Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 128

"Yaoyao, elder martial brother's happiness depends on you. Remember to say more good things for me..."

"Is elder martial brother's happiness based on the script?"

"Yes, it's my wife. I can't leave it for a day!"

"I think about..."

"Younger martial sister."

A light call came. Lu Yaoyao looked up. The second elder martial brother stood not far away and looked at her side with a smile.

"Second elder martial brother!" Lu Yaoyao ran over and said, "second elder martial brother, why are you here?" Except for the first three days, the second elder martial brother didn't pick her up again! Lu Yaoyao was very surprised.

The swallow came back and said, "brother Ziwen."

"My younger martial brother." Zi Wen nodded with a smile, then looked at Lu Yaoyao, "master, I've come to meet you with him."

"Master, are you out of the pass?" Lu Yaoyao continued to be surprised. The day after she came to nanwufeng, the master closed the door and went to alchemy. She was always taken by the second elder martial brother.

The second elder martial brother was afraid that she would think more, and he specially explained that he found the rare and best spiritual material in the Dan Hall, and the master refined it himself.

Lu Yaoyao thought of seeing brother junyang in the Dan Hall that day. It seems that he came to send lingcai back to Yuanzong in person. He thought it was those lingcai.

Just now, there was so much activity during the break that Lu Yaoyao took it for granted that the master had successfully made alchemy, and it was inevitable that he would pass the test.

Swallow back to see, it is not good to continue to disturb, he had to ask again: "must remember ah!" Then he left.

Lu Yaoyao follows Ziwen back to nanwufeng. Master Mo is already sitting in the hall. On the other side is Lord Lu chongyun.

It is said that Mo Liuying of guiyuanzong is the first person in Dan Dao. Because of his extraordinary talent in Dan Dao, he is no worse than the friars of Yaozong who specializes in Dan Dao. Now he has refined the first God level Dan medicine for thousands of years, which has completely established his position as the first person in Dan Dao.

The master refined the most miraculous pills. As his disciples, they were all present.

The first elder martial brother, the fourth elder martial brother and the Third Elder martial brother who should be released from confinement are all standing in the hall.

When they saw Ziwen and Lu Yaoyao coming in, they said hello one after another. Naturally, Lu Yaoyao and Ziwen saluted the master and Lord Lu.

Master Mo is sitting at the head of the hall. He is full of light. He wants to come to the alchemy this time to bring him a lot of insights.

Lu Yaoyao's eyes fell on the exquisite purple wooden box placed by the master's hand, and he was very curious about what the elixir of the divine product was like.

She stepped forward, looked up and asked, "master, can you have a look?"

Master Mo would not refuse such a small request. He opened the box and sent out a strong fragrance.

Lu Yaoyao stood on tiptoe and couldn't see it. He quickly climbed up to the master's knee and leaned over his head to see it.

In the Millennium soft yarn of the wooden box, there is a round pill, which also emits a faint halo.

Ziwen and Ziting moved their steps and looked over.

ZIWANG and Ziwen are more stable, but they can't contain their curiosity and come to watch with reserve.

There are five pairs of eyes on the small wooden box.

But master Mo froze. He has so many disciples that no one has ever been as close to him as Lu Yaoyao.

No wonder some martial brothers have always been partial to their younger disciples.

Only one pill can be made, but it's enough for master mo. the pills are expensive and the essence is not much.

After the five disciples saw it, master Mo closed the box.

The disciples are reluctant to straighten their bodies. They respect and inspire the master. The master is their goal!

"Send this pill to dongjiufeng."

The news of the alchemy can't be concealed. Although they are the most important, in case other sects ask for help, will they give it or not?

In addition to the Shendan that may be very deep hidden in the main gates, this is the only one now available.

Only the supreme can protect this elixir, and give it to the supreme, can it play the greatest role.

Lu chongyun twisted his beard. He obviously agreed with master Mo's idea.

"Elder martial brother has been in Mahayana for a long time, and his accomplishments have not been further improved. I think this pill will be of great benefit to elder martial brother."

Master Mo's eyes moved to the five disciples and seemed to be thinking about who should follow him.

"ZIWANG, you are with me."

"Yes, master." ZIWANG answers respectfully.

Maybe it was seeing Shendan that ZIWANG's eyes rarely had a look, and his face became sunny.

Lu Yaoyao heard the spirit of dongjiufeng, her opportunity came!

"Master, I want to go too. Can you take me one more?" Lu Yaoyao grabs Mo hall leader's clothes, big eyes Ba Ba, twist a small body to act like a spoiled child, "OK?"

Hearing this, Zi couldn't help saying, "master, take your younger martial sister. She hasn't been to dongjiufeng yet."

Lu Yaoyao nodded quickly.

Other martial brothers also help to speak, "master, take younger martial sister, too?"Seeing that younger martial brother Mo was wrongly entangled by his younger disciples, Lu chongyun felt that he had a coke. He said, "I haven't seen elder martial brother for a long time, so I just went to see him together."

The little disciple of master Mo acted coquettishly and was so cold that he softened his heart. "Let's go together."

Lu Yaoyao was very happy, "thank you, master, thank you!"

Ziwen's third martial brother also wants to go with him, but no one knows. I don't like that too many people go to his east nine peaks to disturb his purity. Their third martial brother has also sent pills. This time we should let the elder martial brother go with us. The younger martial sister hasn't been there, so it's better to follow him.

They watched master and his party take Shendan to dongjiufeng.

There are Lu Zongzhu and Mo Tang Zhu in the room. ZIWANG and Lu Yaoyao are taken to the gate of dongjiufeng immediately.

Even if it is Lord Lu, when they come here, they should walk steadily.

There is a boundary outside the gate of East Jiufeng to prevent outsiders from breaking through. Lu chongyun's fingers are close together, and the aura is swirling. A messenger crane appears out of thin air, stretching its wings and bumping into the boundary.

A moment later, Lu chongyun said, "let's go."

Lu Yaoyao was led into the border by the elder martial brother. It seemed that the world was quiet for a moment.

As she walked, her smart eyes couldn't help looking around.

No matter how quiet the other peaks are, they are also very lively and full of popularity. Dongjiufeng is so quiet that they even lower their voice subconsciously when they talk. They walk all the way, but they don't see a person.

The scenery of the East nine peaks is extremely beautiful. There are countless exotic flowers and plants. Holy Spirit beasts walk in the mountains, or stretch out their beautiful bodies. The aura around them is rich and rich. It's no worse than the main peak. It's refreshing to be in the middle of it, and the whole body is relaxed and quickly ascends to heaven.

If the aura can condense, you can see it continuously drilling into Lu Yaoyao's body.

After a cup of tea, they went to a magnificent building and entered the lobby.

Lu Yaoyao is so excited that she can't control her expression. Her white little fat face is red and moist. Soon, she will see the legendary Heng wudaozun. Whether he is her father or not will be known immediately!

Lu Yaoyao's heart was pounding and he was nervous unconsciously.

After the party entered the hall, Lu chongyun and master Mo walked away directly. There were only two brothers and sisters in the hall, ZIWANG and Lu Yaoyao.

ZIWANG lifted the younger martial sister up and sat down in the chair. He sat down in the chair next door.

Not long after, a disciple who looked about 15 or 16 years old came in with tea. "Suhua met two martial uncles."

There are only three or two disciples in dongjiufeng. They are mainly responsible for the work of sweeping dongjiufeng and raising spiritual things. They also include serving tea and pouring water when guests come to visit. Suhua is one of them.

Lu Yaoyao tossed his legs and couldn't sit still. "Elder martial brother, when can I see you?" She can't wait.

ZIWANG drank tea slowly with a cup in his hand. After hearing the words, he said, "the master and the patriarch have gone to see you."

Lu Yaoyao: "what They're coming. Don't they have to meet? What are you doing here? One day tour of East Jiufeng?

Zi Wang said: "you don't like to see too many people. In our clan, except the patriarch, only the elders of the main peaks can see each other, and they may not meet every time."

"Among the younger generation of disciples, only elder martial brother Lu is qualified to visit."

Lu Yaoyao only felt that there was a bolt from the blue over his head. Was it so hard to see?

ZIWANG saw that the younger martial sister was about to cry. He was really afraid that she would cry. He even said, "don't be sad, younger martial sister. I'll bring you when I come back to deliver pills."

"You will come to the lobby occasionally, and you will see it one day."

Lu Yaoyao can't lift his spirits. When will he have to wait? She turned her eyes and said, "elder martial brother, where are you going to meet them?"

Zi Wang pointed out the direction to her, "when you were in guiyuanzong, you were not closed on the top of Xuefeng, the extreme peak, or you were closed on Maixin, the East nine peaks." Those two places are the exclusive place for the master to carry out the Qing cultivation. There is a border. No one can enter without the permission of the master.

"Oh -"

Lu Yaoyao pestered the elder martial brother and said for a while. She covered her stomach and blushed. "Elder martial brother, I have a stomachache. I'll leave for a while."

"Are you all right?" Zi Wang asked with concern.

"Little martial uncle, I'll take you." One side of Suhua said.

"Please wait here, elder martial brother, in case they come back..." Lu Yaoyao said, pulling Suhua out.

"Little martial uncle, that's Jingfang."

"OK, you don't have to wait for me. I'm not so fast. I know the way. I'll go back myself later." Lu Yaoyao finished in a hurry and rushed forward with short legs.

Suhua answered from a distance. Seeing that the figure of the little martial uncle disappeared around the corner, he turned back to the lobby.

Not long after he left, a small head came out of the corner carefully, looked left and right, made sure there was no one, and ran out.

If the mountain doesn't come to me, I will go to the mountain. No matter what, she must see daozun.Lu Yaoyao hid his tracks all the way and ran cautiously in the direction pointed by the elder martial brother.

From afar, a corner of the eaves is dotted with green, light clouds, such as covered with a layer of cloud yarn. When you are in it, you know that the pavilion is very big.

On the surface of the heart of the pulse, many simple and chic courtyard houses are built, which is also the residence of daozun.

Lu Yaoyao pokes her head out of the hollowed out wall. Her hands are struggling to hold the smooth wall. She tries to stand on tiptoe. Her flexible eyes look into the yard through the hollowed out wall.

She didn't see anyone, so she ran around the wall, through the gate, and squatted beside the steps outside the corridor.

This place is so big, where is she going?

It seems that there is no one in the courtyard. Lu Yaoyao doesn't hide any more. She looks around the courtyard and sees a courtyard with different styles.

Lu Yaoyao let out a cry. It seems that the courtyard has been carefully designed and decorated. The colorful garden in the courtyard is very different from those simple and fresh courtyard houses outside.

Lu Yaoyao went in and looked inside from behind the post. After standing for a while, he didn't notice anyone inside, so he went in curiously.

It seems that the house has been cleaned all the time. It's very clean. It's also very delicate in the house. You can see gorgeous red everywhere.

Lu Yaoyao fell in love with the courtyard at a glance. Compared with the red of the magic palace, it was very elegant.

This is the residence of the girl's family. Doesn't it mean that there is no one in dongjiufeng? How can there be such a residence?

Lu Yaoyao turns around and accidentally pushes open the door of a room. According to the rules of the courtyard, she speculates that it should be the room of the main courtyard. She can't resist her curiosity.

Lu Yaoyao thought, she went in to have a look.

She walked in with her short legs and did not forget to close the door. Then she looked around curiously. Wow, it's the bedroom. Although it's very clean, it seems to be unpopular. Has no one lived in it?

Lu Yaoyao didn't move the things in the room. After appreciating for a while, she turned to leave. Then she noticed that the door was cracking and was being pushed open.

Lu Yaoyao jumps and subconsciously rolls under the bed.

I'd like to have a look at it if you are interested!


Bai Jing, the daughter of destiny, is also the culprit of the collapse of the world.

Just as she ran all the way to the villain's wild road, due to someone's intervention, the world line took a big turn, and strategists came to her age of 21.

Strategist A: This is the ultimate boss, ha ha, just a little girl!

Later: bruised, kneeling to beg for mercy, the little girl also hanged ten of me.

Strategist B: Well, I don't know what character it is, but I want to stimulate her to speed up the process of blackening? Simple!

Later: I now regret, very regret! Not only has the task not been completed, but also he has lost himself, wuwuwu.

Strategists C, D, e

21? Mediocre? Bo Jing: eh? Why are there more and more strange people around?

Before that day, Bai Jing always thought that she was a storyteller, who was dedicated to those people around her who obviously held the main script at a glance.

I never thought that once the situation changed, I was also the one who held the script.

It's just that what she took was the script of the black villain, or the one that eventually led to the collapse of the world. Thank you to the angel who cast the overlord ticket or irrigation nutrient solution for me during the period of 2021-01-02 02:09:52 ~ 2021-01-03 01:52:07 ~

thank you to the angel who cast the mine: siwuxian 1;

thank you to the angel who irrigated nutrient solution: 69 bottles of yansuo pond willow; 40 bottles of frog; 47401937, 30 bottles of irritable Lori Guodegang; 10 bottles of sheep and LiuNian Yixiao; the world is changing 5 bottles; yuqinger, jiujiujiu, 3 bottles; yelingxue, a small salted fish, Liansheng, 1 bottle;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!