Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 859

"That's why you have to put off your work, isn't it?" Ye Fei has the illusion that she is a beauty.

Zhao Gushen, this is for her, not even the trend!

Zhao Gushen said with a smile: "today is the first day of work, there will be no entertainment."

We are all on the first day, and we have to deal with the accumulated work during the holidays.

"I'll think about the food in the morning and bring it to you at noon." Ye Fei said.

This is the rhythm of the president of Changping group.

But Zhao Gushen was very happy.

Anyway, even if it's from ye Fei, it's delicious.

After making a deal with Ye Fei, Zhao Gushen reluctantly went out and drove to the company.

Ye Fei is thinking about cooking at home.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Xiao ruofeng's inside call came in.

Zhao Gushen pressed the hands-free button on the landline.

Xiao ruofeng said: "Shen Shao, the representative of the organizer of the international cooking competition has come."

"No appointment?" Zhao Gushen frowned.

Early in the morning, Xiao ruofeng reported his morning trip.

There is no record of appointment.

"Yes." Xiao ruofeng nodded.

As a representative of the organizers of the international culinary competition, Xiao ruofeng wanted to ask.

Anyway, this morning, Zhao Gushen did not have another appointment.

Just, Zhao Gushen frowned.

Come without an appointment?

Does the representative of the organizer of the international cooking competition not even know the most basic things?

Zhao Gushen intuition, such intention is afraid is not so simple.

I didn't make an appointment. I just came over.

Zhao Gushen wanted to meet him and see what he wanted to do.

"What's their name?" Zhao Gushen asked.

Xiao ruofeng looked down at the business card handed by the other party: "Zhuang Mingyan."

Zhao Gushen shows Leng next, feel this name is familiar.

But the impression is not deep.

It took me a long time to remember who Zhuang Mingyan was.

Isn't that the one who went to the old house with Zhao Dingye during the Spring Festival?

He forgot what he looked like.

This time, as the representative of the organizer of the international culinary competition?

Zhao Gushen blinked and changed his mind: "no see."

Xiao ruofeng drew his lips. He had just heard Zhao Gushen ask this question. Based on Xiao ruofeng's understanding of Zhao Gushen for many years, he knew that Zhao Gushen actually planned to meet him.

But unexpectedly, after hearing the name, he changed his mind directly.

It can be seen that Zhao Gushen knew Zhuang Mingyan.

After Xiao ruofeng's quick analysis, he answered Zhao Gushen: "yes."

After hanging up, Xiao ruofeng said to Zhuang Mingyan, "sorry, Miss Zhuang, you didn't make an appointment. The president really can't find the time to see you."

Xiao ruofeng is also very experienced in this kind of people who come without an appointment.

When they asked to see Zhao Gushen, Xiao ruofeng said first that he couldn't see Zhao without an appointment.

If the other party insists, Xiao ruofeng will ask the identity of the other party.

If it's important, pretend to be reluctant and show that you can contact Zhao Gushen to see if you can spare the time.

Zhao Gushen agreed, naturally won't offend each other.

If Zhao Gushen doesn't agree, it's just the same as what he said before. If he doesn't make an appointment, he won't be able to arrange a meeting.

Just before asking Zhao Gushen, Xiao ruofeng did the same to Zhuang Mingyan.

Zhuang Mingyan sniffed the speech, pursed her lips and said, "don't you even have five minutes?"

"Sorry, there's no appointment. It's really hard to arrange." Xiao ruofeng said, "why don't you come back when you have made an appointment with Miss Zhuang?"

Zhuang Mingyan is not reconciled.

The last time she went to the old house, she was refused. She didn't go in and went for nothing.

This time, she is not willing to go for nothing again.

Moreover, although I can't hear what Zhao Gushen said on the other end of the phone.

But judging from the call between Xiao ruofeng and him, Zhuang Mingyan can probably guess.

It must be Zhao Gushen who asked Xiao ruofeng who she was.

After hearing her name, Zhao Gushen disappeared.

Zhuang Mingyan pursed her lips and let out a deep breath.

She didn't use that name if she had known.

So, Zhuang Mingyan thought, even if she did make an appointment.

Zhao Gushen may not see her either.

I'm afraid that she will be prevaricated by the lack of time and put off the time all the time.

Procrastinate from meeting her.

Zhuang Mingyan thought clearly, so she couldn't just leave.

Zhuang Mingyan thought about it. I'll see you later. There are sofas and coffee tables.Then he said, "can I sit here for a while?"

Xiao ruofeng really has no reason to rush people like this. He can only say, "please help yourself."

As for Keyan, she didn't ask what she wanted to drink.

At this time, the landline on Xiao ruofeng's desk rang again.

Xiao ruofeng picked it up. It was a colleague from the front desk.

"Assistant Xiao, I'm really sorry. I just put the guest up." The front desk was worried.

Originally, Zhuang Mingyan couldn't even pass the front desk with the front desk.

It's just that Zhuang Mingyan's name card is really bluffing.

Especially with the international cooking competition.

After thinking about it, the front desk asked Zhuang Mingyan to register and come up.

But later, the more the front desk thought about it, the more wrong it was.

Still a little flustered, this just called up again.

Xiao ruofeng said in a deep voice, "I remember this time. Next time, I won't carry it for you."

Xiao ruofeng took a look at Zhuang Mingyan, then continued to call the front desk: "no matter who it is, as long as there is no appointment, it's not OK."

"Last time Liu Pingyuan and his family came over, as the boss of a big company, you stopped them." Xiao ruofeng said, "you did a good job that time."

"So, remember and follow that standard in the future." Xiao ruofeng said.

"Yes, I know. There must be no next time." The front desk said, "assistant Xiao, I'm sorry."

"And thank you." The front desk said pitifully.

Zhao Gushen did not embarrass her.

I hung up.

Only Zhuang Mingyan could hear Xiao ruofeng clearly.

Zhuang Mingyan sits on the sofa, scraping Xiao ruofeng with her white eyes.

Xiao ruofeng said that to her!

Just an assistant, even so arrogant.

Who is to blame!

Zhuang Mingyan thought that as the representative of the organizer of the international culinary competition to contact with China, she has a great say.

If Changping wants to occupy a certain advantage in this competition, it still depends on her.

Changping has nothing to say with the international cooking competition.

Even if we can get in touch, it will take some time to make a good relationship.

There are too many people who want to have a good relationship with the organizers of the international cooking competition.

It's not just the Changping family.

Because it is an international competition, there are competitors from various countries.