Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 699

Now that he is going to be invited out of the company, Liu Pingyuan has no face to stay here.

I had to take Liu sixu and Mrs. Liu first.

Today is not so smooth, Liu Pingyuan has been under pressure, to the parking lot, to get on the bus, Liu Pingyuan suddenly turned a slap in the face of Liu sixu.

"You did a good job!"

Mrs. Liu didn't dare to persuade her. Beating her son in public is really not very good. Where is Liu's face?

But now Liu Pingyuan is angry, and Mrs. Liu does not dare to persuade him.

For fear of having the opposite effect, Liu Mingyuan was urged to become more and more angry.

How can Liu Pingyuan not be angry?

Today, I came to ask Zhao Gushen, but I didn't do anything. Instead, I was beaten by Ye Fei.

"The longer the delay, the greater the loss of our company. Every day's loss is immeasurable." Liu Pingyuan said in a deep voice.

Mrs. Liu immediately took the opportunity to say: "that ye Fei is too cunning, black can be said to be white by her. We came to apologize, but she said it was forcing her to forgive us. Instead, we are bullying her and Zhao Gushen. "

"Let's bully Zhao Gushen. Who dares to believe it? Who dares to bully him Mrs. Liu said discontentedly.

"This ye Fei is naturally not simple, otherwise how can she marry Zhao Gushen successfully?" Liu Pingyuan said in a deep voice, "today, even I've lost my eye. I underestimated her, so I'm put in by her."

Mrs. Liu took the opportunity to say: "we all looked away. We didn't expect that she was so cunning when she was young. Even you have been put together by her. He is still young, and he has little knowledge in this field. Where is Ye Fei's opponent

Liu Pingyuan said: "he's young and insightful, but ye Fei is still younger than him. He even plays with a younger woman, but is there any reason?"

Liu sixu murmured in an unconvinced voice: "don't you have never played Ye Fei? She's not only a few years younger than you, but also a few decades younger. When your daughter is still a little rich, aren't you also put on by her? "

"What are you talking about?" Liu Pingyuan glared at Liu sixu.

Liu sixu then said: "you are not ye Fei's opponent, then I am more excusable."

For fear that they would fight again, Mrs. Liu said quickly, "OK, OK, let's get on the bus quickly. Although it may not be so coincidental, what if there is a reporter taking photos?"

So they got on the bus again.

"Where are we going now?" Asked Mrs. Liu.

"Go back to the company first." Liu Pingyuan drove, "you two go back with me. Anyway, since we have found the reason for this, we will go back to the company together and find a way."

Mrs. Liu sighed. Said: "I didn't expect that ye Fei is so difficult, looking at the young, the result is so scheming."

It's easy to say that ye Fei has a plan.

In such a short period of time, I'm afraid it's just a few seconds to directly put a pot on Liu Pingyuan's head and change his family's bow to bullying others. In this way, people can't find the right language to refute.

Can ordinary people have this kind of reaction and mind?

Think about what ye Fei said.

This time they go to Changping to apologize. If ye Fei doesn't forgive this time, will they continue to look for ye Fei in the future?

That's for sure.

I will certainly ask for forgiveness until ye Fei lets go and forgives them.

Did ye Fei say that they were going to force her to forgive?

It's true that there's no mistake, but go to beg her to pester her, and say it out of Ye Fei's mouth.

Although they don't have such an idea, they may really think so from the perspective of others.

They asked Zhao Gushen to let go of their company, but what Zhao Gushen did to their company, of course, could not rely on Zhao Gushen's own strength alone. Of course, it would use the resources and strength of Changping group, the strength of Zhao family and his friends.

Today, they went directly to the company to find Zhao Gushen and said so in front of so many people. Even though they didn't mean to accuse Zhao Gushen of private use of public utensils, such a practice would really give people such suspicion.

Therefore, when ye Fei turned his back, they had no solution at all.

It's also because, in the eyes of others, there is such a misunderstanding.

Ye Fei can grasp these two points in just a few seconds, and find out the two points that they don't know how to refute, instead of looking for other reasons.

The strike is so accurate, which shows ye Fei's fear and deep intention.

How can the Liu family not pay attention to this?

Liu Pingyuan said: "otherwise, do you think ordinary people can successfully marry into Zhao family and become Zhao Gushen's wife? It's not easy for her to enter the Zhao family, let alone become the next wife. Just because ye Fei wants to have no family and fame, he can successfully compete with those competitors by himself. Can't he do it without any ability? ""Otherwise, she would have succeeded. So the girls in the big family didn't make it? It's my carelessness, but it's also Liu's lack of thinking! "

"I didn't know she was Zhao Gushen's wife at that time. If I knew, I would have stayed away. How could I provoke?" Liu said.

"What are we going to do next?" Mrs. Liu asked

Liu Pingyuan thought, "I just don't know what ye Fei's situation is like in the Zhao family. He has nothing. If he enters the Zhao family alone, it's so easy for the Zhao family to accept her. He doesn't have any opinions on her at all? To be so satisfied with her? "

Mrs. Liu said: "I have a son. If you want me to say, how can a mother-in-law be 100% satisfied with her daughter-in-law? I think it's good for my daughter-in-law to pass. Like Ye Fei, I'm not satisfied with her marrying into our family. Can the Zhao family be satisfied? "

Liu Pingyuan also nodded with approval: "it's a good saying, and I doubt that the Zhao family should be dissatisfied."

Mrs. Liu said, "if you are satisfied, why doesn't the Zhao family make it public? Thinking that he didn't know ye Fei was Zhao Gushen's wife before, it doesn't mean ye Fei deliberately conceals it. Maybe the Zhao family won't let her go out. It can be seen that the Zhao family's attitude towards Ye Fei is not necessarily what. "

Liu sixu frowned and said, "but if so, why are the employees of Changping so polite to Ye Fei? And they all know that ye Fei is Zhao Gushen's wife, and they flatter each other very much. "

Mrs. Liu pause: "this is a problem."

She thought for a while and said, "is it possible that the Changping group is now in Zhao Gushen's hands? Although Zhao's elders are not satisfied, Zhao Gushen is satisfied."