Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 672

"Old man, old lady." As the head of the family, ye tezhang spoke first.

He sat upright with his knees in his hands.

"I'm Ye Fei's father, ye tezhang. This is her mother, Xu Huizhen. And her sister, ye Ning. " Ye said nervously.

Hands unconsciously on the knee to grasp more force.

"This time we are here, in fact I just heard that ye Fei is married. " Ye said.

"That child is really, married even don't tell us." Xu Huizhen said, "if it wasn't for that day, Ning Ning met, we would have been kept in the dark."

"When I see her, I have to talk about her. How can I do this?" Xu Huizhen said, "it's too impolite. Whose family won't even tell their parents when they get married?"

"Old man, old lady, that's not what we taught her when we were young." Xu Huizhen said quickly.

"So after we knew it, we came in a hurry. We were afraid that because she didn't tell us on both sides, it would make us impolite and make you misunderstand that our family didn't understand etiquette." Xu Huizhen seems to be very polite.

The old lady looked like she was the old prince of the family.

It's not at all as kind as usual.

The old lady turned her mouth coldly.

I couldn't tell for a moment whether the old lady was laughing or just disdaining.

"That's very presumptuous of you." The old lady said in a cold voice, "should people who are really polite say hello to the host's house before they visit the house, especially before they visit the house for the first time?"

"Ask if the host's family is at home, if they are free, say a time to visit, and ask if it is convenient for the host's family." Said the old lady in a cold voice.

"But you're so rash that we're unprepared. From your behavior, I really can't see how polite your family is. " The old lady said sarcastically.

Xu Huizhen said quickly: "old lady, you misunderstood. We have to visit you directly because we don't have your contact information here. Otherwise, how can we not contact in advance? "

The old lady picked her eyebrows and said, "Oh? Do you have the ability to know the address of our old house, but you can't find the contact information? "

The old lady asked coldly, "do you think we're getting old and our brains are getting silly?"

"No contact information. You can get the address of the old house." The old lady said in a cold voice, "how dare you

This scared Xu Huizhen into a thrill, and she kept silent subconsciously.

The old lady said, "no one dares to investigate the address of our old house yet!"

"Do you think it's your ability to find out the address of the old house?" The old lady said sarcastically, "our house is here! I don't know how many people pass by every day! "

"Many people want to visit, not because they don't know the address, but because they don't dare to come without our permission! It's not that those people can't find our address, it's that they dare not! "

"Old lady, you misunderstood me!" Xu Huizhen explained in a hurry, "no It's not what we found... "

"Ye Fei told us." Ye Ning said immediately.

Xu Huizhen nodded and agreed: "yes, yes Ye Fei told us

"After all After all, we are in laws! You can't have two children married. We haven't met yet, have we? " Xu Huizhen said immediately, "so ye Fei told us the address here."

"We decided to come today, and we also told her." Anyway, when ye Fei is away, Xu Huizhen opens her eyes and tells a lie, giving Ye Fei the pot.

As for whether ye Fei will be despised by the old lady, she can't care.

"I didn't expect that ye Fei didn't tell you?" Xu Huizhen patted her thigh, "what about ye Fei! This child, how always like this

"I don't tell my family about marriage, even if we are going to visit. What a great delay she has made Xu Huizhen complained, "in laws, ye Fei is responsible for this."

"I'll tell her to go back!" Xu Huizhen seems to be very defending Ye Fei, "she married in, there must be a lot of deficiencies, like this mess, I'm afraid it's also indispensable."

"But she's still young. Don't tell her the same thing. However, if something is wrong, you should just say it. Only in this way can children make progress. "

Xu Huizhen sighed again: "Ye Fei is the same child at home. She doesn't say anything. Since she was a child, most of us didn't know how many things she had hidden from us and delayed many things at home."

"But what can we do? That's our daughter, and our parents can only tolerate her. But on the outside, who can be as endlessly tolerant as us? "

"She must have caused you a lot of trouble when she married in. I'm really sorry."

"Just like five years ago, she came to B city without saying a word, and didn't tell us. Until the other day, her sister met her and asked her why she ran away suddenly. She just said that she just wanted to come to B city to wander and develop. ""You say it's noisy. She wants to come to B city for development. Can't she tell her family that it's all right? Why do you have to sneak away? We were looking for her all over the world. "

"I've been worried about her safety all these years. And even if you want to come to B city, can't you wait until you graduate from university? "

"My family trained her to go to university and paid her tuition. As a result, she finished her freshman year and said she would not study. He didn't say a word. He dropped out of school and came to B city. "

"Her academic performance was average when she was a child, and she finally got into Yecheng University. Although Yecheng university is not a famous university, it is also a serious undergraduate at least. The undergraduate graduation is not better than the high school graduation?"

"I really don't know what she thinks."

Because Xu Huizhen was talking, the old man realized that he was an old man and didn't want to break with her, so he didn't say a word.

But Xu Huizhen's shameless remarks made her angry enough. I secretly talked about the old lady.

The old lady said that the old man was anxious. Even if he didn't pull her, she was ready to speak.

The old lady didn't say anything else to Xu Huizhen. She only grasped the loophole in Xu Huizhen's words and asked her with a smile: "Ye Fei ran away quietly five years ago. You were so worried. Didn't you call the police at the beginning?"

"Now the Internet is so developed. When I called the police, I posted Ye Fei's photos everywhere and spread them on the Internet. There are always good people who can see them."