Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 550

They bake on the shelf, the fire is below, the heat is more at the bottom, the roast is fast, but the top is still raw.

In order to heat evenly, you have to turn around.

But when turning, you have to be careful not to overturn the trellis that you just put up.

It's not like Ye Fei. Just throw it in and bury some branches and leaves on it.

Chicken is buried in the oven, each angle can be heated evenly, more convenient than the oven.

When everyone saw it, Zhou Junhao said with a smile: "otherwise, why did ye Fei first notice that the environment here was not right? If ye Fei hadn't analyzed it, we'd have to be like someone else. We'd have to sprinkle salt. "

"Poof!" Zeng Jieyun didn't hold back. He burst out laughing directly. "It's true that you said it. Fortunately, I stayed to listen to Ye Fei."

"I said you need less connotation." He said.

Ye Fei thinks that BA zhekai is trying to persuade Zhou Junhao to stop fighting with Fu Jiaxu.

Who knows, listen to BA zhekai to join in the fun and say: "you see, he's just a bottle of salt. He's very angry. We're just like enemies. You always remind him that he is not in the mood to play, or he makes mistakes in the game. And then put the pot of our own psychological imbalance on our heads, is it unjust? "

"Oh, it's rare that what you said is quite reasonable." Zhou Junhao nodded with approval, "I won't say that."

But, two people you a word I a language of, the voice is not small.

Fu Jiaxu heard it clearly.

Seeing those people put such and such spices, they were just deliberately angry with him.

Fu Jiaxu's face was so dark that he was about to merge with the night.

He looked at the time and thought there was still some time.

It's not too late to find spices now.

But it's already dark. According to those people, the spices are in the obscure places.

Now, it's hard to find because of the light.

But seeing other people's fragrance is full, he just sprinkles a handful of salt.

It's obvious that you're going to lose.

How can Fu Jiaxu be convinced?

However, the leg of the lamb was roasted on the fire.

Turn around from time to time.

If he doesn't care for a long time, it's easy to scorch one side.

In this way, even if he has enough time, he can't leave.

Fu Jiaxu glanced at the crowd, and his eyes fell on Xue Jieyu's face for a few seconds.

He thought of the last game. Xue Jieyu borrowed from Ding Ruyun because of lack of food.

As a result, Ding Ruyun didn't borrow it, but ye Fei gave it.

Ye Fei is also so wash white, won the favor of the audience and the players.

In the last game, Xue Jieyu received a favor.

She was in the position of being helped.

Now that she's changing her identity, she should be more compassionate.

Ask her to borrow food materials, she does not want to borrow?

In the last match, she also asked someone to borrow it, and ye Fei gave it to her.

If she doesn't give this match, she won't be scolded to death?

Fu Jiaxu thought so and looked at the leg of lamb he baked on the shelf.

When the fire was still early, he got up to find Xue Jieyu.

Xue Jieyu is concentrating on her cooking.

"Xue Jieyu." Fu Jiaxu went up to Xue Jieyu and cried.

Xue Jieyu heard the sound and looked up to find that Fu Jiaxu was in front of her.

Is looking down at her, her eyes are blocked, even the sky can not see.

"What's the matter?" Xue Jieyu sat and didn't get up.

Fu Jiaxu was a bit hard to say, but after hesitating for a few seconds, he said, "I don't know how many spices I can find along the way."

When he said that, he tacitly admitted that the players were not treated unfairly.

The spices were all found by the players themselves.

The main thing is Ye Fei's words, so that he can go back to watch the replay of the game.

What ye Fei said is very solid, and indeed, there are so many people watching the live broadcast.

It's impossible for the players to be so obviously partial.

In this way, the competition won't have to go on.

I've been scolded to death by netizens for a long time.

Moreover, he can really go back to watch the replay and make sure that if there is a problem in the contest, he can go back to the contest.

No more exposure on the Internet.

Anyway, no matter how you look at it, the obvious partiality is not good for the players.

Xue Jieyu stopped talking.

So, what does Fu Jiaxu mean?

"Why don't you look for it now? There should be time. " Mi Ruoyun happens to be next to Xue Jieyu. When he hears Fu Jiaxu's words, he helps Xue Jieyu say something.

Mi Ruoyun's intuition that Fu Jiaxu comes to Xue Jieyu at this time is not a good thing.Who knows, Fu Jiaxu simply ignored mi Ruoyun.

As if he had not heard mi Ruoyun speak, he said to Xue Jieyu, "can you lend me some spices?"

"It's dark now. Even if I have a flashlight, it's hard for me to find it now. It's not as convenient as finding it in the daytime. I've got a flashlight, and I have to look for it for a long time. When I get it back, maybe the game is over

Fu Jiaxu pointed behind him again: "moreover, my leg of lamb has been baked. I have to watch the fire. I can't scorch it."

"So, if you can lend me some, I don't want much." Fu Jiaxu said.

Fu Jiaxu said, see Xue Jieyu some hesitation, heart secretly scold Xue Jieyu how so selfish.

In the last game, she was short of food, so she went to someone else to borrow it.

As a result, now it's his turn to ask her to borrow it, and she won't like it.

"Didn't you ask Ye Fei for the ingredients in the last match?" Fu Jiaxu said again, "you should be most aware of the anxiety and sadness of lacking food materials. I'm just thinking about the last game. You know how I feel, so I came to you. "

"You have experienced that kind of mood. I don't think you will refuse me, will you?" Fu Jiaxu said, "you have been helped. You can also feel this kind of mood. Are you sure you can help me, too?"

Fu Jiaxu's meaning is really clear.

If you don't help, you're not good.

He gave Xue Jieyu a big moral hat.

Huo Jiarong's fierce temper almost hit Fu Jiaxu's face with firewood.

"What's his face? It's wrong not to help Xue Jieyu. " Huo Jiarong said, "help others, help Fu Jiaxu? I feel like I've been fed shit

"It's not a man, forcing a little girl like this. It's not a matter of materials. But gave him, oneself this in the heart cannot pass. If you don't give it, you'll be put on a moral point and scolded. " Hua ciyue spat, "it really makes me sick."

"Originally I was just disgusting Chen Zhengping. I didn't expect that Fu Jiaxu was more disgusting than Chen Zhengping." Shang Heyue said, "no wonder they have such a good relationship with Ding Ruyun. They are all female watches."