Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 549

It's not easy to do it well, let alone with salt.

The smell, I think, makes me sick.

It seems that those people in Changping college are just like that.

It's not as mysterious as the outside world.

Fu Jiaxu was just thinking about this, and then he saw people from Changping college, one by one, taking out all kinds of herbs and spices from their bags.

Not only them, but also Li Zhexian, Xue Jieyu and Zeng Jieyun!

Everyone has fresh spices in their bags.

Fu Jiaxu was not calm. He got up and walked towards them.

"Why do you have so many spices in your bags?" Fu Jiaxu asked in shock.

He also observed by the way that many of their spices are still repetitive.

"You have it in your bag?" Fu Jiaxu asked, "it's unfair for the competition side! Here you are. Why don't you give it to me? "

"It's not from the game, of course." Zhou Junhao rolled a white eye, "this is our own along the way to find."

"Ha ha! Don't make a draft even if you lie Fu Jiaxu obviously didn't believe, "how can there be such ready-made spices in the wild?"

"What's more, the growth environment of these spices are different, and the results are all piled up here? So many kinds? What else does the supermarket sell? Directly call on the masses to come and pick it in the field? "

Fu Jiaxu laughed angrily.

Are these people treating him like a fool?

"The team can't just prepare for you in your bags, but not for me?" Fu Jiaxu said in a cold voice, "is it difficult? I'm going to be eliminated in this competition?"

The audience saw the scene clearly.

"Oh, I'll go! I can't stand him any more. "

"Such intelligence quotient is no longer suitable to appear in a place with many people."

Xu aoliang said impolitely: "you didn't listen to Ye Fei's analysis before. The heart of villain thinks Ye Fei is delaying your time. You ran first. Who can blame you for not hearing the key information?"

Hua ciyue has already made a fire here, so she can make time to say to Fu Jiaxu, "I advise you not to buckle the pot for saifang here."

Now in consideration of the fairness of the game, the players will not do anything with him.

But it's hard to say what his career will be like after the game.

As we all know, Zhao Gu has a very small mind.

Those people who follow him are close to each other every day.

I don't have a big heart.

"You are impatient to listen to Ye Fei, and you have to interrupt her." Hua ciyue said sarcastically, "it's really unfortunate that ye Fei continues to analyze with us after you leave, saying that the field is fake and made by saifang."

"I think that in order to ensure our safety, and it's not true that we can't take anything, the racing side can only sprinkle a little salt on the food materials, which is so pitiful, so many fruits and spices have been transplanted along the way." "As long as we look closely, these things are almost everywhere," he said

"Or do you think there will be a lamb without a master in the wild? Wild sheep Tian Peng raised his chin and pointed to Fu Jiaxu's leg on the fire. "If you really think it's in the wild, there must be a lamb, right?"

"But you don't want to kill it. What's the difference between you and stealing?" Tian Peng sneered, "knowing that there is a master to kill other people's sheep, you have a problem with your character!"

"Poof!" Xu aoliang put up his thumb, "how did Laotian open his mind? The intelligence quotient is very high

"Shut up." Mi Ruoyun a black line, "be careful, Lao Tian beat you after the game."

"I..." All of a sudden, Fu Jiaxu was in a dilemma.

He He didn't really think much about it before.

Tian Pengpo didn't tell him much. He turned to Xu aoliang and said, "this man is not very clever."

Xu aoliang looks at Fu Jiaxu sympathetically.

It's too miserable for you to be told by a fool that you are not very smart.

Tian Pengpo

Fu Jiaxu

What are you looking at!

"If you don't believe it, go back to watch the replay online after the game." Ye Fei said, "you know that the match side didn't give us much. The things that the match side gives us are the same. They don't give anyone special, or they just don't give you anything

"You don't have to rush to find out the responsibility now. After going back to the replay, if it's really like what you think, it's too late to find the player. After all, things are spreading very fast on the Internet. If the netizens really support you, you will not be treated fairly Ye Fei said.

Fu Jiaxu is hard to ride a tiger, but he has actually believed what they said.

He didn't finish listening to Ye Fei's analysis, so he missed a lot of key information.

Ye Fei's words are just a step for him.

Fu Jiaxu went back to his fire rack in silence.

I can't help thinking about the beginning of the game.At that time, ye Fei didn't talk about the main point for a long time, which made him impatient.

He's finally coming back now.

Ye Fei did it on purpose.

Say so much on purpose, but don't get to the point.

Knowing that he had a problem with her, he deliberately delayed, made him impatient and made him angry.

To make him think she's planning something.

That's why he left first and then missed so many key information.

I saw other people bring out so many spices.

And he has only one bottle of salt.

Compared with that, he has no chance to win!

Ye Fei, you are so smart!

Those people are still grateful for what ye Fei is grateful for.

It not only eliminated him, but also bought other people's hearts.

It's killing two birds with one stone.

Fu Jiaxu looks at Ye Fei with hatred.

These people still treat Ye Fei as a good person and appreciate her.

But I don't know what will happen to him in the future.

Don't forget, they are still competitors.

In the next game, ye Fei is going to eliminate one of them!

Be grateful to your competitors?

What a brain problem!

By this time, it was dark. Fortunately, everyone was making a fire here, so the brightness was OK.

Ye Fei spread the branches and leaves of the dried pine and lit the fire with the matches she had brought with her bag.

He threw the chicken which had been wrapped in advance.

Because you don't need to set up a shelf by yourself, you should also pay attention to the angle to prevent the branches from collapsing.

It takes a lot of time just to do this.

Ye Fei just throws things in.

Therefore, ye Fei is the first one to prepare.

Mi Ruoyun looked at it and asked, "are you baking Huaji?"

Ye Fei nodded: "I think it's quite appropriate. It's quite suitable for the theme of wild."

"Well, how long is your brain?" Xue Jieyu said enviously, "the reaction is too fast. Why didn't I think of this. And the heat is even, so we don't have to rotate the direction from time to time like we do. "