Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 858

Xiao Wang didn't notice.

Now listen to the aunt said, Xiao Wang this just remember, ye Fei seems really did not use valuable ingredients.

"I think young lady is not what you think. She wants to be in the limelight. Just out of the kindness of a younger generation, I think I'm a cook, and I just cook two dishes for the elders. "

What Auntie didn't say is, what does Ye Fei do when she has nothing to do with a chef?

It's not good for ye Fei.

This is a little too straightforward. Considering Xiao Wang, my aunt didn't say it.

However, ye Fei has real talent.

Xiao Wang is not so despised.

Xiao Wang knows that ye Fei is much better than him just by his taste.

In fact, he is not afraid of Ye Fei grabbing his limelight.

Ye Fei is also the young lady of the Zhao family.

Can you still come here and take his job?

He knows all this.

He just felt that as a professional chef, ye Fei even participated in the cooking competition, but in the end, she also participated as an amateur chef.

Ye Fei's online ordering and delivery is just like opening a small restaurant.

What kind of professional chef?

Even if the performance in the culinary competition is excellent, who knows what the overall level of the culinary competition is?

Maybe it's a short general.

All the way through, the last remaining, is not Changping college students, plus a Ye Fei?

He doesn't believe that ye Fei can be so excellent that he can even compete with the professional chefs from this five-star hotel?

But now, I've tasted it myself.

Ye Fei can make simple dishes and home cooked dishes so delicious.

Aunt smile, nothing more.

After dinner, it's not too early.

Zhao Gushen and they came from the afternoon and stayed until the evening.

Even if the three masters are extremely reluctant to give up.

But time does not allow, Zhao Gushen can only take ye Fei and the little guy to leave first.

Look, the third old man is really reluctant to give up the little guy.

Zhao Gushen said: "in the future, we will bring our little brother to come here often, but it's the third grandfather. Don't worry about us then."

"No, no, I don't like you." The third old man was very happy, "then you must come often."



the Spring Festival holiday, so unknowingly, slowly passed.

Maybe it's too leisurely during the holiday.

For the first time in his life, Zhao Gushen didn't want to go to work.

Before he was single, he didn't feel this way without Ye Fei and the little guy around.

At that time, in addition to spending the Spring Festival holidays with the family elders, there were also traditional New Year greetings.

It's just getting together with my friends.

But not every day.

After all, they get married in turn, and there are too many things to be busy with.

It's not like when you're single. As long as you don't have a job and someone calls in the group, you can come out.

At that time, it was all in response.

There is no party day, Zhao Gushen is also lazy to run out.

There are fewer and fewer unmarried brothers.

Go find the married one.

It's superfluous to see people scatter dog food and have a happy family with children.

Looking for someone who's not married?

Think of Wei Zhiqian.

Zhao Gushen gave up the idea.

It's better to have a good holiday than to go to work.

So often the end of the holiday, Zhao Gushen can't wait to put into work.

But this year is different.

Ye Fei was with her, and the little guy was making trouble.

The holidays are so full that there is no empty moment.

Let's go for a walk with our relatives.

When I can have a rest, I just stay at home with Ye Fei and the little guy. I don't feel bored.

Can also accompany the little guy to go out to play, spend parent-child time.

This holiday just passed unconsciously.

Zhao Gushen felt that he had not put enough of this vacation, so he could continue to put it.

Unfortunately, Zhao GuQing is covetous. He can't trust Zhao GuQing to do everything.

Zhao GuQing took all the positions back.

And zhao gu Xian is more lazy, only responsible for his Changping college.

There are too many things to do.

Zhao Theorem

Although he is young, he is also an elder. Zhao Gushen wants to give his job to him.

But it can't stop Zhao theorem from pressing people for generations and rejecting him without pressure.Now, Zhao Gushen envies Han Zhuoli very much.

Although they are cousins with Han Zhuoling and Han Zhuofeng, they are like brothers.

Moreover, Han Zhuoling and Han Zhuoling are trying to push their work to each other.

At the critical time, you can also have the other party to bear a little workload for you, which is convenient for you to have a holiday.

How beautiful it is.

Zhao Gushen sighed in the morning when he tied his tie in front of the mirror.

"What's the matter with you?" Ye Fei began to sigh when he got up, and never stopped.

Originally thought that he sighed several times, but ye Fei didn't ask.

But unexpectedly, Zhao Gushen sighed that it was not over.

"I don't want to go to work." Zhao Gushen said depressed.

Ye Fei

How did Zhao Gushen become like a child who didn't want to go to school?

"Why don't you want to go to work all of a sudden?" He doesn't look like such a person who doesn't love his work.

"I used to be bored at home and had nothing to do. I could find something to do at work." Zhao Gushen said.

"But now I have you? I'm not bored at all, so I don't want to go to work. " Zhao Gushen said.

Ye Fei

"Why don't you come to work with me?" Zhao Gushen's eyes lit up, and he felt that it could really be.

"You forget, I received the email from the contest yesterday, and the contest is scheduled for this Saturday." Ye Fei said.

The holiday is over, the first day of work. Today is Monday.

Ye Fei has five days to prepare.

"I don't know the title of the competition, but I think I'll think about all kinds of desserts, soups and fried vegetables in advance."

"You don't have to be very good at every dish. You just want to have a foundation, and you don't have to start thinking at the scene of the game." At least there's a foundation.

Like soup, she can do something creative.

Stir fry and so on, can make some creativity.

Even if the topic comes down at that time, it will be different from her expected dishes, but at least there is a foundation for creativity, which can be adjusted at any time.

"I'll accompany you to the company. How can I do practical research?" Ye Fei said.

When Zhao Gushen heard the speech, he sighed again: "if you don't accompany me to the company, I'll be even less energetic."

Ye Fei

"I'll see you at noon?" Ye Fei said, "do you have a dinner party at noon?"

"If you have it, you can push it off." Zhao Gushen said immediately.

Ye Fei

So you don't want to work?