Death Notice

Chapter 396

"O, O ~" a bird with a bunch of white fluffy on its head drew a beautiful arc around the top of the merchant ship, flapping its wings and staying on the crossbar of the main mast, standing side by side with several of the same kind who had stood there earlier, leaning over its small head and staring at the bow.

This kind of white headed magic gull with a crooked beak is the most common carnivorous bird in the shining sea and steam lake. It is not big and lives on shallow sea fish. Before the storm, they often shuttle in groups on the sea, sending out loud and clear voice, which enables the sailboats on the sea to avoid the storm in advance, and is also regarded as a symbol of auspiciousness by sailors who have been living on the sea all the year round.

However, a group of white headed gulls staying on the main mast at this time did not gather because of the storm. It's because someone in the bow is fishing and feeding them out of boredom.

"Ferrar, killing life for fun, contrary to the teachings of Ralph, you should stop the blasphemy now!"

Seeing Qin Lun pull up the fishing rod again and throw a big aristophagus into the sky, leaving the group of white headed gulls to fight for the prey, elisting blushed and some indignantly stopped it.

"Elistin, this is not a forest. Besides, the white headed devil gull is the pet of Seychelles. I'm serving God. It's not blasphemy of Hunter belief!" Seeing that Druid's face began to turn from white to purple, Qin Lun hurriedly threw the last big herring to Venus at his feet, raised his hand and surrendered, "OK, you win, I'll stop!"

"By the way, what about millaras?" Qin Lun stood up and poured the water from the bucket beside him out of the ship's side.

"He's in the cabin, and he's unconscious again!" Elistin shook his head with a wry smile. "The other four day elf rangers are similar to him."

"Poor guy, they've been on the boat for three days, but they haven't got used to it. I don't know how they cross the falling star sea. It's five or six times bigger than the lake of steam. Can we say that the sea demon of Cannes Fishman is much more stable than this kind of merchant ship! " Qin Lun felt his chin, shrugged his shoulders and looked at the deck behind him.

The sea boat they are now on is a medium-sized three masted merchant ship with a flat bottom and square tail, and the main mast is a horizontal sail, which is very suitable for sailing in the inland sea with small wind waves, such as the steam lake. Although the speed is not ideal, the high forecastle and the spacious cargo hold can carry more cargo, which is the best cost-effective commercial ship among the medium-sized ships.

"As long as a fisherman priest performs the underwater breathing magic, the traveler can take the tame sea demon to navigate under the water, where he can avoid the turbulence of the wind and waves. If you are a large-scale sea demon, you can also swallow the gill pouch of the traveler into your body. It's almost like a luxury carriage. It's much more comfortable for a long journey than a merchant ship like us! "

A middle-aged man with a triangle captain's hat came up behind Qin Lun. He explained casually, and asked cautiously with a flattering smile, "Your Excellency Ferrar, you will be close to yespeke in another half day. Do you want to get off the ship as planned?"

"Well, we don't get off at the port, though. Just look for a deserted beach near yespeke!" Qin Lun's eyes flashed and he smiled and patted the captain on the shoulder. "I've been bothering you these days. We've delayed our trip. Don't know if those gold coins are enough to make up for it?"

"Enough, enough! Even if you buy the special products of our ship, you are a generous adult! " The middle-aged captain wiped the sweat on his forehead and forced a smile to compliment him. As for whether he cursed Qin Lun or not, only heaven knows.

Compared with the gold coins, the human captain was really worried that these unruly mercenaries would kill people and kill their mouths after landing. Now he deeply regrets that he let Qin Lun and others on board because of greed.

You should know that his ship was not originally the current route, but crossed the steam lake to the port of derlask in the northern kingdom of xiaya. Now, sailing westward along the south bank to yespeke is totally different from each other, totally in the opposite direction.

The middle-aged captain has traveled all over the world for so many years. He thinks he has some vision. He would not have risked getting a mercenary group of more than 20 people on board. It's just that there are many elves in this mercenary regiment, and the two elves at the head look like the great figures of status, which can't match the vicious pirates at all, which leads to greed.

I didn't expect that the mercenaries would turn their heads and start work soon after they were offshore. By force of force, more than 30 sailors on board were brought down and forced to change course and go to yespeke.

This is also part of Robin's plan. Santalin will not know which route they take or which merchant ship they take, so the possibility of interception at sea will be minimized.

Thinking of the preciseness of the navigation plan, even Qin Lun admired the meticulous thought of the beautiful commander. I'm afraid I can't do better even if I leave it to him.

"Is it too much for us to do this, Ferrar?" When he saw the middle-aged captain go away, he asked guiltily.

Qin Lun turned around and looked at the calm sea, like a pure sapphire, and said meaningfully, "you think too much, we elves are not qualified to pity human beings, they are the masters of Phelan."Elisting was stunned, and could not help but glance over elder Adeline's worried face before they set out. The spirit Druid's expression was in a trance and silent. Qin Lun is right. Compared with their mission, some ideas are a little redundant.


Three hours later, before sunset, Qin Lun and others finally saw a reef lying on the horizon. Behind the rockbank is a precipice that stretches along the coastline to the distance.

After seeing this picture, people know that they should have arrived at the destination. On the shores of the steam lake, only the alamirs in the amraven peninsula have such cliffs.

The waves smashed on the ferocious dark brown reef, and the rumbling sound echoed in my ears like a sullen thunder.

"Robin, is the place right?" Kelly frowned as she looked at the creeping rocks on the shore.

This kind of place can't dock and stop ships. Although it's not a problem for them, at that time, the hijacked merchant ship will surely escape. Once ashore, it's impossible to turn back. Naturally, it's necessary to confirm the destination.

Robin held up a strange triangular instrument and carefully compared it with the setting sun that was about to set in the sky for a while. Then he said cautiously: "yes, judging from the data provided by the star instrument, this is indeed the amraven peninsula. Compared with the map provided by Anke fairy court, it should be near yespeke. "

"Then let's go!" Kelly's face was a little relaxed. She crouched down to look at millaras, who was leaning on the side of the boat, pale, and smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Just bear with me a little longer, I'll take you ashore."

"Kay, Kylie, can you let me go ashore, Jean, elistin! Retch ~ ~ "the prince of the day spirit retched two times with a bitter face, and said angrily.

"Why, elder sister is responsible for taking care of you personally. Do you have any suggestions?" Kelly raised her willow eyebrows and hugged her chest unhappily.

"No, no!"

"Then go!" Kelly reached out with her bare knuckled little hand, shouldered millaras and jumped out of the deck. Behind her, she spread out a pair of air wings and leaped towards the rocks in the distance.

A group of people on the deck watched millaras lying on Kelly's shoulder, with his stomach retched. They couldn't help but mourn for the hapless Prince of the Japanese elves. The violent woman obviously didn't know what it was called pity and cherish jade. He suffered a lot along the way.

"Monsieur Ferrar, we will go ashore first!" Stark lost a look at Qinlun, and also grabbed a Japanese spirit Ranger who was suffering from seasickness and jumped out of the boat. He doesn't have Kelly's air wings, but it's less than a kilometer off the coast. Just swim.

"Elistin, let's go too!" Qin Lun turned to the Elf Druid and said with a smile.

"Well!" Elistin leaped and turned into a giant eagle in mid air. Qin Lun jumped lightly, grabbed one of her claws, and was led to the shore.

"Chief Robin, these people..." Philip glanced at the wary captain and sailor on the deck, pasted them to Robin, and asked softly.

Robin frowned a little and saw a cold light flash in the sailor's eyes, but after a moment's meditation, he shook his head. "Well, there's almost no possibility that these people will be connected with santalin. The plot elves are disgusted with killing without any reason, leaving them with too many bad impressions, which will be bad for the following cooperation. "


"It's karinshan!" Looking down at the mountains of the alamil mountains on the moonlit night, millaras covered his blanket with emotion.

"Millaras, have some hot soup!" Qin Lun stood up from the campfire with a smile and handed him a bowl of clear soup.

"Ferrar, do you know? I never thought I could live to Dakar Linshan. I thought jondall or Anke forest would be the end of my life! " Millaras stared at the dim reflection on the surface of the clear soup and muttered to himself in some trance.

"We will continue to walk until we complete the miracle of taking the ancient road again!" Qin Lun pointed to the steep mountain in front of him and said with a smile, "I heard that there is a dwarf castle in the alamil mountains. Don't you want to see the ancient sanata civilization? Maybe we can find some treasures in the ruins of the castle that haven't been seen for thousands of years! "

"Haha, it's really exciting to hear that!" Millaras's pale face was a little red, he put down a hot soup, shook his head and said with a smile, "Ferrar, you really don't look like a sentimental moon elf. Now I really like you!"

"Millaras, this is It's really embarrassing! You know, I only like beautiful fairies... "