Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 547

"Moreover, there are some unknown small leaves in it, which look like weeds." Said Anne.

"Indeed, if you don't have a very detailed understanding of these ingredients and plants, it's easy to miss them." Luo Jialin said, "the test of this competition is the players' adaptability, and the understanding and mastery of all kinds of food materials."

"In fact, the competition did not mean to embarrass the players." Guowenbo explained, "after all, this jungle is also made by the saifang, not a real jungle."

"If you're really in the wild, don't mention chickens, ducks and spices. It's hard for you to find wild vegetables. But here, the match side has put all these things in a great place

"For example, the spices discovered by the contestants before, and the leaves that look unimportant but can be of great use, their growth conditions are actually different. They are all temporarily transplanted by the competition side for the convenience of the players. "

"In such an environment, in fact, these plants can not last for a few days." Guowenbo explained.

"To put it bluntly, this competition is tantamount to prescribing limited ingredients for players, testing their eyesight and mastery of various ingredients and characteristics. This is the most basic skill a qualified chef should possess. "

"If the observation is not careful enough, or even those ingredients are not recognized, then in this game, there will be no competitiveness."

"In the restaurant, because they all have their own supply channels, they are ready-made. But if no one brings you ready-made things, let you see their original appearance. If you don't even know these, you don't have to be a cook. "

"There's nothing less to offer from the players. As long as you can find out, you can make a decent dish. " Ye Huasong said.

"I think ye Fei did a good job in this." Ann said with a smile.

"She first found out that the environment she was in was not really wild, and then analyzed that it was specially prepared by the racing team. Because of this premise, we can observe carefully later and find the ingredients and spices that many players need. "

"If they didn't have these premises, they might not be able to carefully observe the humble plants under their feet, which are the materials they need." Said Anne.

"That's right." Lowell nodded and pointed to the big screen.

At this time, the big screen just switched to Fu Jiaxu's side.

"Look at Fu Jiaxu, because at the beginning of the game, he was impatient and prejudiced against Ye Fei, so he thought Ye Fei was deliberately delaying time to harm them. Fu Jiaxu left first and didn't hear ye Fei's later analysis. " Said Lowell.

What he said was obviously on Ye Fei's side.

But Lowell doesn't care, whatever the audience thinks.

Anyway, he's telling the truth.

"Up to now, Fu Jiaxu has only caught a duck. He has not found any spices, only a small bottle of salt in his bag." Said Lowell.

"If he can't find it, I'm afraid he can only make roast duck or salted duck today." Ye Huasong guessed.

And ye Fei went to pick a few Indocalamus leaves.

"What is this Indocalamus leaf usually used for?" Ann asked again.

Luo Jialin replied: "Indocalamus leaves are grown in the south, mostly used for making zongzi. Southerners like to eat meat dumplings, with Indocalamus leaves package dumplings, dumplings will bring a touch of bamboo fragrance, but also the role of greasy solution

"I guess Ye Fei wants to wrap the chicken with Indocalamus leaves." Gu Changfeng said, "probably I want to be a beggar chicken."

"After all, the conditions are limited, and the competitors have not prepared any utensils for the players. There were only matches in the bag, and then knives. We can only use local materials and choose some primitive methods. " Guowenbo explained.

Sure enough, as the judges analyzed, ye Fei returned to the artificial stream.

First, use her multi-function knife to clean the chicken's internal organs.

Cut off the chicken fart.

Basil and oregano will be turned into mud, because the conditions are limited, but also not how delicate sticky.

Mix with chopped garlic to make a sauce.

Then use the mouth left after cutting off the chicken fart and stock to put in the fresh pepper, thyme and a very small amount of rosemary.

"Eh, what is Ye Fei taking now?" Asked Anne.

She is not a special host of food programs, but prefer entertainment programs, often hosting variety shows and major parties.

Usually, I seldom cook. I only know some common dishes in the supermarket.

As for spices, they are packaged and labeled in supermarkets.

If you take off the label, Ann Hein doesn't know which is which.

Not to mention this fresh, unprocessed one.

"Look, this leaf is very common, just like the oval leaf with sharp ends that you usually see on the roadside. Can it be eaten?" Ann asked curiously.

"This is the fragrant leaf, which is the laurel leaf that we often hear about. We usually buy processed dried fragrant leaves. We usually make some bittern at home, and we also like spicy duck neck, which will be added with this seasoning. " Ye Huasong explained."My God, it seems to me that it's a common leaf. How did ye Fei recognize it?" Ann Haiyin sighed.

"This is the test of a chef's basic skills. It's very basic to recognize all these spices. " Guowenbo said.

"Can all the students in Changping college recognize it?" An Haiyin asked guowenbo again.

"Of course, since they are basic skills, they must recognize all these in the first semester. No matter what state it is, even if it's ground into powder, you can't see its original appearance. You should be able to recognize it just by tasting it. " Guowenbo can not hide some pride.

Otherwise, how can the students of Changping college be proud of the food industry?

"It's worthy of Changping college." An Haiyin timely boasted.

Then ye Fei put the fragrant leaves into the chicken.

"This is..." An Haiyin saw Ye Fei take out another plant like a flower.

The petals on it look small, like tiny wild flowers.

The photographer immediately came up with a close-up to make it clearer.

"This is cumin." Gu Changfeng said.

"What did cumin look like?" Anne was surprised.

"Yes, you see, she peeled off one by one, and there were cumin seeds inside." Gu Changfeng explained.

Ye Fei peels out a handful of cumin and puts it into the chicken.

Luo Jialin said: "in the simulated field environment, there are too many restrictions, so there are not enough conditions to marinate and deodorize the chicken first. I think ye Fei put so many kinds of spices, but also want to use the flavor of spices to cover up the fishy smell of chicken itself