Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 860

Every country has organizations or companies that want to use various means to gain some advantages in the competition.

It's not just Changping who wants to contact the organizers.

If you want her to say that Changping may be covering the sky with only one hand in China, it's all in response.

But looking at the world, Changping may not be enough to see.

Especially compared with those world-class chaebol groups, is Changping OK?

In fact, Zhuang Mingyan did not have a clear understanding of Changping's strength.

She and Zhao Gushen can barely touch the edge, but graduated from the same university.

Moreover, when she was a freshman, Zhao Gushen was a senior.

At that time, Zhao Gushen did not appear in school.

Not to mention meeting with Zhuang Mingyan.

Zhuang Mingyan's understanding of Zhao Gushen is no different from that of others.

Not to mention the understanding of Changping.

She also can't see the assessment report of Changping by those chaebols.

Otherwise, she would not have such naive ideas.

Zhuang Mingyan thinks that there is such a shortcut as Changping, so why do you have to give up the near and seek the far.

So the trouble is to find a relationship and get close to the sponsor?

The point is, even if it is to make up, it may not be able to achieve the goal.

There are too many forces that want to gain some advantage.

But because it's up to her.

Some things, she can make decisions.

If you directly connect with her, you will save a lot of things.

Zhuang Mingyan doesn't believe it. In the face of such a big advantage, can Zhao Gushen remain indifferent?

It's just a culinary competition.

It's an international event. It's very eye-catching.

Especially in the field of professional attention.

If Changping's people can have an eye-catching performance in the competition, and even with the promotion, more and more people will be left behind, Changping's reputation will undoubtedly be able to make a world-wide impact.

Zhuang Mingyan believes that as long as she speaks these words clearly to Zhao Gushen.

He'll know how to choose.


Ye Fei prepared hot and sour boneless chicken feet for Zhao Gushen at noon.

She cut the chicken feet one by one with a knife and removed the bone manually.

In addition, he prepared Pepper Fried chicken wings, potato stewed salmon, bean curd seaweed vegetable salad as a vegetable supplement.

Finally, stir fry sweet potato with caramel as a dessert.

Ready for these, ye Fei takes the fresh-keeping food box and goes to Changping.

As soon as Xiao Qiu stops at the gate of Changping, ye Fei receives a call from Zhao Gushen.

Seeing the three words "Mr. Zhao" displayed on the mobile phone screen, ye Feixin said that it would not be Zhao Gushen's temporary entertainment, so she called to tell her, right?

If Zhao Gushen had decided to have a party early, he would have told her in advance.

I didn't tell her until this time.

If it's nothing, she's all downstairs. What can Zhao Gushen call her.

Ye Fei answers the phone: "Gu Shen?"

"Where have you been?" On the phone, Zhao Gushen's voice is particularly touching.

Ye Fei

So, I made a special phone call to ask where she was?

"I've been downstairs." Ye Fei said, "what? What happened to you all of a sudden? "

"No Zhao gu deep lingering said, "I just wait for a long time did not see you, just call to ask."

"Seven days in a row, I've been with you day and night, and I've always had you by my side. Today, I suddenly came to work. When I couldn't look at you, I felt empty. " Zhao Gushen said.

It's not full at all.

Ye Fei

This man, just a vacation.

How to go to work again is like a different person.

It's too sticky, too!

"I'm already downstairs. I'll be up soon." Ye Fei had to say, "you wait."

"I'll come down and pick you up." Zhao Gushen said immediately.

So you can see ye Fei earlier.

Ye Fei

"Aren't you busy today?" Ye Fei said as she got out of the car.

"Not bad." It's mainly for the sake of patronizing Ye Fei. He's not in the mood to do anything.

"You wait." Zhao Gushen told again.

Hang up and get out of the office.

Take a turn and get ready for the elevator.

Who knows to hear a female voice is calling: "senior!"

Zhao Gushen didn't stop. He said that there was no senior here.

It's not him anyway.

The voice naturally came from Zhuang Mingyan.

When she saw that Zhao Gushen had come out, she knew that her decision to wait here was right.When she decided to wait here, she thought, even if Zhao Gushen doesn't see him, won't he be out of the office all the time?

Even if not, don't you go out for lunch?

Sure enough, she's waiting for it now.

But who knows, she a Jiao didi "senior" all called out a voice.

But Zhao Gushen didn't seem to hear him. He never stopped.

Zhuang Mingyan

Is she not loud enough?

Or did he do it on purpose?

"Senior!" Zhuang Mingyan immediately followed Zhao Gushen and called again.

Zhao Gushen didn't think the senior was calling him.

Because he doesn't have any schoolgirls in the company.

Even if there are staff who graduated from the same university, they dare not come to have this relationship with him.

"Senior Zhao Gushen!" Zhuang Mingyan cried more loudly.

This time, even with the name, Zhao Gushen can no longer be regarded as calling him!

Zhao Gushen frowned, just that sound senior, actually really call him?

What kind of person, the voice is so disgusting!

He's got goose bumps!

Zhao Gushen frowned deeply, finally stopped and turned to see that it was Zhuang Mingyan.

This woman hasn't left yet?

"Senior!" Zhuang Mingyan stood in front of Zhao Gushen and cried with a happy face.

"Who are you?" Zhao Gushen didn't know Zhuang Mingyan.

Zhao Gushen certainly remembers Zhuang Mingyan.

Even if I don't remember many years ago, at least during the Spring Festival, Zhuang Mingyan went to the old house with Zhao Dingye.

Zhao Gushen still remembers.

Zhuang Mingyan blushed and looked offended.

Is she so humble and impressing?

Zhao Gushen didn't know her!

"I'm Zhuang Mingyan. We went to a university. At that time, you had business relations with my father, so we often met." Zhuang Mingyan bit her lip. "Senior, have you forgotten?"

"I'm not really impressed." Zhao Gushen said mercilessly.

Zhuang Mingyan

"It doesn't matter." Chuang Mingyan put her hair out of her ear and put it behind her ear for a while. "Now I'll meet you, senior. Just remember."

"You are the representative of the organizer of the international culinary competition that I just said I would meet?" Zhao Gushen asked again.

If you have to pretend you don't know, it's too fake.

Of course, Zhao Gushen doesn't mind taking a vacation.

"It's me." Zhuang Mingyan nodded happily.

At least, there are names that Zhao Gushen can remember.