Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 670

So ye Fei went to line up to buy drinks and snacks, while Zhao Gushen found a place to sit.

Although I just experienced such a day, the feeling of being raised by Ye Fei was surprisingly interesting.

Zhao Gushen is going to have a soft meal for a day.

Looking at Ye Fei's back in line, he points to the help he just found.

Other questions are still within the answer period.

Zhao Gushen then moved his finger and input: "thank you. It's a good choice to come to the cinema on a date. I'm in the cinema right now, waiting for the opening. She bought the tickets and snacks, and I didn't spend a cent. That's good. "

Zhao Gushen wanted to say that it was his wife.

But if you say that, you can't dazzle.

It's all a family. My daughter-in-law spends money on her own family.

Besides, after marriage, the financial power of the family is in the hands of the wife.

It's normal for the wife to spend money?

Therefore, Zhao Gu Shen deliberately blurred the concept.

After a while, as soon as he refreshed, he saw the reply.

"What a bull!"

"Brother 666!"

"To prove yourself in the picture?"

Zhao Gushen ignored them.

Who give them photos, beautiful them!

Just at this time, ye Fei came with a big bucket of popcorn and two cups of coke.

Zhao Gushen looked up and saw it, so he quickly helped her pick it up.

They waited for a while while while eating and drinking. When they could enter, they went in to see.

See half like this, Zhao Gushen received the phone call of small mo.

In order to avoid the sudden call to affect other people, he put the phone on the vibration.

He can feel the phone in his pocket.

Take out a look, did not expect to be small Mo phone.

That little guy is heartless. He doesn't think he missed them.

Besides, even if you really want to, it should be ye Fei.

I guess it's something.

Zhao Gushen then says to Ye Fei: "I go out to answer a telephone."

Ye Fei thinks it's business, so she nods at will.

Zhao Gushen went out first.

"What's the matter?" Out of the screening hall, Zhao Gushen picked up the phone and said.

"Dad, Xiao Fei's mom and Dad, as well as my sister, are here with my grandfather and grandmother!" The little guy got into the rockery and called Zhao Gushen.

"They are in the old house now?" Zhao Gushen asked.

"Yes, I just saw them in the yard." Small Mo says.

"Did they see you?" Zhao Gushen asked again.

"I don't know. I'm playing with snow in the yard. They should have seen it." Small Mo guesses, "but they didn't come to talk to me, they may not know who I am."

"Well." Zhao Gushen nodded and said, "you don't have to hide in the yard. When you've had enough fun, go back. They should be in the main hall. Just stay away from the main hall. Don't let them see you. "

"Or they'll go back to the kindergarten and ask you for trouble." Zhao Gushen asked.

"I know." Xiaomo nodded. How clever he was, he thought, "I asked the gardener to take me with him. In case I met him, I would hide behind him!"

"Do it yourself." After Zhao Gushen told a, a little don't worry about small mo.

He still has confidence in this little guy and believes in his ability to respond to emergencies.

There is no small Mo, only 4 years old consciousness, the heart is very big.

"But it's no good for them to come here. Maybe they'll say something bad about Xiao Fei!" Small Mo pouts a mouth to say.

If ye Fei is driven out by the Zhao family, it won't do them any good.

Most people can't do this kind of harm to others but not to themselves.

But if you put it on the Ye family, you can really do it.

I don't know what they think.

Little guy, a 4-year-old can think of things clearly, but the Ye family is so unique.

Of course, they are not normal themselves.

Naturally, normal people can't communicate with their brain circuits.

"I know." Zhao Gushen said, "you don't care, and don't want to eavesdrop, but let them see you at that time."

But the kid's curiosity is too much.

Even if Zhao Gushen said so, the little guy may not listen.

Zhao Gushen really knew him too well, so in order to prevent the little guy from making his own decisions again.

Zhao Gushen added: "if you really want to hear it, let housekeeper Hong or aunt Lin or other people in the old house. Put a walkie talkie in the main hall for you. You can hear it in another room. You don't have to squat in the corner so tired."

Anyway, there are bodyguards, walkie talkies and eavesdroppers in the old house.The little guy's eyes lit up: "Dad, you are so smart!"

"Of course." Zhao Gushen is proud of being straight. He is very straight.

How can this boy compare his wisdom!

Little guy is very surprised. I didn't expect my father to support him so much!

And help him find a way!

How sweet!

"But whatever they say, don't worry." Zhao Gushen also asked, "angry to angry, don't impulsively confront them. Don't forget, there are also grandfathers and grandmothers

"You believe in the grandfathers and grandmothers. They won't be deceived by what the Ye family said, and they won't be confused by them. Great grandfather and great grandmother are always on our side. "

"They know Xiaofei's grievances and bullies. They like Xiaofei very much and won't listen to those people in the Ye family. What the Ye family says, they have their grandfathers and grandmothers to deal with them. "

"So don't come out." Zhao Gushen exhorted.

"I know." Small Mo crisp said, "I believe too grandfather and too grandmother."

"They are so smart that they won't be cheated by the Ye family." Small Mo says.

"You are good." Zhao Gushen said, "we will go back soon."

"Good." Small Mo finish saying, hang up the phone.

Zhao Gu Shen Hung up and went back to the screening hall.

Find their own position to sit down, ye Fei asked: "is there anything important?"

"It's not urgent." Zhao Gushen said, "don't worry."

Ye Fei nodded. Since Zhao Gushen said that, she really didn't think about it.

Watch the movie with ease.

At the time of leaving, ye Fei is still in the aftertaste.

"No wonder the film has such a high reputation." Ye Fei said, "it's really good-looking. When I get back to the video platform, I'll watch the movie again."

"Call me and I'll watch it with you." Zhao Gushen said with a smile.

"Good." Ye Fei nodded.

Seeing ye Fei's interest so good, Zhao Gushen had to say, "in fact, just in the middle of the movie, it was Xiaomo who called."

"Little Mo? What's the matter? " Ye Fei asked in surprise.