Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 857

The sweet and sour plum sauce on the surface of the ribs is totally different from the sweet and sour sauce.

Sweet and sour with fruit fragrance, very refreshing.

Zhao's face was full of enjoyment when he saw the three old men eating, and he didn't care about the appearance of further evaluation.

It's not waiting for the evaluation of the three masters.

Zhao theorem is also a clip, a bite, and even can hear the subtle Katz crisp sound.

"There seem to be some small particles in the sauce, which makes it chewy." Zhao said.

"There is no green plum at home. I use western plum instead of sauce. It's just that the plum is too sweet and the sauce is not sour enough, so I added dried plum cake in it. " Ye Fei explains.

I see.

"Originally, the ribs would be greasy after eating a few pieces, but the taste would be completely different if they were wrapped in sour plum sauce. The sour, sweet, refreshing and fruity flavor completely neutralized the greasiness of the ribs." Zhao said.

Cook Wang, aunt and three old man's care, eat in the kitchen.

You can also hear the conversation in the restaurant clearly.

Hearing the evaluation of Zhao theorem, Xiao Wang turned his mouth unremittingly.

It's not that he didn't see the finished product made by Ye Fei.

In that case, there is no exaggeration in Zhao's theorem.

Seeing this, she laughed and said in a low voice, "we always eat the same food as the old man. Now these on the table are just pulled out from the plate, and some of them are left behind. "

Xiao Wang usually does more at his own discretion and leaves it for the people who work in the old house.

"But the young lady doesn't know our habits, but have you noticed? She did some of the same, and she gave it away. " Said the aunt.

Xiao Wang looked down. Sure enough, besides the dishes he cooked, there were the three dishes Ye Fei cooked on the table.

"Just try it and see what it tastes like." Aunt said, he first clip a ribs.

Just listen to Zhao theorem and the old man said, aunt to the taste of the ribs are curious to death.

Now take a quick bite.

Although I've heard Zhao's description, I'm still defenseless.

This bite down, first is the surface of the ribs crispy taste, with fried crispy taste.

Then there is the delicate taste of the meat that connects the bones.

Finally, there's the sauce that comes out of the texture of the meat.

Three tastes, one followed by the other.

When my aunt thought that there were only three layers of taste, there were fine particles in the sauce.

With a strong acid, neutralized the sweet sauce.

"It's delicious." Aunt surprised way.

Xiao Wang said with a smile: "Auntie, we usually follow the old man and eat the same food. You're not the one who hasn't eaten good food. It's just a sparerib. How about you? "

"Try it yourself." The aunt said with a smile, "I'll know if I try it myself."

"I've never had a bite like this."

At ordinary times, nurses also eat Xiao Wang's daily food.

When she said that, she hit Xiao Wang in the face.

I've never eaten anything like this. Isn't it because xiao wang hasn't done it?

Further extension, I think Xiao Wang is not as good as ye Fei.

When the nurse finished, he also felt that he had lost his word.

It's all because it's so delicious.

The delicious food completely relaxed him, and even Lizhi flew away.

I don't know how to explain it now.

It doesn't seem appropriate to say anything.

It's better to explain than to say nothing.

The nurse had no choice but to say drily, "it's not that what you make is not delicious, or that you haven't eaten this way."

My aunt couldn't help laughing.

This child, it's better not to say.

It's too honest to comfort people.

Xiao Wang is not convinced and doesn't have the same opinion as the nurse.

Pick up a spare ribs and try it yourself.

Whether it's really as delicious as they say, you can eat it yourself.

As a result, Xiao Wang was stunned.

His face froze and he couldn't speak.

"Isn't it delicious?" Asked the aunt in a low voice.

Xiao Wang didn't speak any more. Although he admitted it in his heart, he couldn't nod it.

"I know you are unconvinced, but if you think about it, the ingredients at home are not as complete as those in restaurants or competition rooms."

"It's just like Ye Fei said that there was no green plum at home, so she used the West plum instead. It's not an excuse for her. She doesn't have to make an excuse for this little thing. "

"What's more, it's not that the food is not delicious, so we have to find an excuse to win respect." Aunt advised, "you also see, so it has been very delicious, if the ingredients are sufficient, ye Fei will certainly be able to do better.""She can make use of limited food materials to achieve this goal. Can't she prove her strength?" Said the aunt.

Xiao Wang's expression was stiff and speechless.

In fact, I have already recognized it in my heart, but I just can't face up and speak soft words.

To my aunt, Xiao Wang has been a cook here for a long time.

But I've never done anything like this.

It shows that Xiao Wang's imagination is not good enough and not innovative enough.

He learned everything he knew at school.

I learned it from the chef after work.

Just follow what others teach, step by step.

It's not that what Xiao Wang does is not delicious, but that there are many surprises missing.

At this time, I heard that in the restaurant, Zhao and others had already begun to eat another course of golden shrimp.

It's better to call shrimp balls.

When the shrimp is heated in the pan, it naturally curls up into a ball.

Wrapped in egg yolk, it's more like a shrimp ball.

The taste of shrimp is salty yolk and salty egg yolk.

Inside, the shrimps were fried with raw powder, which became a crispy noodle wrapped with shrimps.

The shrimps were salted again, and there was no fishy smell at all.

The mouth is fresh and tender with a touch of sweetness.

"It's related to salty food recently." Ye Fei said, "noodles with salted egg yolk, biscuits with salted egg yolk, ice cream with salted egg yolk. I didn't even think of salted yolk ice cream. "

"I thought sweetness and salted yolk wouldn't go well with each other." Ye Fei said.

Salted egg yolk is not only salty, but also slightly fishy, and salted and fermented.

"I didn't expect it to taste good." Ye Fei thinks that she still needs to develop her ideas in terms of creativity.

While listening to the comments of the people in the restaurant, Xiao Wang also ate a shrimp.

"It's simple. I've seen Ye Fei do it, and I can do it." Wang said.

"Yes." The aunt nodded and said, "I've seen it, too. What the young lady does today is all home cooking."

"Have you noticed? There are more valuable ingredients at home, but the young lady is useless. " Said the aunt.