Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 861

It's good that Zhao Gushen can remember that.

Zhuang Mingyan quickly said, "I forgot to make an appointment and came."

"But I think it's about Changping." Zhuang Mingyan said, "it's about work. It's very important. You should make an exception to meet me."

"But I didn't expect Changping to be so strict." Zhuang Mingyan slightly bowed her head, "but I didn't make an appointment. I'm responsible for this."

"So I thought, wait here, when you come out, I'll talk to you." Zhuang Mingyan said.

Zhao Gushen can't deny it.

I didn't say anything. I didn't even have an expression. I pressed the elevator to go downstairs.

Zhuang Mingyan followed Zhao Gushen closely and entered his exclusive elevator with Zhao Gushen.

Zhao gu gave him a deep look.

I'm going to kick her out.

Who knows, Zhuang Mingyan knows herself very well.

As if expecting that Zhao Gushen would drive her away, Zhuang Mingyan quickly pressed the door button of the elevator, and then quickly pressed the first floor.

"Senior, are you going downstairs?" Zhuang Mingyan asked with a smile.

"Gu's irony is that of Zhao."

"Are you going to dinner? How about together? " Zhuang Mingyan said, "just in time, I want to tell you something about the international cooking competition."

"Unfortunately, my wife is coming to eat with me." Zhao Gushen said coldly.

"Do you mind adding me one?" Said Zhuang Mingyan.

Zhao Gushen squints his eyes and finally turns his head to see Zhuang Mingyan.

It's a long time. I haven't seen such a thick skinned person.

Although, he once met one.

It's his own son, Xiaomo.

But the little guy is thick skinned, but cute enough.

But Zhuang Mingyan is not so cute.

Thick skinned and boring.

Zhao Gushen said in a cold voice, "my wife made the dishes herself and brought them to me."

Zhuang Mingyan was stunned and covered her contempt.

Heart said Ye Fei is not on the table.

I don't know who Zhao Gushen is. He even comes to deliver rice to Zhao Gushen every day?

It's like there's no restaurant near Changping.

"This There are so many restaurants near the company, do you still need her to deliver meals? " It's not an ordinary employee who works in the company. He has to live frugally to bring his own food.

Zhao Gushen eats like this every day, and ye Fei is not afraid that Zhao Gushen will be laughed at.

It's ridiculous!

Zhao Gushen sneered, and then said, "you should know that my wife is a very excellent cook. She is a very good cook."

"After eating her food, I was in the company at noon and couldn't eat the food in the nearby restaurant. So I have to make her work harder and bring me lunch at noon every day. "

"I'm too headstrong in this matter. All of them were raised by her. I don't like food from other places unless I have to. " Zhao Gushen said.

"She is very hard, but for me, she still runs back and forth every day, just to make me feel comfortable." Zhao Gushen said.

Zhuang mingyanxin said that as a representative of the organizers of the international culinary competition, she usually eats the dishes of famous chefs because of her work in this field.

In particular, the international culinary association is composed of world famous chefs.

The international culinary competition is organized by the international culinary Association.

The organizers also include international famous chefs.

Each of them owns several or even dozens of famous restaurants.

In such an environment, not to mention the famous chef's cuisine, even the dishes cooked by the big guys themselves, she has eaten.

Including the need for people to line up, a god of sushi.

She did, too.

Let's not say for a moment, those big chefs, in fact, seldom do it by themselves.

It's all about moving your mouth and giving it to the people under your hands to do what he says.

Only a few guests can work. They cook by hand.

Zhuang Mingyan, on the other hand, has tasted the dishes that others can't even taste in their restaurants.

She doesn't believe that ye Fei's cuisine can be higher than those?

Look what Zhao Gushen said. It's a rare one.

Zhuang Mingyan really didn't pay attention.

Put away the disdain in her eyes, Zhuang Mingyan said: "it's so, it's too rare."

"I also saw the cooking competition held by Changping in China. Ye Fei is really outstanding." Zhuang Mingyan said, "I don't know if I have the honor to taste it at noon today?"

Zhuang Mingyan thought that all her people had come. Would she not have a taste?

Just right, Zhuang Mingyan also has a number on Ye Fei's level.

"Only for two." Zhao Gushen mentions Ye Fei, and his face softens unconsciously. The cold and hard lines disappear, and even his lips can't help curving."She comes to dinner with me every day." Zhao Gushen said.

"I can't eat without her. Every time I have her around to eat with me, I can eat more and have a good appetite. " Zhao Gushen said.

"So I'm sorry, there's no more for you." Zhao Gushen said frankly.

Zhuang Mingyan

In general, should not be polite, even if it is not enough to give her this guest to eat?

Zhao Gushen even said that she didn't have her share!

"Next time Can you make me another one if you have a chance? " Said Zhuang Mingyan.

Zhao Gushen sneered directly this time: "my wife's food is not something anyone can taste."