Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 671

However, she was not worried about the accident.

Zhao Gushen is very measured.

If it is really a small Mo accident, Zhao Gushen will not delay.

But now Zhao Gushen mentioned that it should also be a very important thing.

Obviously, it's a very important thing, but there's no need to worry about it.

Therefore, ye Fei is only surprised, but not nervous.

Because of Ye Fei's attitude, Zhao Gushen said: "your parents and ye Ning have gone to the old house. Just now, Xiaomo called me and told me about it. "

Ye Fei is very anxious: "how can you say that? Let's go there quickly!"

"Don't worry, they should have talked about it by now. What's more, if there are two elders, the three of the Ye family can still get benefits? " Zhao Gushen was not worried at all.

"I think it's my trouble, but I want the elder to clean up the mess." Ye Fei feels very sorry. It's her business.

"You are a member of the Zhao family now. Your business is the business of our family." Zhao Gushen held her hand.

"This kind of thing, have our whole family to solve for you, you don't need a person to support." Zhao Gushen said in a warm voice, "you've been supporting yourself for so many years. Now you can enjoy it. No matter what happens, someone will come to solve it for you."

This makes Ye Fei feel that she has a very strong backing and is surrounded by many people. She doesn't have to be afraid of anything.

"I wanted to have a good date with you today. I still have a lot of time after watching the movie." Zhao Gushen said, "we can have a good day."

Who knows, the three of the Ye family are going to the old house today.

Upset their plans.

Zhao Gushen said: "otherwise, let's leave them alone, let's play our own."

Let's make the appointment as usual.

Anyway, there are two elders in the Ye family, and the three of them can't turn out any flowers.

Zhao Gushen had no conscience.

Fortunately, Er is far away in the old house, and I don't know what he is thinking.

Otherwise, the old lady has to take out the chicken feather duster that has been sealed up for a long time and smoke this unfilial grandson.

Zhao Gushen's proposal was refuted by Ye Fei.

Of course, when Zhao Gushen said it, he didn't think ye Fei would agree.

So, can only regret with Ye Fei back to the old house.


in the old house, the three of them have just entered the main hall.

The little guy took the opportunity to call someone and let them put a walkie talkie or something in the main hall.

The bodyguards of the old house were all retired by dark guards.

That guarantee for the employer to sit to the best heart, from Lanshan courtyard has been preserved to the old house.

So the man called by Xiaomo immediately recommended enthusiastically: "the voice of the walkie talkie is not very clear, and the things are too big, some of them are too conspicuous there."

"Young master, look at this." The bodyguard took out a little monitor.

"I'll put this in. You take this." The bodyguard took out a big, mobile phone like screen.

"You can see live in any room." The bodyguard said, "see clearly, hear clearly."

"You are so good at it!" Small Mo gave him a thumbs up, holding that small flat to his old house room.

Anyway, this signal is well received, and I'm not afraid that I can't hear it far away.

Besides, his room is quite close to the main hall.

At that time, the second elder asked aunt Lin to clean up the room for Xiaomo. He specially picked out a place with good scenery and sufficient sunshine, which was close to the second elder and could see him at any time.

Little guy's room, but in the whole old house, in addition to the second elder's room, the best one.

Er Lao originally intended to give their room to the little guy.

Ye Fei certainly can't promise.

The little guy also said that it was very cold for him to ask for such a big room by himself.

What's more, how can you make the elder move the room again?

Although it's just a room, it's actually a separate yard.

The old house is a big one after all.

There are many courtyards.

Each room has its own independent courtyard.

So is Xiaomo's room.

In the courtyard also can let the small Mo decorate according to own liking.

Little mo can't appreciate any antique now.

So he took the old man to the mall and bought some iron man, American team, spider man and so on. They were put in their own yard, just like the town beast.

Then I bought a little Disney train from Lego and put it around the yard against the wall.

The track of the train is still small, and the old man bought a lot of it alone, and put it together.

Otherwise, there are not so many tracks in the original set box.In addition, the little guy also bought a roller coaster, Ferris wheel and so on.

He made his yard into a miniature playground.

As a result, it's a very simple and elegant old house, looking at the special antique elsewhere.

But as soon as I entered Xiaomo's yard, my painting style suddenly changed.

If it is not for ye Fei, the old man also plans to buy him a bumblebee one by one according to the proposal of Xiaomo.

At that time, ye Fei listened, and a picture immediately appeared in her mind.

People walking outside the old house originally looked at the old house, but as soon as they looked up, they saw a bumblebee standing in a courtyard inside the old house, and another head could emerge from the top eaves of the old house.

At that time, when she thought of this picture, ye Fei took a puff at the corner of her mouth.

One to one Bumblebee, though much smaller than Optimus Prime's, must be higher than the courtyard wall of the old house.

So, ye Fei quickly stopped.

Otherwise, the old house must become a wonderful scenery nearby.

Ye Fei agreed with Xiao Mo again. It doesn't matter what you want to put in the yard, but don't be too high.

This keeps the appearance of the old house.

But ye Fei also knows that in front of Xiaomo, there is no word "no" in the old man's dictionary.

As long as the small Mo wants, the old man is happy to buy it.

It doesn't drive the brain at all.

At this time, Xiaomo is sitting on the couch in his room, and a tray is placed on the ground beside him.

On the tray were fruit juice, fruit plates and nuts.

The little guy was holding the tablet, eating and drinking, just like watching TV, while watching the situation in the main hall.

In the main hall, the three of the Ye family are sitting on the sofa.

Ye Ning looks ok, but ye tezhang and Xu Huizhen seem a little cramped.

They really didn't expect that the elder was so young and well maintained that they didn't look old at all.

They are obviously older than them.

But looking at their faces, they seem to be the same age as them.

However, the maintenance of young, still hard to hide the aura of two old.

Two old silent sitting in the opposite, called Ye tuzhang and Xu Huizhen atmosphere son dare not breathe.