Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 700

"In order to please Zhao Gushen, Changping's employees naturally want to please Ye Fei. But this is only within the scope of Changping group. Out of Changping group, who knows Ye Fei is Zhao Gushen's wife? "

Mrs. Liu's analysis is quite like that. It sounds reasonable to Liu Pingyuan and Liu sixu, and there is no point to refute it.

Liu Pingyuan thought about it and said, "maybe we can start with the two elders of the Zhao family."

"Go directly to the elders of the Zhao family and put pressure on Zhao Gushen. Aren't you afraid of causing him to rebound?" Asked Mrs. Liu.

I decided to come directly to Changping to find Zhao Gushen because I was worried that if they went to find Zhao's elders, Zhao Gushen would be even more angry, so I decided to come directly to talk with Zhao Gushen.

"Looking at today's situation, it is impossible for Zhao Gushen to let go. And ye Fei is trying to provoke us. You see, ye Fei's attitude is clearly not going to let us go, so no matter how to find them, even kneeling down is not necessarily useful. " Liu Pingyuan said, "in that case, we can only go to the elders of the Zhao family."

"If you want to go to the elders of the Zhao family, do you want to go to the parents of Zhao Gushen, or do you want to go directly to the second elder of the Zhao family?"

After thinking about it, Liu Pingyuan said, "since we have already gone to the elders of the Zhao family, we should go directly to the biggest one. Go to find the second elder of the Zhao family, but you can't go rashly. You have to think about it. You can't make it like today. If the roads of the elders of the Zhao family are blocked, there will be nothing we can do. "

Liu sixu said: "Dad, I know ye Fei's sister."

"Well?" This attracted Liu Pingyuan's attention. "Why didn't you say that earlier?"

"Since we know ye Fei's sister, we can start with her. Let her family to persuade Ye Fei, the effect may be better Liu Pingyuan said.

"I've never heard of Ye Fei's big family background, and her family is ordinary. That's much easier to deal with than Zhao Gushen. Since the family is ordinary, let's promise them some advantages. Let them persuade Ye Fei. Can ye Fei not listen to his family? "

"Dad, I haven't met Ye Fei's parents, only her sister. But from the inside and outside of her sister's words, the relationship between them is not good

"Her family runs a hotel. The hotel is doing well in Yecheng. Recently, she wants to open a branch in B city." Liu sixu said, "but ye Fei never mentioned it."

"Ye Fei got a lot of attention because of her participation in the cooking competition. Although not everything about her is clear, there are some basic information

"For example, she has been wandering in B city for five years. For example, she never mentions her family. For example, she graduated from university. Although Yecheng is a small place, Yejia's restaurant is the best in Yecheng, and the money is not less. "

"Not to let her daughter not even graduate from University, halfway out of school, in B city alone." At this moment, Liu's mind is analyzing, as if he had opened his mind, and his brain is still very good.

"It seems that ye Fei's relationship with her family is really average. At least not close. " Said Mrs. Liu.

Liu sixu nodded: "besides, this is Ye Ning That is Ye Fei's elder sister. She told me that her relationship with Ye Fei is not so good, and there are even some misunderstandings. The relationship between the two sisters is not so good. "

"Ye Ning is very popular at home. Didn't I spend some time in Yecheng before? I know she's close to her parents. If ye Ning has a bad relationship with Ye Fei, it is estimated that ye Fei's relationship with her parents is also average. "

"After all, there are many children in the family, and there are always those who are favored and those who are not. Once the treatment is differentiated, there will always be dissatisfaction from those who are not favored. " Mrs. Liu knows this very well.

"So it's not necessarily useful to find Ye's family." Liu said.

"What's the use of mentioning Ye Fei's sister?" Liu Pingyuan didn't say well.

Since it's useless, why mention it?

"I don't think ye Ning can see ye Fei well, and she seems to have something on her hand." Liu said.

"Oh?" Liu Pingyuan again came to the spirit, "what handle?"

"I don't know that." Liu sixu said, "I didn't know ye Fei was Zhao Gushen's wife. At that time, I didn't provoke her. In my opinion, it's just a contradiction between the two sisters. What do I get involved in? Naturally, I didn't ask

"But ye Fei's attitude is not only contradictory to Ye Ning. And she's confident about the handle she's holding. As long as you hold it, you can make ye Fei yield. "

"I think, if you really have such a handle, maybe you can try to get it from ye Ning. We can discuss with her whether we buy it, promise her benefits or cooperate with her. " Liu said.

"I didn't expect that you finally had a brain!" Liu Pingyuan now feels a little more relaxed.

At least there's a way.

As long as there is a way.

This method is more reliable than going to the second elder of the Zhao family.They are all Zhao family members. The second elder of Zhao family will definitely stand by Zhao Gushen.

So even if they go to find the second elder of the Zhao family, the success rate is not high.

And in the eyes of the Zhao family, their family is really not enough to see.

If we really want to deal with their family, the Zhao family doesn't need to spend much.

It's basically three times five divided by two.

Since they won't lose much, it doesn't matter whether they stay or not.

The two elders of the Zhao family probably won't interfere.

It's better to go to Ye Ning directly.

Give ye Ning benefits or cooperate with Ye Ning.

As long as you can get the handle of Ye Fei, you will not worry about threatening Ye Fei.

At that time, ye Fei can't agree to their request?

"You said that the Ye family came to B city and wanted to open a branch of the restaurant?" Liu Pingyuan asked.

"Yes, ye Ning is close to me and wants to have a good relationship with me. She also takes a fancy to our family's contacts in B city. She wants to make her restaurant more convenient through me." Liu said.

"That's just right. I don't mind helping her live in city B as long as she shares that with us." Liu Pingyuan said confidently.

Although he can't hold his head up in front of Zhao Gushen, he is still able to build a short shelf for an upstart from a small place.


here in Changping, Zhao Gushen takes Ye Fei into the elevator.

Manager he and Changping's staff naturally did not keep up.

Gave the elevator to both of them.

When Zhao Gushen and ye Fei leave, they can't hear.

Changping staff can rest assured of the discussion.

"Mrs. president, cow!"