and several other elvish Rangers, you can still see the largest ancient characters on the top.

In the translation of the broken starry sky, there are two kinds of names, one is called "the wall of almar" and the other is "the iron stone star". In elvish records, this is part of the dwarven kingdom of sunata, the iron star fortress of the kingdom of ograng, which was founded more than 6500 years ago.

"Apostle 70053, you have found the legendary" Iron Star Castle "of Oglan. The world exploration has increased by 0.002%. If you can find other relevant records in the castle, the world will continue to increase in exploration. "

"It's just the melting pot area of the castle. I really want to see the rest of the castle right away. Why haven't they come down, Miss Kelly?" At last, millaras could not help complaining.

Qin Lun laughed in his heart. The rescued one dared to blame the rescuer. If Kelly heard millaras's complaint, the prince of the Japanese elves would be beaten.

Qin Lun looked at the huge stone tablet in front of him, and there was a flash of excitement in his eyes. In fact, his curiosity was no less than that of millaras and other elves. However, his curiosity is different from that of millaras and others. The plot elves are just excited to find the iron star castle, curious about the history and records of the castle.

Qin Lun is also interested in everything else in the iron star castle. For example: 12 huge furnaces in front of us!

Qin Lun slowly revolved around a furnace, with the black and red target flashing in his left pupil. He used the perspective ability to explore the inside of the furnace.

After thousands of years of precipitation, these furnaces have been completely fossilized, and the furnace used to smelt ore has been blocked. Inside, the furnace structure can only be distinguished by its different stone quality.

To Qinlun's surprise, the bottom of these furnaces is actually a loose limestone structure, forming a unique pipeline to the deep underground in the vision of the left eye.

After continuous observation of several furnaces, Qin Lun finally confirmed the furnace structure. Although limited to perception, he could only see more than 100 meters below the furnace, but he suddenly had a feeling that the pipes at the bottom of the furnace were only afraid to extend all the way to the bottom of the whole alamil mountains.

Was the alamil mountains an active volcano? The dwarves of sanata dare to build a castle in the crater and forge steel directly by using underground lava!

Qin Lun felt a surge in his heart, and suddenly the exploration was full of incomparable expectations!