Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 127

"Little martial uncle? Little martial uncle

A call came from outside the door. Half a day later, the quilt on the bed of the second floor room moved. A sleepy little fat face came out of the quilt.

Lu Yaoyao's face is still full of sleep, usually smart eyes can't open, she sat for a while with messy hair, and then lay down, instantly into a state of sleep.

Su Qing knocked on the door several times. Seeing that little martial uncle would be late, she couldn't help being more anxious.

"Little martial uncle, I come in!"

Su Qing stood for a while, then pushed the door in.

As she approached the inner room, she saw that the little drum on the bed was still, "little martial uncle?"

Su Qing is concerned. In the past, little martial uncle has already got up and is full of vitality. Today, Su Qing is so abnormal that she worries about whether little martial uncle is ill.

"Little martial uncle, I'm going to be late for class."

"Little martial uncle?" Su Qing pulls down the quilt and shows her red face. She breathes long and seems to fall into a deep sleep.

She reached out to her forehead and felt the pulse of her little hand again. There was no abnormality, so she continued to call people to get up.

Lu Yaoyao struggled to open his eyes in the call of the little martial uncle, and said softly, "let me sleep a little longer?"

Lu Yaoyao's round, plump little body is stuck on the bed. Her limbs are limp. She is sealed by the bed and can't get up.

"It's too late for class." Su Qing holds Lu Yaoyao up and helps her dress and wash. She also gives Lu Yaoyao a few mouthfuls of spirit porridge and uses her purse to fill her with some snacks to keep her stomach.

Lu Yaoyao closed his eyes and was sent out of the South five peaks by Su Qing. He was still in a daze.

She was addicted to storybook last night. She squinted just before dawn. She felt that she was awakened as soon as she fell asleep. Now she is still dizzy. She feels that she can go to sleep as soon as she lies down.

But to class, Lu Yaoqiang from the spirit, quickly ran to the knowledge hall.

She was a little late today. When Mr. forefoot stepped on the stage, she rushed in and sat down.

Wen Zixing wants to talk to Lu Yaoyao, but he looks at the man on the stage and holds back his desire to speak.

Mr. Mu naturally noticed the younger disciple who arrived later than him. He glanced at his innocent expression and said nothing.

"Today we will talk about demons. As we all know, there are three races in Yuanqi Demons are cruel and inhumane, so everyone can punish them. "

"Demons are good at camouflage. When you go out for training, you should always be alert..."

Lu Yaoyao's head nodded. She wanted to continue to listen, but she couldn't bear it. She fell asleep. In her sleep, she didn't forget to refute. The demon and the devil are not inhuman. Her demon family friends are as simple and kind as children

How nice her father is to her!

They are not inhuman

Mr. Mu was talking. He didn't care whether the students were listening to the class seriously. But in the quiet school, his voice was dignified and solemn. However, there was a sound of sleeping breath, which fluctuated with his voice.

One of the disciples noticed the situation and snickered.

Mr. Mu: "yes."

Mr. Mu pauses for a moment, endures again and again, finally can't bear, he walks to Lu Yaoyao's side.

Wen Zixing nervously looks at Mr. mu. He reaches out his hand to push his little friend.

Mr. Mu pretended not to see the small action of the person in front of him. He knocked the table with a ruler.

When Wen Zixing saw that she was still awake, he pretended to be coughing fiercely and pushed and shook her with his hand.

In Lu Yaoyao's dream, a mountain shaking, she suddenly woke up, the earthquake?

Hearing the heartrending cough next door, Lu Yaoyao turned to look at it for a while, and his mind pulled back from his sleep, "did you catch a cold?"

Wen Zixing shakes his head and covers his mouth, trying to wink at her. Lu Yaoyao is at a loss. Before he can figure out what the other party wants to express, he hears a cough behind him.

Lu Yaoyao's body was stiff, thinking of his own situation, and turning around, "sir --"

Mr. Mu asked faintly, "what should I do when I meet a demon during my training outside?"

Lu Yaoyao stood up and thought, "if it's a bad demon, kill it. If you can't fight it, run away and find foreign help If they are good demons, let them go. "

"Ridiculous!" Mr. wood did not expect that he asked such a simple question, and even answered so absurdly.

"How can demons be good or bad? They are all birds of a feather. They must be killed when they see demons!"

Lu Yaoyao could not help refuting, "people have good and bad points, demons naturally have."

I'm going to meet you tomorrow. Thank you for casting the overlord ticket or irrigating nutrient solution for me from 2021-01-01 03:26:36 to 2021-01-02:09:52 ~

thank you for casting the mine: old cat Qiao Qiao, come on, Qin sang;Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: hyacinth 210 bottles; yuan-88 bottles; lotus seed, memory, tut tut 5 bottles; black and white color, 37807558 1 bottles;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!