Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 548

"Yes, and although Ye Fei seems to have many kinds of spices, she pays great attention to the proportion and how many spices she puts." Ye Huasong explained.

"For example, rosemary has a strong flavor, which can easily cover up the flavor of other spices, so just a little bit can cover up the fishy smell of chicken."

"Although the pepper is slightly spicy, the spicy taste of fresh pepper is not as strong as that of dry pepper, so we need to put more. Fragrant leaves can increase the sweetness and aroma of meat

"Because basil is not heat-resistant, ye Fei turns it into mud. It should be used as a sauce to match dipping." Ye Huasong analyzed.

See ye Fei will fill the spices, and then add some of the small fruit she picked along the way.

Small fruit has green apple, small is not much bigger than table tennis.

This kind of immature apple tastes sour and not crisp.

But ye Fei picked some.

It's just right to put it in the chicken now.

Finally, he turned the chicken's feet around and put them into the chicken fart. He just blocked the opening.

After that, it was wrapped with Indocalamus leaves.

In order to avoid the soil from the Indocalamus leaves in the crevice, ye Fei package is very careful.

She didn't dare to wrap it too thick for fear that the heat of roasting would be difficult to get in.

We can only be careful of the stacking.

Finally, it can be tied up with fine roots.

Mix the water in the soil and wrap the Indocalamus leaf chicken.

Wait for all done, ye Fei looked at the time, it's almost time to start baking.

Then he picked up some dry branches and went to the gathering place.

Because at the end of the competition, there are still judges to taste one by one.

So, in the end, the players have to focus on one place to cook together.

Ye Fei came to the gathering place and found that many people were there. She came late.

"Ye Fei!" When mi Ruoyun sees Ye Fei, he immediately waves to her.

Xue Jieyu was also very close to miroyun at this time.

There are people from Changping college around.

Probably because of knowing Ye Fei's little secret, MI Ruoyun feels closer to Ye Fei.

Nice to meet Ye Fei.

Ye Fei also passed.

Ye Fei just sat down and saw Huo Jiarong come back with a bone chopping knife.

In the hand is also carrying a handle, plucked duck.

Ye Fei looked around and everyone chose the chicken and duck.

"I saw the lambs." Li zhexin said, "but look at the lamb's eyes wet looking at me, and still don't know anything, I can't do it."

"Me too." BA zhekai nodded, "I met Li zhequan, the lamb we met first. But neither of us had the heart to do it, so we decided to go on walking and see what else we could find. I don't think the competition could just let the lambs go

"I thought, if I can't, I'll see if there's any fruit and make a dessert. I just can't bear it. " Shang Heyue said.

"Although we are all cooks, we usually cook meat. But it's not like seeing life. " Huaciyue trembled, "even if you send me a whole dead sheep that has been skinned, I don't care. But if I bring a living sheep, I can't help it. "

Both men and women don't have the heart.

That's why they all chose chicken and duck.

If you have to kill, you'd better choose the smaller one, the more common one.

The men are better.

But for ye Fei, these female players, even chickens and ducks, have caused a lot of pressure on them.

"Jiarong, you also choose the duck?" Asked miroyun.

Huo Jiarong nodded: "it's no problem for me to kill ducks, but for cattle and sheep, I'm still almost there."

"It's about time we started cooking." Zeng Jieyun reminds a way.

"By the way, it seems that Fu Jiaxu hasn't come yet." Yu Yingyan said.

Although Fu Jiaxu was not present, Zhou Junhao still gave him a white eye: "whatever he does."

"So it is." Yu Yingyan said with a smile, "I just want to gloat."

"Keep your voice down. There's a camera. Take care of your image as a generous gentleman." The group raised its forehead and said.

"Then why are you so loud?" Zhou Junhao asked the group.

"I just want to remind the camera brother to come and shoot him." The team said again.

Although they are not idle, they are already busy with cooking.

Everyone chose a free space.

At this time, Fu Jiaxu finally came back.

He looked a little embarrassed, with two legs of sheep in his hand.

BA zhekai's eyes fell on Fu Jiaxu's two legs. His eyes narrowed slightly and hissed.Hearing his voice, Li zhexin followed him.

"Oh Li Zhexian sneered directly.

They did not have the heart to kill the lamb, did not expect or could not escape Fu Jiaxu's hand.

Hua Ci's cold face and cold voice said: "mutton tastes like mutton. It needs careful seasoning. What's the use of his leg? "

"Probably found that we are all choose the chicken and duck, he chose a different food, can stand out from it." Yu Yingyan said sarcastically.

"Didn't he hear ye Fei's analysis?" Xu aoliang raised his eyebrows and said, "did you find a lot of spices by your own eyes? Otherwise, he wants to win just by the salt in his bag? "

"Who knows, have a look." The group looked at Fu Jiaxu from afar and said in a cold voice, "maybe he thinks we only have salt."

In addition, Fu Jiaxu was a bit disheartened.

It doesn't look as good as anyone else.

He was the last one to arrive. Now, all the players are here.

Fu Jiaxu also brought many branches, thick and thin.

He put up the branches, which seemed to be ready for the fire.

All the people pay attention to it.

Fu Jiaxu took salt out of his bag.

Then, he drove the leg of the lamb to the branch and ignited it.

Prepare to sprinkle salt while baking.

Because the leg of mutton is thick, Fu Jiaxu worries that he doesn't have enough time to taste it before baking.

So just bake and sprinkle salt.

The roasted oil will fall off and take away some salt.

He roasted and cut the leg, then let the salt penetrate deeper into the mutton.

If the roasting temperature is good enough, the mutton smell will also be improved.

Fu Jiaxu is proud in his heart.

These people are just hypocritical and don't have the heart to kill lambs.

That's the right way to be a chef?

Haven't they ever cooked mutton?

What kind of green tea are you going to be here!

It's a game, not a joke!

Fu Jiaxu thinks confidently that those who choose ducks don't know what to think.

Duck is very fishy and fat. It's not the same as mutton.