Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 129

The person who pushes the door is silent. Lu Yaoyao doesn't notice the approach of the other party. She nests under the bed and holds her breath.

They won't find themselves, will they? She hasn't found anyone yet. She doesn't want to go back like this.

Didn't find me, didn't find me

Lu Yaoyao closed his eyes and meditated in his heart.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out as expected. The other party seemed to find her. A gentle spiritual force wrapped around her body, brought her out, and then fell into a embrace.

Lu Yaoyao covered his eyes with both hands, "can't see me, can't see..."

Lu Yaoyao had not talked about it for several times, but suddenly felt that he was familiar with the embrace

A low smile rang out, fleeting.

When Lu Yaoyao was shocked, he opened his eyes nervously and looked out through his open fingers.

Lu Yaoyao opened his eyes wide and looked at him stupidly for a long time. He suddenly opened his hands and threw them on him and hugged his neck tightly -

"father! I knew you were here! " She guessed right, Wuwu My father is a guiyuanzong man, who has no respect for Tao!!

Lu Yaoyao cried miserably, tears straight to the father's body rub, "I find you hard, father, why don't you come to me? I miss you so much - "

for three years, she finally met her father again! At this moment, she was just a little boy who missed her father. In front of her father who loved her most, she let out her hesitation and uneasiness for several years.

It was at this moment that her heart really settled down.

"Father, I miss you so much! You don't know how scared I am You don't want me anymore... "

Yao jiuxiao skilled coax baby, "is the father wrong, I should come out early to see you."

It's said that those who are preferred have no fear. The more Lu Yaoyao is coaxed, the more he feels aggrieved and can't stop crying.

"Father, do you know that I am here long ago?" Lu Yaoyao red eyes, Wei qubaba.

Yao jiuxiao didn't speak, and Lu Yaoyao knew that he had acquiesced.

She howled louder -

"father, you are good or bad! I miss you so much that you don't want to see me You don't love me anymore... "

Yao jiuxiao explained seriously, "I thought you were in your father's house. I knew you came to zongmen. I went to see you at night." Half a month, he went for several nights, but the baby fell asleep, I don't know.

Although he didn't appear in front of Xiaozai, he always paid close attention to her. When she came to dongjiufeng, she felt it.

Therefore, when Lu chongyun and Mo Liuying came to see off the God pill, he didn't stay much after accepting it and asked them to come over after they left.

When Xiaozai came back to Cangshan, he and Lu Qingyu had already had differences. They knew that they could no longer maintain the illusion of living together.

Based on all sorts of reasons, Yao jiuxiao compromises and retreats, watching the cub be taken away by Lu Qingyu.

He thought that with Lu Qingyu's temperament, he would take Xiaozi seriously and would not let her leave the demon world easily.

He is also ready to go to the demon world and bring the baby back.

It never occurred to me that Xiaozi not only came out of the demon world, but also ran in front of him.

Lu Yaoyao grasped the key point, "father, do you know I was taken away by my father?" She was taken away by her father in Cangshan's home. When she woke up, she came to the demon world. So, her father was there that night, wasn't she?

Yao jiuxiao

Lu Yaoyao closed her eyes and looked up to the sky to cry. Dou's tears dropped from the corner of her eyes.

"Good or bad father My father is good or bad, too... "

Lu Yaoyao is really sad. She has been separated for three years. She thinks about reuniting with her father all the time. She comes out of the abyss and finds that her home is gone. At that moment, she thinks she has been abandoned. She doesn't know how sad and worried she is.

Her father was there, and he had the heart not to meet her.

Dad, too, didn't tell her at all.

She thought her father didn't know that she was back, and she tried every means to run out of the demon world to find her father

Lu Yaoyao cried and stopped howling. He turned to sob in a low voice. His tears continued to fall like dripping water.

Finding his father, Lu Yaoyao thought he would be very happy and excited. These emotions are true, but at the moment, it's more sad.

She didn't understand why her father could be cruel and indifferent to her sadness. After a long time of cultivation, he became indifferent to his feelings, so he couldn't empathize with her?

Yao jiuxiao's heart pricked for a while. The little boy cried so sad that his cold heart split a crack, "Yaoyao..."

He had ups and downs in his old-fashioned mood, and he was in a state of confusion.

Lu Yaoyao didn't want to listen to her father any more. She twisted her little body and struggled to the ground, "I don't care about my father!"

Lu Yaoyao steps out with short legs. She wants to fight with her father. She ignores him for the time being!"Yao Yao!"

Lu Yaoyao doesn't listen. She has a temper, too.

Lu Yaoyao ran out of his head, and soon he suddenly bumped into a man. He was bounced back and almost fell back. He was picked up in time with one hand.

"Younger martial sister?"

Lu Yaoyao looks up and finds that it's the elder martial brother, the master and the Lord Lu are also there.

"Why are you crying? Who bullied you? " ZIWANG saw that the younger martial sister had big eyes and a red nose. Even the baby's fat face was covered with red marks. It was obvious that she cried fiercely.

ZIWANG sat alone in the hall for a while. After Suhua came back, he sat for a while. Seeing that the younger martial sister had not come back, he was not very relieved. So he looked for her and found that the younger martial sister had disappeared.

ZIWANG thought that she was lost at first. He thought about what she had asked before going out. He went this way with hope. On the way, he met the master and the patriarch. When he heard that Lu Yaoyao had disappeared, he turned back together.

I didn't expect that Lu Yaoyao was really here, just this brave little girl. How could she cry so fiercely?

Lu Yaoyao is burping. Before he speaks, Yao jiuxiao comes out from behind. His face is cold and cold. His eyes fall on Lu Yaoyao, who is still shivering.

Lu chongyun raised his eyebrows. "Elder martial brother, I've already said that you can't always paralyze your face. Do you scare the children?"

Lu Yaoyao did not look at him. "Elder martial brother, shall we go back?"

Yao jiuxiao's face was cold and his eyebrows were frowning.

Hall master Mo and others all thought that Lu Yaoyao was frightened by zunshang before he cried. They didn't say anything. They thought that zunshang was impatient, so they left again.

Yao jiuxiao moved his lips several times, but he didn't shout out. He was even more fierce. ZIWANG thought that zunshang was angry, and he walked faster.

Yao jiuxiao stands in the same place, rarely appears at a loss mood, he did wrong?

Lu Yaoyao pokes his head out of the elder martial brother's shoulder. Seeing that his father doesn't catch up with him, his mouth is flat and his mood is even lower. He sits on the elder martial brother's arm and doesn't speak.

ZIWANG noticed the little girl's little emotion and looked at the master like asking for help. He would not coax the children.

Master Mo pretends not to see the eyes of the first disciple, and he will not coax the child.

Out of the East nine peaks, Lu chongyun directly separated from the master and apprentice of Mo hall and went back to the main peak by himself.

Master Mo takes two disciples back. The three disciples who stay in the peak are chatting in the courtyard outside the hall.

The son who is sitting askew, the son who is standing with arms in his arms, the son who is squatting on the rocks, and they all look over.

Master Mo leads two disciples to enter the courtyard.

"Master, elder martial brother, younger martial sister!" Zi Ting stood up. Zi Wen jumped down from the rock. They stood on both sides of Zi Wen.

Master Mo turned his eyes around, and the five disciples were neat. He nodded solemnly, and then quickly left over them. Looking at his back, he seemed to want to avoid something.

Master Mo originally wanted to check the progress of his disciples' cultivation. Now, he thinks it's too strict to check his disciples as soon as he leaves the pass. He can relax properly. He'd better wait until tomorrow.

Ziwen's three disciples: "what

The son asked, can't believe: "teacher don't test us?" What else?

ZIWANG doesn't speak. He goes to Ziwen and can't wait to transfer the younger martial sister to him. Then he is relieved and gives Ziwen an encouraging look.

Ziwen: "what is it?" Then he bowed his head, red and swollen eyes, red nose, looking at the pathetic.

"Why are you crying Listen up.

"It's all rabbit eyes." Ziwen commented.

Zi Wang: "I'm scared by you."

Ziwen and three people: "I'm not sure."

Hearing this, Zi couldn't help laughing and tut said: "how many people want to see you, younger martial sister, but you are still scared..."

Zi asked, putting on the airs of elder martial brother, "younger martial brother, don't say that about younger martial sister. She is still young."

Hearing this, Zi said in a soft voice: "don't be afraid, younger martial sister. I'm just a little bit shocked. It's chilly to see people It's just a matter of temperament. It's very nice to respect your master. "

Lu Yaoyao bumps into the arms of the second elder martial brother and buries his face. It's not funny to say that he's not scared.

"Little younger martial sister, the elder martial brothers will take you to play."

Lu Yaoyao came to nanwufeng for more than half a month. Except for meeting each other on the first day, only the second elder martial brother took her with him. The others were closed and the others were closed. It's rare to get together this time. The master won't take the examination of them for the time being, so he will have free time today.

Four handsome elder martial brothers surrounded her, coaxed her, and took her to play interesting games.

The game played by the elixirs is not ordinary. When the eldest elder martial brother made pills with strange effects, he gave the Third Elder martial brother Ziwen a pill. Ziwen immediately shook and laughed like a sheep's madness.

Then he grabbed the little elder martial brother who wanted to run, pressed him to feed him a pill, and danced awkwardly a moment later.

The second elder martial brother couldn't escape. After a while, his whole body turned green.Lu Yaoyao was so amused that he had already forgotten his sorrow.

Thank you for casting the overlord ticket or irrigating nutrient solution for me during 2021-01-03 01:52:07 ~ 2021-01-04 02:37:21 ~

thank you for irrigating nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Jinghua Fuyun, 20 bottles of corn quilt, 11 bottles of 39557437, 5 bottles of jiulan, 3 bottles of Yunshen Yimeng and Qingyun Two bottles; one small salted fish;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!