Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 701

"Yes, Liu Pingyuan, such an old fox, didn't take advantage of our president's wife."

"Originally, we were afraid that the president's wife would suffer losses, so we were all waiting around. In case of something bad, we could immediately appear to protect the president's wife. I didn't expect that when the president's wife opened her mouth, Liu Pingyuan was speechless in three or two sentences. "

All the staff simply admire it.

Someone said in a low voice: "I used to think that if we were able to find a daughter-in-law, it would be burning incense. That's why our president's wife can stand him. Now I feel that our president and his wife are a perfect match by nature

"Yes! It's not our president's wife who tolerates the president. It's the bastard who looks at the mung bean right! "

As soon as the words came out, everyone agreed.

The two of them, together, are so destructive.

Zhao Gushen has strong strength, strong action force and precise strike.

Ye Fei is a mouth can block people clearly.

These two people together, it is a double "cheap" combination!

Ye Fei is so suitable for Zhao Gushen!

From now on, they don't think ye Fei is difficult at all.

She and Zhao Gushen are a perfect match!

"Keep your voice down. Keep your voice down. Don't let the president know." Someone reminded me.

For a moment, Changping's employees quickly stopped the discussion and turned to other things.

"What's for lunch today?"

"Where are we going to eat?"

I'm determined not to talk about the president and his wife any more.

Of course, since then, no one has found the president's wife difficult.

When Zhao Gushen and ye Fei get together, it's only others who are hard, not the two of them.


Zhao Gushen and ye Fei are in the elevator.

This time, they took Zhao Gushen's own elevator, and no one bothered them.

Zhao Gushen is holding a food box and ye Fei's hand.

Looking down at Ye Fei all the time.

Looking at Ye Fei, she felt a little weak. She raised her hand to touch her face: "you've been staring at me. What are you staring at?"

"I'm looking at how you're so smart and smart. Look what you've done to Liu Pingyuan. " Zhao Gushen said softly.

He still thinks that Liu Pingyuan's reaction is really funny.

Ye Fei touched himself again: "can you see it by looking at it like this?"

Zhao Gushen really thought about it, and his eyes still fell on Ye Fei's face.

"I can't see why my brain is so good and so smart." Zhao Gushen said with a smile, "I can only see that my little Fei is very beautiful."

Ye Fei's face flushed.

It was the first time that the man praised her for her good looks.

Ye Fei's cheek was hot as if it had been roasted by the fire. Then Zhao Gushen said, "I can see that your mouth, which can make people angry, looks very delicious."

Ye Fei:! "

What a word of tiger and wolf!

It's still in the elevator. Even if there's no one else, there's monitoring.

He looked at her with burning eyes, which made her feel weak.

Ye Fei is not worried about Zhao Gushen. She is worried about herself now.

I'm afraid I'll rush to Zhao Gushen in the elevator and I can't control myself.

Who knows, Zhao Gushen seems not to be aware of Ye Fei's self-restraint and efforts, but also turned to face Ye Fei.

He is so close to Ye Fei that his toes almost touch Ye Fei's toes.

But there are still some unsatisfied people who take a small step forward.

At this moment, two feet respectively stood on the outside of Ye Fei's feet.

It's like she's all embedded in her bosom.

The hand holding Ye Fei changed a little, and the long fingers passed through Ye Fei's fingertips one by one, then entangled with her ten fingers and held them firmly.

Two people's hands are like locks, so ye Fei can't take them back.

"If you let the three members of the Liu family hear what you said, they will be very angry." Zhao Gushen's words call ye Fei not so nervous.

He couldn't help laughing a little. Anyway, it was the three people in the Liu family who were angry, but they were not. Ye Fei didn't have any pressure at all and didn't feel guilty.

"But it's a small mouth that can make people angry." But only I can eat, Zhao Gushen suddenly said.

Ye Fei:! "

What happened to this man today?

Listen to what he said, it's just staggering!

Zhao Gushen himself can't tell what happened to him.When he heard that the Liu family came to Changping, he had plans. He knew in his heart what the three members of the Liu family came for, so he deliberately hung them up.

I'm going to air it for a while and then explain to them why I'm dealing with them.

But Bai Gui said clearly, but Zhao Gushen never thought of letting them go.

If we can let it go so easily, will everyone dare to touch Zhao's tiger beard?

Does everyone dare to bully Ye Fei?

So it's impossible for Zhao Gushen to let the Liu family go so easily.

He didn't plan to bankrupt the Liu family. After all, if anyone offends the Zhao family, he will bankrupt them. It is estimated that there will be few families left in B city except for the eight families.

If you are angry with yourself, it depends on the extent to which the other party is angry with you.

Like this, Liu sixu did something that didn't have a long eye. At most, he let the Liu family hurt their vitality.

It won't really bankrupt the Liu family.

After all, the Liu family has a certain strength in B city. It will take a lot of effort to make the Liu family bankrupt.

And even if the Liu family goes bankrupt, it's not good for the Zhao family.

It's about to the extent that one thousand people hurt the enemy and one hundred people lose themselves.

But although he didn't plan to make the Liu family bankrupt, he also wanted to make the Liu family lose their strength to the extent of lacking arms and legs.

Let the Liu family know the pain, let them know that they dare not provoke Ye Fei again.

Rao is like this. I'm afraid the Liu family has to worry about it.

So I came to Zhao Gushen immediately.

Zhao Gushen is also ready to be entangled by the Liu family for a period of time.

Even if Zhao Gushen ignored them, he couldn't stop them from running to Changping gate every day.

Zhao Gushen is also waiting at the gate of Changping. He can't see them, but he can't keep them from coming.

But did not expect, they just met Ye Fei, also let Ye Fei a few words to drive away.

Zhao Gushen couldn't help laughing. How can this girl be so powerful? She's too capable!

I think Liu Pingyuan will hate this girl.

The little girl who makes others hate her every day looks like a rabbit in front of him.