Daughter of the Dao and Devil Venerables

Chapter 126

There is no class today. Lu Yaoyao is reading in his own building.

She finished reading the last book and looked around. The second elder martial brother was not there.

Her memory is very good, it can be said that she never forgets. In half a month, she finally finished reading four thick books.

Lu Yaoyao thought about it and ran out of the building to find Su Qing.

"Suqing, I want to go to the library. Can you take me?"

Su Qing has no opinion, but she still asks, "what do you do in the library, little martial uncle?"

Su Qing has been with little martial uncle Lu Yaoyao for more than half a month. She knows little about little martial uncle. She knows that she is a very intelligent child. She doesn't worry that she will damage the books. She just wonders why little martial uncle is suddenly interested in the library?

"Just want to see --" Lu Yaoyao to finger, raise an eye to see Su Qing, "can you?"


Su Qing took Lu Yaoyao to the library.

The library Pavilion is on the main peak, and the South five peaks are far away from each other. The disciples of Guiyuan sect can't fly with their swords under no special circumstances. Fortunately, between the main peaks, there is a transmission array in the square.

Su Qing took her to the square of nanwufeng, and then to the library.

Lu Yaoyao looks around curiously. The main peak is more magnificent and spiritual than the South five peaks. Unlike the South five peaks, which are full of medicinal fields, the pavilions and pavilions are embedded in the shade of clouds, like a fairyland, beautiful as a dream.

If there is anything good in this world, it is undeniable that there are landscapes everywhere. Even in places like the demon world, there are still breathtaking and breathtaking beautiful landscapes.

The main peak is more lively than the South five peaks. Lu Yaoyao follows Su Qing for a while and has met several waves of disciples walking with swords in hand.

It took them about half an hour to see the library.

The building of the library Pavilion is towering, pyramid shaped, with golden appearance and flying dragon and Phoenix plaques hanging on the main entrance, which is very conspicuous.

Lu Yaoyao's mind seemed to be quiet in an instant. The surrounding environment was very quiet. Several disciples walked around in front of the pavilion, but there was no movement.

Here, people are not so impetuous.

Su Qing said: "little martial uncle, I will send you here! Can I pick you up in the evening? "

"I remember the way. I'll go back by myself. Don't bother Suqing. Come back again!" Lu Yaoyao waved her little hand. Thanks to Su Qing's guidance when she came, otherwise she would not arrive so smoothly.

"I'll go first. See you tomorrow!"

Lu Yaoyao turns to the front door of the attic.

There is a registry at the main entrance of the library. An old man sits on a mahogany chair with a leisurely look.

Lu Yaoyao took out his disciple card and put it on the table. "Grandfather, I want to go to the library."

The old man picked up the jade plate and printed it on a piece of smooth jade. When the jade was bright, Lu Yaoyao's message was displayed.

Lu Yaoyao, the fifth disciple of Mo Liuying's family, returned to the five peaks of zongnan.

The old man returned the jade card to her, "you can enter."

"Thank you Lu Yaoyao takes back the jade plate and approaches the library quickly.

Guiyuan sect has a history of more than ten thousand years. It has been destroyed and rebuilt several times. A lot of Lingjian books have been lost in history. However, the collection of books in the library is more abundant than that of any clan or family.

There are nine floors in the library, each floor has a huge space, and the ceiling is very high.

According to the instructions, Lu Yaoyao found the area where the anecdotes of guiyuanzong were placed.

There are countless figures and historical events recorded in it. Lu Yaoyao found the spirit slips between 1000 and 2000 years according to the time.

Compared with Lingjian in other periods of time, the historical records in this period are pitifully few. Lu Yaoyao looks over it and doesn't know if it's her illusion. It seems that many things in this period are missing.

If elder martial brother Zihui hadn't lied, the clan would have been destroyed more than 1000 years ago, but there is no clear record here. There are only a few records. Apart from knowing that something big happened, I can't see the details.

Is it the disaster that destroyed the data?

But no, if it's really difficult, the damaged data should be earlier, but there is not so little data in other periods.

Lu Yaoyao couldn't figure out why. Was it that something happened more than a thousand years ago?

Her small body is more delicate in the bookshelves. Lu Yaoyao digs around and never finds Lu Yuandao's name.

She found a jade slip from the inside. When she opened it, she saw that it was a record of the war and chaos in the three realms 400 years ago.

Lu Yaoyao suddenly excited, trying to dig out from between the lines that Heng wudaozun is her father's evidence, but she read this paragraph over and over again, and found no proof.

Oh, how little.

However, the author's admiration for daozun and his malice and contempt for the demons can be read between the lines.

Lu Yaoyao sighs. She sits on the ground without any image. She continues to look through the jade slips to see more about daozun's deeds.It took a long time for her to react -

Oh, no, she was looking for Lu Yuandao, not her father.

On second thought, she can do these two things at the same time!

Happy New Year's Day!

Thank you for casting the overlord ticket or irrigating nutrient solution for me during the period from 02:11:22 to 03:26:36 on December 28, 2020 ~

thank you for casting mines: 41857553, Harry 1;

thank you for irrigating nutrient solution: 200 bottles of Fantian Yier; 160 bottles of jimoqing; 50 bottles of whispering, flowers blooming on the other side, nothing to do with me; tangsi, nankemeng 40 bottles; 33 bottles of moyuange; 30 bottles of Zhinan, Jiangjiang, Qingqing and Dubai; O > 0_ , xiaowuye 20 bottles; 40197858, Jinyu, Xunyuan, Youran 10 bottles; two xiaohuya 9 bottles; later we, our favorite main 6 bottles; 2265230, CAIA, shiqiya, Zhongyao, Linlang sky, the world is changing, Shanshui Yishuang, belthozar 5 bottles; jianggungun, 46916141, planting trees and raising dogs 2 bottles; you know, yelingxue, Huayang lollipop, 37807558 1 bottle;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!